The Save and Save Gold Ring is not just a decoration

For many years, rings with the words "Save and Save" have been popular. Now we are not talking about fashionistas who just love jewelry. We will talk about the more spiritual.

What kind of product?

save and save the golden ring

Such rings are considered guard. They have been amulets since ancient times. From ancient times they were sold in monasteries. And from the beginning of the 19th century, such rings began to be made by jewelers and sold in their shops.

Every Christian wears a pectoral cross - this is a common occurrence. It is not a decoration, it is a symbol of faith. Such an amulet protects and guides the true path. We can safely say that for believers the ring “Save and save” is the same symbol of faith and is equated with a pectoral cross. They treat him with the same respect and love.

The traditions of the Orthodox Church allow the use of Save and Save rings instead of wedding ones in the wedding rite . Priests welcome the popularization of the above products. Why? Yes, because they call for prayer and temple attendance. And thereby to responsibility and humility.

Today you can buy such things, not only made of silver, but also made of gold. It is worth noting that the “Save and Save” rings for men practically do not differ from women. Their only difference is that the models for girls are more elegant and sophisticated.

Ring "Save and save." Price

silver ring save and save

Such products are different. When choosing, you can focus entirely on your taste, as they come with or without patterns, of different widths and different weights. It all depends entirely on the manufacturer. In any case, you will find the ring of your dreams!

Having decided on the model, you must decide for yourself whether you want a ring of gold or another metal. After all, not only the appearance, but also the price of the product depends on this. For example, a silver ring “Save and save” can be bought for only 5-10 US dollars, well, of course, this will be the simplest option. The more refined the product, the higher the price.

If your choice fell on the Save and Save gold ring, you will have to pay a slightly larger amount. Price will start at $ 50.

How to wear the product?

save and save men's rings

If you are not a believer, and the ring is nothing more than a beautiful jewelry trinket for you, then you can wear it the way you want. A ring without faith does not have any power and is not considered a talisman. Remember that this product is not a toy or an element of style. If you still decide on such an acquisition, you should know on which finger you need to wear the ring. The answer is very simple. Christians are baptized by folding three fingers of their right hands. It follows that wearing a guard ring is necessary on the right hand, namely on one of these three fingers.

But if you are married or planning to get married, you are allowed to wear it on your right hand, namely on your ring finger, together with or instead of a wedding ring. It is worth noting that people who are not married and are not officially married should not wear this thing on their ring fingers, as this is considered a sin.

It has long been the custom that the most powerful talisman is precisely the silver ring “Save and Preserve”. Pay attention to the metal. It is famous for protection from evil spirits. But don’t worry if you choose the Save and Save gold ring.
Such a product will also protect you, because the main thing is faith in the soul. Another thing to add is that your ring must be consecrated in the church. In difficult times, you can turn to him for help, and be sure that it will help you resolve the most unusual and complex situations. If the golden ring “Save and save” is not sanctified, then it will be equated simply to an ornament that has no power.


Do not forget that this ring should be treated with care and with special respect. Do not be upset if you lose the “Save and Save” ring - this does not threaten you with any consequences. Well, if you want to give it to a loved one, then do it easily and naturally. The main thing - do not regret your action. The only thing that cannot be done with the ring is to allow someone to remove it from your finger. This is your product, therefore, and only you can remove it.

Who can wear a ring?

save and save ring

A silver or gold “Save and save” ring can be worn by any believer, regardless of his age, nationality or skin color. The main thing is that he be Orthodox. You can give a ring to any Christian - a child, a godson, a loved one or just a friend.


Summing up, we can say that it doesn’t matter if you save and save the gold ring or the silver ring. The main thing is the mental attitude and understanding of what it is for you for. Nobody forbids to buy a ring inlaid with stones, the main thing is to consecrate it in the temple. Wear and be happy!


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