Panicle hydrangea: decoration of any garden!

Hydrangeas - amazing in beauty and variety of plant species, belong to the hydrangea family, numbering up to 100 species. Most species are shrubs from 1 to 3 meters in height, the rest are low trees and creepers, climbing to a height of 20-30 meters. Hydrangeas exist both deciduous and evergreen, but cultivated in the temperate zone are deciduous. Plants are grown because of beautiful large inflorescences as ornamental, in gardens, on mixborders, in containers and tubs, which can be brought into the house for the winter and taken out into the spring.

One of the most popular hydrangeas in horticultural culture is, among others, panicled hydrangea. This is an exceptionally beautiful ornamental shrub with large (30 cm long and 20 cm wide) pyramidal inflorescences densely covering the plant. It blooms very plentifully, from the beginning of summer to the month of September. At the beginning of flowering, they are greenish, they gradually turn pink, turning in the fall into a reddish color. In the pink stage, hydrangeas can be cut to make dry bouquets. To do this, cut plants are dried up hanging down inflorescences in cool rooms, about 2 weeks, after which the flowers can be stored for several years without changing the shape and color.

Panicled hydrangea can grow for more than a dozen years in the same place, growing into beautiful lush bushes. Shade-tolerant, but grows and develops better in open places, with sufficient sunlight. The plant is hygrophilous, painfully tolerates overdrying and does not like calcareous soils. Good hydrangea blooms can be obtained with timely and proper pruning. Strong shoots are cut off, leaving on each 4-8 well-developing buds that interfere with each other, as well as weak and small shoots are completely removed.

Panicle hydrangea propagates by layering, cuttings, and occasionally by seeds. The seeds of the plant are very small, they germinate unevenly and can bloom only for 3-4 years. Plants grown from cuttings are not frost-resistant, therefore it is better to keep them the first winter in cold rooms, in pots. The second winter, the plant can winter in the ground, however, at this time it must be insulated. In spring, the bushes are cut, leaving 6-8 buds on the shoots, from which strong shoots appear in the summer, blooming at the ends. The third winter panicle hydrangea can winter without shelter: it becomes cold-resistant and does not freeze. Fast growth, unpretentiousness and frost resistance make this type of hydrangea a favorite among the rest.

One of the most beautiful types of panicle hydrangeas is panicle hydrangea Vanilla Freyz, It is a low shrub (up to 2 meters), with a crown in adulthood up to 1.5 m, abundantly blooming with large pink inflorescences. The inflorescence is very similar to a strawberry ice cream cone with whipped cream. At the beginning of flowering, the flower is all white, over time, the bottom is painted in raspberry color, and the top remains white. The leaves of Vanilla Freise are dark green, ovoid, rough, without a pronounced autumn color. For abundant flowering requires 2/3 spring pruning. Demanding on moisture and soil fertility. Perfect for both group and single landing. It blooms most beautifully in summer.

Another decorative form of hydrangea is panicled hydrangea, Sunday Freise. Its crown is widely spreading, the height of the bush is up to 2 meters. The flowers are panicle inflorescences reaching a length of 30 cm, from the beginning of flowering they are white, and eventually turn pink. The plant needs fertile and moist soil, feels best on acidic soils. Recommended annual spring pruning before the growing season. Photophilous, but grows well in partial shade. Winter hardy (withstands frost up to -25 Β° C).

Hydrangeas can be affected by gray rot, downy mildew, hydrangea virus and various fungal diseases that cause stains on the leaves. Of the pests for plants of this species, spider mites, weevils, pointed bears and aphids are dangerous. Problems with pests and diseases greatly reduce the decorativeness of the plant, weaken flowering and can lead to its death, therefore it is important to monitor the condition of your pets and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.


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