The cat needs proper care after sterilization

In veterinary medicine, cats are sterilized quite often, and most of these operations take place without complications. Surgical intervention is necessary if the animal has such serious diseases as a tumor of the uterus and ovaries, inflammation of the uterus of a purulent nature. In addition, sterilization is carried out in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. During estrus, cats behave inappropriately: they often show aggression, shout loudly, become restless, etc. Carrying out this simple operation allows you to get rid of such manifestations once and for all. Some owners believe that it is better to use contraceptives, but prolonged use of such drugs is dangerous for the pet, because they can cause hormonal disorders.

Such an operation should be carried out in the first year of life, when the animal is fully formed. This usually occurs at the age of eight months, but in some cases it can drag on to one and a half years.

After sterilization, the cat will need care. The speed of her recovery depends on how correct it is. In advance, you need to prepare a box in which the animal could sit freely. An oilcloth should be put on the bottom, because at first involuntary urination is possible. From above spread an old sheet or other rather soft fabric. The box should be on the floor, because the coordination of the movements of the operated animal will return to normal only after 24 hours.

When the cat gets home after sterilization, it will need to be put in this box and covered so that it is warm. After the operation, your pet's ears, limbs and tail will be very cold, but this should not be scared. After anesthesia, the cat experiences severe chills, and it will not be superfluous to put a heating pad with warm water next to it, and in winter put the box closer to the battery. Soon, the main reflexes will begin to gradually recover. During the first day, the cat sleeps almost all the time, because anesthesia disappears. Sometimes at night the pet begins to cry, but experts do not recommend taking it into their pastel. The best option is to pet the cat so that it calms down, and wait for the moment when the animal falls asleep again.

In the evening of the first postoperative day, it will be necessary to treat the seam with alcohol, and then this procedure should be carried out daily. After sterilization, the cat must undergo antibiotic therapy to avoid postoperative complications. Most specialists use a drug of prolonged action, so the owner of the animal will need to make only two subcutaneous injections.

So that the cat after the operation does not damage the stitches, they always put on a blanket on it. Usually animals do not like to wear this product because it fetters their movements. But it should be worn until the stitches are removed, which usually happens on the 10-12th day. The blanket must be washed as it gets dirty, so two should be purchased at once.

After sterilization, the cat will not be able to immediately drink and eat, because the swallowing function and intestinal function are not restored immediately. After about five hours, you can put a bowl filled with water. Feeding is recommended to start no earlier than a day after surgery. First, the cat is offered soft food, and the portions should be small - literally 2-3 teaspoons. Dry food in the first week should be excluded from the diet.

In cats, after sterilization, the metabolism slows down a little, and the appetite, on the contrary, increases markedly, which can cause obesity. To prevent this, the diet should be made taking into account the recommendations of the veterinarian and in no case overfeeding your pet.


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