Didactic games in the middle group. Didactic games in the middle group in mathematics

Mathematics is known to be the queen of sciences. She will accompany the baby everywhere and everywhere. Therefore, didactic games in the middle group in mathematics are extremely important. They will help the child develop the first elementary skills in this area. First you need to remember that all knowledge begins with some elementary tasks. Therefore, didactic games in the middle group of a kindergarten in mathematics will be based on the study of figures, forms, their properties and understanding how this or that figure can be composed.

“One, two, three - find it!”

All material will be presented in a playful way, which will certainly help educators and children. The first is to entertain the kids, the second is to absorb the material and remember it well. Remember that to conduct didactic games in mathematics, you need to prepare handouts.

The game should teach children to form the image of the given figures and show how to use them in the process. Prepare one-color pyramids with a large number of rings (preferably more than eight). There should be several such pyramids (3-4 of each color).

didactic games in the middle group

Now about the course of the game. All children sit in high chairs in a semicircle near you. Next, lay the pyramids on the tables, mixing the rings. On the table in front of the children, put two pyramids and disassemble them. After, give each baby a ring of the same size and ask them to find a pair for him. Tell the children: “Look carefully at your rings. Try to remember their size and color, so as not to make a mistake. " In case of difficulty with the answer, invite the baby to go to the finished pyramid and compare all the rings. You need to start the search only when all the kids say: “One, two, three, find it!” When the child has chosen a ring, he must attach it to what remains on his stool. If he made a mistake, he is allowed to reform - come back again and choose a new ring.

"Find me"

During the game, the child must develop the ability to quickly find a specific figure and call it, while distinguishing between color and size. Prepare about 20 geometric shapes in different sizes and colors. It is desirable that each child has such a set separately. Next, tell the children what shape they should show you. For example, a small blue circle, a large green triangle, and so on. The game is quite short, but it will cause a storm of positive emotions in children. In addition, it will help them in their development.

The Magic Square

didactic games in the middle group in mathematics

The game develops children's color perception, the ratio of the whole and the part. In addition, it forms logical thinking and the ability to break complex tasks into simple components. Prepare for each baby a set consisting of 36 colored squares measuring 8 x 8 centimeters. At the same time, make sure that all shades are noticeably different from each other. After that, cut the squares. On each part write the number (on the back). After that, give the kids tasks:

A) Arrange the pieces by color.

B) By numbers.

C) Fold a single square out of pieces.

D) To come up with new types of squares.

It is very important to use all kinds of shades of various colors.

"What is missing?"

The game is aimed at developing logical thinking in children of the middle group of kindergarten. It will help children who are already more or less able to count and distinguish numbers by spelling, to consolidate the knowledge gained. To do this, prepare cards with different numbers. Let's say from 1 to 10. Several sets. Remove from the main one, which you put on the table, a few numbers, mix the remaining sets. Ask the children what is missing in the row. After that, invite the kids to find those numbers that are not there and put them in the appropriate places.

didactic games femp middle group

Such didactic games in the middle group in mathematics will greatly facilitate the life of children in the future. In addition, it is these game processes that will serve as a good start to knowledge of science. That is why didactic games are so important. FEMP (the middle group is the time for this) should occur along with the development of other skills in children.

Improving speech

Children's didactic games in the middle group for the development of speech are no less important than mathematical ones. It is at this age that the child begins to speak well and clearly, which means that due attention must be paid to mastering the mother tongue. Didactic games in the middle group in pictures found quite widespread use. They help kids learn the basics of speech. Such visual aids will be deposited in the child’s head for a long time.

"Friends from the Garden"

The game helps to develop speech and gain knowledge, ideas about the world. Systematization of children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits is being formed. In addition, children learn to express themselves correctly and be responsive, help when needed.

To conduct this game, prepare any doll that will personify the hero, models of various fruits and vegetables, a basket, a picture of the garden. Also find 2 pots, scales, cash, bag of the buyer. It is advisable to dress up two volunteers as a cook.

Show the children the picture of the garden and discuss it. Focus on fruits and vegetables. Next, show the children a doll and say: “Let's help the doll arrange fruits and vegetables in pots for soup and jam!” Children will have to go to the table on which fruits and vegetables will lie, put them in baskets and take them to pots. At the same time, two volunteer cooks will help the children. After the kids have finished their work, ask them to use the helpers to talk about the fruit / vegetable that they put in a pan.

"Toy Store"

This game helps to familiarize children with the outside world. In addition, it serves as a continuation of the formation of knowledge about the colors and sizes of objects, helps children distinguish and name toys. To do this, you will need to prepare pictures with images of toys: cars with vans of different colors, pyramids of different sizes, but the same color, dolls in different dresses, balls and so on.

didactic games in the middle group for speech development

Make an entire toy store out of images. Then invite the guys to go to it. Next, tell the child to select one picture with the image and describe it: “What did you buy? What is your car? Is the van big or small? ” If the child is at a loss to answer, help him. This game can be beaten well at home.

"Who-who lives in a small tower?"

Didactic games in the middle group for the development of speech also contribute to the development of concepts about the world, help children understand the differences between wild and domestic animals, and also contribute to the development of concepts about where this or that animal lives. They form a careful attitude to the animal world.

Prepare picture cards with images of animals (domestic and wild) and their habitats. After that, lay out all the images on the table and invite the children to find their house for each animal in order to save it from the cold. If the baby is mistaken, help him - name the place where this animal lives, and the child will have to find him.

Ecology is the basis of life

In the past, little time was devoted to ecology in children's development. But now people have realized that environmental development plays an important role. It helps to make an impression of the world in the children's mind. What didactic games in the middle ecology group can be used? Now we will tell.

Ecological Path

This type of ecological game will help children of the middle group of kindergarten learn plants. In the process, concepts about medicinal herbs, trees, flowers, fruits will be formed. In addition, the game will help children see the beauty of nature and teach the rules of behavior in the forest. The “Ecological Path” also teaches children to convey impressions in drawings about the world around them, using elements of applications. It also helps to develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, imaginative thinking, love of nature and everything around.

In order to conduct this didactic game, prepare illustrations of medicinal plants, fruits, flowers, game zones "Forest", "Glade", sound recordings with the voices of birds, the noise of foliage, wax pencils, glue, brushes, paints, paper and blanks-applications of different animals from colored paper.

didactic games in the middle group on ecology

Put the children in a circle. Start recording with the voices of birds. Talk with the kids after listening where you can hear such voices. After that, ask the guys if they know what the birds eat. Do not be afraid to tell the guys. Explain that in order for the birds to sing in the garden, you need to guard all the flowers there. Ask if the kids know how to protect the flowers. If not, tell me. If someone starts trying to explain the rules to you, help the child. Without a doubt, the whole middle group will be passionate about such an activity. Musical didactic games are very interesting for children.

Call the kids to the Polyanka game zone. Ask what kind of flowers they see there. Explain that plants can treat people. Ask about what a medicinal plant is. If the children cannot answer, try to help them. At the end of this part of the game, tell the children how to properly care for the trees.

Next, take the guys to the territory of "Forest". Start sound recording with foliage noise. Ask the kids what kind of trees they see and how to distinguish them. Further, learn from the children about whether they know on which tree the fruits grow all winter. If the answer is no, help, tell me that it is mountain ash. Ask which tree is decorated once a year. Make a riddle: “The Russian beauty stands in a clearing, in a green blouse and a white sundress” (the answer is “birch”).

Show the children pieces of paper, paints, crayons, pencils and animal figures. Invite the children to make pictures of where they visited today and what they saw, using the knowledge they gained about the world around them.

Training Options

middle group musical didactic games

Didactic games in the middle group in ecology are entertaining and informative. You can successfully use the "seasonal" entertainment. These include, say, didactic games in the middle group on the theme of "Autumn." It is at this time of year that children become even more interested in the street, where everything around has changed.

Remember that didactic games in the middle group are an important stage in the development of children, during which the kids prepare for a new stage in life - primary school. Now let's talk about what autumn game can be held with children.

"Autumn rug"

This didactic game helps children to learn about the world around them in the fall, to form all the necessary knowledge for the development of imagination and logical thinking, to form vivid impressions of how the world around looks in autumn. You will need paper, glue, pencils, brushes, paints and good weather. Invite the children to go outside to explore the world around them in the fall. Focus on trees and their leaves. Invite the kids to collect the fallen colored leaves to make a beautiful picture of them later.

After returning to the group, put paper, paints, brushes, crayons, glue in front of the children - all that is needed for creativity. After that, ask them to compose the composition of the autumn yard or nature using the collected leaves. Help the kids if they don’t succeed.

didactic games in the middle group on the theme of autumn


Didactic games in the middle group are interesting, informative and useful. They will certainly help children in the future. Indeed, it is precisely in childhood that the concept of “game” is associated with cognition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4196/

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