Alexey Isaev, historian: biography, books

Isaev Alexey Valerievich is a well-known Russian publicist and writer, whose work is always popular and, without exaggeration, have undeniable value. To a greater extent, the author writes on military-historical topics. Almost all of his work is devoted to the study of ambiguous moments in the conduct of the Second World War.

Ambiguous work of a publicist

Alexei Isaev is a historian who has published many books about the war. His most famous works were books about Georgy Zhukov, as well as publications in which he debunked the myths created in the works of Viktor Suvorov.

Alexey Isaev - historian

Aleksei Valerievich Isaev, whose reviews about books are sometimes ambiguous, quite often falls under criticism for the fact that, without a specialized historical education, he allows himself to reassess the most important historical events. Despite such attacks, there are loyal readers who are looking forward to his new publications.

Biographical data

Alexey Isaev, whose biography began in Uzbekistan, was born in 1974. He spent his childhood in Tashkent. Since 1981, he studied at the local city school No. 190. Then the Isaev family moved to Moscow, where Alexey continued his studies at Moscow school No. 179.

Alexey Isaev, biography

The future publicist received higher education at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. Isaev chose the faculty of cybernetics and studied at the department of systems analysis. In 1997, he successfully completed his studies.

Since 2000, Alexei Isaev, a historian without a specialized education, has actively studied documents in the main Central Archive of the Russian Federation. He also worked at the State Military Archive of the Russian Federation. For three years, starting in 2007, Alexei Isaev worked at the Institute of Military History at the Ministry of Defense. And already in 2012, he became a candidate of historical sciences, defending his thesis on the conduct of hostilities by the South and South-Western fronts of the USSR in 1941.

Isaev Alexey Valerevich

At the moment, Alexei Isaev continues to actively engage in scientific and literary activities. In addition, he works as an engineer in the telecommunications sector.

The origin of interest in history

In his interviews, Alexey says that a serious interest in history as a whole and in various historical events, which are not always interpreted in accordance with reality, originated in him after watching the film “Hot Snow”. It also follows from the words of the publicist that at one time his acquaintance with Mikhail Nikolayevich Svirin, a domestic technology historian, influenced the decision to become a military historian. After graduation, Isaev Alexey Valerievich begins to work actively in various military archives.

Alexey Isaev

In 2004, the publishing house "Yauza" published the first works of Isaev as an author. His debut book was devoted to criticism of the author, writing about the war under the pseudonym Viktor Suvorov. The second book, published in the same as the first one, in 2004, was “From Dubno to Rostov” —a work on the fighting in Ukraine in 1941.

Bibliography of a publicist

Alexey Isaev, whose books are not published in large editions, has a number of his devoted readers. Basically, they are lovers of history and a non-standard interpretation of known facts. At different time periods, Alexei Isaev released the following works:

  • “Antisuvorov. The big lie of the little man. "
  • “Berlin on the 45th. The battle in the den of the beast. "
  • “Antisuvorov. Ten myths of World War II. "
  • "Boilers" of the 41st. The history of the Second World War, which we did not know. "
  • “George Zhukov. The last argument of the king. "
  • “A short course in the history of the Second World War. The offensive of Marshal Shaposhnikov. "
  • "From Dubno to Rostov."
  • “Breakthrough of the Mius Front (July-August 1943).”
  • “Stalingrad. There is no land beyond the Volga for us. ”
  • “The battle for Kharkov. (February-March 1943). "
  • “When there was no suddenness. (The history of the Second World War, which we did not know). ”

Myths debunked by the work of a publicist

The criticism of Isaev was the first to include the works of V. B. Rezun, who writes about the Second World War under the pseudonym Victor Suvorov. In addition, much work was done by the publicist to restore little-known facts about German aviation, as well as about controversial moments in the conduct of air battles between the Nazis and the Allied forces.

Aleksei Isaev mainly tries to dispel myths about the war, which were once spread by the Soviet government and popularized with powerful propaganda and movies that went to mass screenings.

Stalin's Blitzkrieg

The legendary offensive of the Soviet troops and the triumph of the Red Army, called the Stalin Blitzkrieg, was also investigated in detail by Alexei Isaev - Operation Bagration became one of the main topics for its study, which the historian devoted a lot of time to.

Alexey Isaev, operation Bagration

In his works, the publicist examines in detail the little-known causes of the German defeat and talks about a number of previously unrevealed Soviet failures that preceded one of the most successful maneuver operations in the entire Second World War.

The destruction of the aviation legend

It is known that the success of military operations largely depends on aviation. In his works, this man studies in sufficient detail the history of the air forces of both fascist Germany and the USSR Air Force. Aleksei Isaev writes a lot about the 54th Luftwaffe squadron and, in general, about the features of the III Reich fighter aircraft.

leksey Isaev about the 54th Luftwaffe squadron

One of the allegations that Isaev is trying to refute with his works is a statement in the literature and films that the victory over Germany and the complete destruction of enemy troops, including aviation, belong entirely to the USSR. Referring to a number of archival documents, Aleksey Valerievich states that for the most part, the Allies, namely the British Air Force , were engaged in the destruction of the Luftwaffe . Soviet troops with honor entered Berlin, destroyed the Wehrmacht, but at the same time did not miss the chance to ascribe to themselves the merits of the British fighters.

The lie about the complete destruction of Soviet aircraft on the first day

In almost all Soviet history textbooks, information was posted that Germany attacked the USSR and in a few minutes completely defeated the aircraft that did not expect an attack. Due to the lightning attack of the Nazis, Soviet aircraft did not have time to fly into the air and turned into wreckage, falling under the attacks of German bombers, while on the ground.

Isaev writes that the Soviet leadership did not quite correctly illuminate this situation. In fact, the complete destruction of Soviet aircraft did not occur in a matter of minutes, but continued throughout June 22. German bombers sometimes made 8 raids on the same Soviet air base for several hours.

As a result of such attacks, the South-Western Front of the USSR lost about 16% of its aircraft, and the Western - about 70% of the aircraft. It’s wrong to say that the Air Force was completely defeated in a few minutes. The surviving aircraft took an active part in air battles in the border areas, the battles were very intense. The further defeat of the USSR and subsequent losses were the result of a loss in air battles, and were not the result of the fact that the planes were destroyed on the ground, not having the opportunity to even take off.

Hidden miscalculations of intelligence

For a long time, the reasons for the defeat of the Soviet Union in the early stages of the German invasion were considered to be that our troops were left without communication on the first day. Alexei Isaev, a historian who studied this issue, refutes such allegations. He says that many documents of that period confirm the existence of a connection between our army.

There is recorded evidence that on this day the Soviet communication delegates traveled through their territory using trains and armored vehicles. According to archival records, on the fateful day of June 22, all information was transmitted normally, just the Soviet troops underestimated the threat. The fact that on the 22nd day not all the necessary information came to those who were waiting for it on time is more likely a miss of intelligence than a technical reason for the lack of communication.

Unjustified criticism of Stalin

Each era has the ability to rewrite history in its own way and interpret certain facts at its discretion. The odious personality of Stalin was no exception. The man, whose worship by the Soviet people during the war is difficult to underestimate, began to be sharply criticized after his death. Given the authoritarian style of government, the terrible repression and the legendary purges, this criticism, of course, is justified.

Alexey Isaev, books

In his books, Isaev advocates Stalin as commander in chief of the Soviet troops and refutes the accusations against him that began to appear during the Khrushchev era. Rumors began to spread that on June 22, Stalin was so discouraged by the German attack that he had a stupor. There was a version that he, in complete misunderstanding of what was happening, went to his country house. There, allegedly, Yosif Vissarionovich spent several days, and all this time he refused to take any decisions.

Alexei Isaev in his publications completely refutes such a version, since there are archival documents signed by Stalin, dated both June 22 and the following days of the outbreak of war. One of the main decisions he made on the first day of the German attack was the signing of a decree on urgent mobilization. Initially, it was planned to call about 3.2 million people. Based on the decision made by Stalin in the middle of the day on June 22, this figure was significantly increased. People of 14 ages were drafted into the army, and such an extensive military draft turned out to be fatal. It is known that both the fascists and the allies were struck by the endless human resource that the Soviet Union used to obtain the long-awaited victory.


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