How does an ordinary Arab sheikh live?

Who are these rich and wise rulers, mega-successful entrepreneurs of the Middle East, happy owners of billions of dollars worth of wealth, and the world's largest investors? They are neither more nor less than Arab sheikhs. Who are these people? How do Arab sheikhs live? It is about them that the article will be discussed.

arab sheikh

Captivating East

When thinking about the East, wealthy rulers and their lives, one of the most popular Disney cartoons, Aladdin, comes to mind. I recall this expensive decoration of the rulerโ€™s palace, countless rooms with a diverse design, undisguised wealth, and most importantly, unlimited possibilities.

There is nothing in the world that they could not get, because the most important tool is constantly growing capital, they have in their hands all the material goods belonging to them and their families and having the ability to multiply at an incredible speed and on a massive scale. But all this is not a magical story invented by Disney screenwriters, but the realities of the life of the sheikhs of the United Arab Emirates.

sheikhs of the arab emirates

Who are the sheikhs

The very word "sheikh" means "elder", "head of the clan" or "minister of the highest Muslim clergy." Arab sheikh - the title of ruler of the emirate and members of his family. In Arab countries, it is inherited or assigned to particularly worthy Muslims. Sheikhs are required to be able to interpret the Qur'an and lead a highly moral lifestyle in accordance with its laws.

Sheiks of the middle east

The titled persons in the East are a very wealthy noble elite. It so happened that the largest oil fields, generating billions in revenue, were concentrated in the countries of the Middle East: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc. How can one not make a billion state here? But one should not think that the income of the Arab sheikhs is entirely dependent on the sale of oil. A significant share of profit is made by investments in the country's economy and international investment.

So, the Arab sheikhs are the richest people with remarkable intelligence and gigantic ability to work; wise rulers of states, raising the standard of living of their people, but at the same time not forgetting to increase their own condition.

The fact that the President of the UAE has forgiven some of his citizens for loan debts by simply paying them himself speaks of the highest level of well-being and concern for the population of his country.

sheikh hamdan


How are the sheikhs of the United Arab Emirates entertained ? Government management leaves a little free time, but unlimited financial opportunities allow you to have your own quirks and hobbies, often developing into business. Participation in Formula 1 races led Sheikh Maktoum to create his own project of motorcycle races โ€œA-1โ€. One of my favorite hobbies is horse riding and, of course, thoroughbred Arabian horses, purchased for fabulous sums and living in luxurious stables. Traditional entertainments in the form of collecting exclusive cars, yachts, palaces, antiques and gold jewelry are replaced by more exotic ones: the creation of artificial rain in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. And if an Arab sheikh is passionate about football, then he immediately buys a club, and a European one.

how do arab sheikhs live

Family life

It is not customary to spread about the personal life of sheikhs in eastern countries. According to Sharia law, they can have a harem, that is, several wives. And becoming a wife of a sheikh is any dream, because a husband presents them from head to toe, highlighting each in the palace and providing them throughout his life in marriage. But how the wives live: social life or in complete isolation - completely and completely depends on the nature of the rich spouse.

The Arab sheikh pays great attention to the education of sons, because the title and position are inherited by seniority, and the next generation will have to rule the state. It is by this principle that the famous Sheikh Zayed left the title of Emir of Abu Dhabi and his fortune to the current President of the United Arab Emirates.

rich arab sheikh

First President - Emir Zayd ibn Sultan Al Nahyan

Zayd - the heir to Sheikh Sultan, successfully led Al-Ain, the ancient city of the Emirates, then later headed the largest emirate of Abu Dhabi, which became the capital. In 1971, out of all the existing emirates, six emirates merged into a single state, called the UAE (later another one was added to them), and Zaid, the ruler of Sheikh Abu Dhabi, was elected president. His wise leadership allowed him to remain in this post for almost 33 years.

The development of oil and gas in the territory of the Emirates was carried out by the British, for which she was paid emirs pennies. The rich Arab Sheikh Zayd after his election redistributed income, of course, in favor of his country. The well-being of citizens began to grow sharply. During the presidency of Sheikh Zayed, the desert land of the Bedouin nomads turned into a green paradise for billionaires. Giant amounts were invested in the educational system, agriculture, and construction. Sheikh was also engaged in charity work: the construction of mosques, the opening of a large number of medical institutions and other things. In 2004, Arab Sheikh Zayd died at the age of a venerable old man, leaving his successor a fortune of over twenty billion dollars and a prosperous country.

Zayed Ibn Sultan Al Nahyan

Golden youth of the UAE

They have been preparing for the coming rule of the state offspring of a noble family since childhood, they study at the best eminent foreign universities, and then they are introduced to political and economic activities.

A prominent representative of the golden youth of the UAE is Sheikh Hamdan, the son of Sheikh Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE.

A noble background, a fortune of more than $ 18 billion, a bachelor status and a charming smile make him one of the enviable suitors of the whole world.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum gained his deep knowledge in the UK, and upon returning to his native land, he began to take part in state policy. His connections with the female sex are covered in mystery, we must not forget that he is a sheikh and crown prince and is obliged to lead a moral lifestyle. But hobbies are not hidden, and they are all truly royal: beloved equestrian competitions, where the prince received the gold medal of the World Equestrian Games; Falcon hunting; motorcycle racing "Formula 1". Fashionable entertainments that increase the level of adrenaline are not alien to him: diving, mountain climbing, parachuting. Another Arab sheikh is engaged in photography at a professional level. And of course, poetry. This is the passion of many sheikhs. The young billionaire holds key positions in the political sphere of Dubai, is engaged in charity work, in particular, being the patron of the Dubai Autism Research Center and the head of the sports committee.


Sheikhs of the United Arab Emirates are wise businessmen. Their wealth is not only the merit of their ancestors. This is the result of thoughtful and correct business strategies, huge investments that have been crowned with success and have brought multimillion-dollar profit. Realizing that the oil resources are not unlimited, they carefully derive the country's economy from dependence on black gold, betting on real estate, tourism and sports - all that the Arab sheikhs love and invest fabulous sums with pleasure.


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