How to wean from breastfeeding your baby.

Sooner or later, breastfeeding should stop - this is inevitable. But what if the child categorically refuses to unlearn a breast? Many mothers face a similar problem, but there are still several ways to help solve this problem.

For many mothers and their babies, weaning from breastfeeding is natural and completely painless. The kid gradually begins to show interest in the food that adults eat, and gradually begins to eat healthy and satisfying food for him. The more nutritious is the food that the child consumes, the less his need for human milk. However, some children simply refuse to wean themselves from breastfeeding, and mothers have only one problem in their minds - how to wean their baby from breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding should not be abruptly stopped. From a sharp change in what is happening, the children are confused, they lack the familiar environment and all this together can cause severe stress in the child. An alternative to this is to reduce the amount of breastfeeding during the day. You can try to wean from breastfeeding, replacing breastfeeding with a bottle of expressed breast milk. A gradual reduction in the time spent on breastfeeding will not cause discomfort in the child, especially if you feed the baby with the usual breast milk from a bottle. Over time, mother's milk can be replaced with a milk mixture.

Everyone knows such a situation when a child wakes up in the middle of the night and begins to cry, while his mother, trying to calm the child and put him to bed, gives the baby a breast. If you firmly decided to wean your baby from breastfeeding, it would be better if the baby's father or one of relatives will calm the baby at night. Mom in this situation is better to be near. You should be patient and be persistent. In the end, when the baby is finally weaned from breastfeeding at night, mom will be able to fully sleep at night.

Now a little about how to wean older children, those who already perceive your speech, and can respond to the words of the mother from breastfeeding . Starting to wean the baby from the chest, tell him that you will breast-feed him only before bedtime, or when it gets completely dark on the street. When the first stage is completed, you can completely stop breastfeeding. Tell the baby that he is already quite an adult, and that adults are eating porridge, and turn the attention of the child to milk formulas. Weaning from breastfeeding is not an easy process, however, the more persistence you show, the faster the baby will lose interest in the breast.

It is important to remember that in babies the emotional stress caused by the abrupt cessation of breastfeeding can be severe. Try to replace the baby’s attachment to the chest with a gentle hug, make up the baby’s emotional dependence on breastfeeding with other positive emotions that help him feel the full power of your love. Weaning from breastfeeding does not mean depriving a baby of something, it’s just a new stage in your life and you need to get used to it.

During this period, mother in no case need to forget about herself. Giving the child all his time and attention, it must be remembered that the physical pain or malaise that the mother feels is ultimately transmitted to the child. Take care of your health if you feel discomfort in the chest during the termination of breastfeeding, express milk and give the baby in a bottle or cup. To reduce milk production, try a simple folk way that women have long used in this difficult period. Roll the leaves of white cabbage with a rolling pin and attach to the chest for 15-20 minutes. This procedure must be repeated at least twice a day. Cabbage leaves relieve inflammation, soothe and help reduce milk formation.

If you are still tormented by the question of how to wean a baby from breastfeeding , use these simple recommendations and you will surely succeed.


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