Symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns and its treatment

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns are a phenomenon that occurs quite often, because it is one of the most common pathologies. Of course, pleasant in this state is not enough for both the baby and his parents, however, even if you notice disturbing symptoms, you should not panic: umbilical hernia practically does not threaten the health and life of the crumbs. However, the sooner you notice problems, the better. So, what are the most common symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns ?

symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns
1. Turn the baby upright. Even if the parents hold the child in their arms, you can see an unusual protrusion of various sizes and shapes in the navel.

2. If you gently touch your fingers on the belly of the crumbs, you will immediately feel the edges of the umbilical ring, as well as the protruding soft part of the hernia itself, which can easily go further into the peritoneum.

3. When a child cries or is in a state of stress (for example, during a bowel movement), the navel, as well as the areas around it, acquire some swelling.

4. The diameter of the umbilical ring seems too wide, and even as the child grows, its significant reduction does not occur.

umbilical hernia in newborns symptoms
Of course, this is not all the symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns. Children, as a rule, begin to behave uneasily, can sleep and eat poorly (due to pain in the tummy). As a rule, parents who have already learned to feel good about their child and notice in time that the baby is worried, causes him discomfort, quickly respond to alarming signs.

Why does umbilical hernia develop in newborns? The causes of the occurrence and development of this pathology can be different. Often, a hernia is congenital, hereditary: in this case, problems arise due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the abdominal wall. For example, the umbilical muscle ring can be weakened, sometimes the protrusion of the peritoneum occurs due to poor development of connective tissue (especially often this happens in children who were born prematurely).

In addition, umbilical hernia can be acquired. It occurs due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, or frequent flatulence. One of the reasons can also be muscle strain.

umbilical hernia in newborns causes
Now let's talk about how umbilical hernia is treated in newborns, the symptoms of which cause great concern in young parents. The general strengthening methods of treatment include regular gymnastics and a special massage (it is best if your pediatrician teaches you how to do it). Exercises in water also have a good effect.

Massage and other procedures, as a rule, are performed after the umbilical hernia has been repositioned using a special adhesive plaster. Here, again, it is better for the doctor to do this, however, the mother herself can cope with this task by consistently following all the recommendations.

In infancy, an umbilical hernia, as a rule, passes by itself. But older children sometimes may even require surgical intervention. However, doctors resort to such measures only if some complications develop and only after the child reaches 3 years of age.

Now you know what symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns exist, and how such pathologies are treated.


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