The maximum percentage of deduction of alimony from wages. Features of keeping child support from salary

Collecting child support in a judicial proceeding with an irresponsible parent can be quite simple. It is most difficult for the mother of the children to ensure that the former spouse actually helps his offspring and pays monthly money for their maintenance.

Very often, many women whose husbands do not want to take part in the lives of common children are wondering how much is the maximum percentage of deduction of alimony from wages? Here everything will depend on how many minor children are dependent on their parents. Read more about all this in this article.

A little about the main thing

father does not want to help his child

The law establishes a certain amount of deduction of alimony from the payer's earnings. Thus, an unscrupulous parent is obligated to pay at least 1/4 of all his income for one child, for two children - this amount will already be 33%, for three children and more - 50% of earnings.

Nevertheless, in certain situations, when an unscrupulous parent does not transfer alimony to his children for a long time, the deductions from his earnings can be increased up to 70 percent. This is quite fair. If the father of the children did not work anywhere for a long time and owed a decent amount of money for child support, then after his employment, he is obliged to pay off the existing debt.

Based on what deductions are made

judicial recovery

In order to legally receive child support, the parent with whom the children live (most often with the mother) is required to go to court to recover funds for the maintenance of the babies. If a woman knows the place of work of her ex-husband, then it is best to write a statement to the court to issue a court order. It will be much faster.

In the event that the latter does not know where her former husband lives and works, then she needs to file a lawsuit to recover child support from her father. Then, already with the writ of execution apply to the bailiffs. Bailiffs themselves will find the payer of alimony and forcibly recover funds from it for providing children.


man received court decision on alimony

How much is the maximum percentage of deduction of alimony from wages? This is a very topical issue that interests many citizens. If we turn to the norms of family law, we can see that up to half of all his income (i.e., 50% of earnings) is kept from the payer for the maintenance of three or more children. But, in certain cases, the amount of deductions can be even higher (up to seventy percent). This is typical for situations where the payer of alimony for a long time did not transfer funds for the maintenance of his children and he had a debt on enforcement proceedings. In such a situation, the bailiff decides to withhold 70% of the funds for the payment of debt on alimony from the earnings of the irresponsible parent.

How many alimony for 2 children is required to pay the parent who does not live with them? This is a very interesting question. If a notarized agreement on the payment of alimony has not been drawn up between parents, this amount is 33% of the salary. This rule is recorded in the RF IC.


former spouses with a notary

Many women who raise their children alone after a divorce from a spouse very often ask themselves how child support is calculated from the payer? Everything will depend on how much is fixed in the writ of execution. If the document says that the father must pay child support in the amount of 1/4 of all his income, then the accounting department of the organization to which the writ was sent will keep this part of the latter’s earnings.

The maximum percentage of deduction of alimony from the salary of the parent who is obliged to pay alimony cannot be higher than that established by law. Here again, it must be said that for three or more children, this amount cannot be more than half of all payer incomes. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to say that the bailiff in certain cases makes a decision to withhold even 70% of earnings. Therefore, it is best for parents to help their children voluntarily and not create unnecessary problems with the law.


father spends time with children

Here, once again, I would like to answer the question of how much is the maximum percentage of deduction of alimony from the payer’s wages. This will depend on certain factors, namely:

  • the number of minor children who need financial support from both parents, and not just from the mother or father;
  • timeliness of making payments (if the payer has arrears of alimony, he is obliged to pay it off);
  • the financial situation of the debtor (for example, the father’s earnings do not correspond to the amount that he is obliged to pay to the children by decision of the judicial authority, therefore, according to the statement of the latter, the court can change the amount of alimony, or reduce it because the payer has other maintenance dependents) ;
  • the presence of a notarial agreement or a court decision on the basis of which child support is withheld.

The best way

It is good when the spouses keep friendly relations after the divorce, and the father voluntarily helps his children. In this case, women do not have questions about how much child support for 2 children must be paid by the parent who does not live with them under one roof. However, this is very rare in practice. After all, most often after a divorce, the former husband and father of the children does not want to provide financial assistance to their offspring, moreover, he may have another family. Thus, women can only sue and collect forcibly alimony from the ex-spouse.

child holds out his hands

Nevertheless, people who voluntarily help their children themselves determine the amount of their material support, buy them things and food, and pay for educational institutions. From the point of view of law and morality - this is the best option. After all, parents must help their children until they come of age.

Small characteristic

How many percent of wages are child support? This is really a very topical question, which is often asked by many young women raising children alone after a divorce from their husband.

So, according to the norms of family law, from 25 to 70% of the amount can be deducted from the wages of the alimony.

Many citizens are also interested in the question of why there is a certain limit to child support deductions in the law? This is due to the fact that the payer's income should be sufficient not only for the material support of his children, but also for its maintenance. After all, a parent who does not live together with his offspring, but who pays money for their comfortable existence, must also eat and dress.


In this article, the answer was given in detail to the question of what percentage of alimony for three children is provided for by the legislation of our country. Currently - this amount is 50% of all available income of the payer. However, this amount is not final if the parent has a large child support debt.

Unfortunately, many fathers do not even want to communicate with their children after a divorce from their former spouse. Thus, women are forced to independently raise their babies, teach them, dress and feed.

Even if a father pays alimony for three or more children, this does not mean at all that this amount is enough for their full material support. Especially if the latter has a small income.


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