Seeds "Ural summer resident": reviews, varieties and hybrids

The issue of choosing high-quality planting material does not lose its relevance throughout the year. Enthusiastic about the garden and the garden, people are looking in the vastness of the Web and in stores for old proven varieties, picking up new hybrids. The modern market offers a huge amount of planting material from different manufacturers, and they all make high-profile promises of an excellent harvest, beautiful flowers, etc., it will be possible to judge the reliability of some of them only in the fall.

Not bad proved among gardeners - both amateurs and professionals - the seeds of the company "Ural summer resident". You will find reviews about them, information about the manufacturer, grades, etc. later in the article.

About the seeds

seeds ural summer resident reviews

In 2015, on the occasion of its 76th birthday, the Sortsemovoshch company released a series of seeds called the Ural summer resident, which was given for a reason. All planting material is specially selected and adapted for the conditions of the risky farming zone. This is a series of hybrids and varieties that give an excellent harvest even in the most unfavorable summers (harsh Ural climate). Moreover, as you know, it is not only cold and rainy, but also dry and very hot, and is also characterized by sharp changes in temperature during the day.

Note that the seeds of the “Ural summer resident”, reviews of which you will find later, annually before the new planting season pass quality checks (germination, purity, energy, humidity, etc.) at the Federal State Institution Rosselkhoztsentr in the Chelyabinsk Region. All products of the company meet the requirements of GOST and also has an affordable and attractive price. The latter is achieved through direct sales, without intermediaries and resellers.

Vegetable seeds from this manufacturer are divided into four groups, extensively represented by various varieties and hybrids, differing in ripening time, fruit size, color and shape.

Vegetables from the "Ural summer resident"

The simplest and most affordable is the first group. It includes varieties and hybrids known in the "garden world". All of them have long passed the test of time, and therefore are in demand and loved. Those who choose seeds "Ural summer resident", reviews about them leaves extremely favorable, noting not only good germination, but also claimed high yield. Buyers are pleased that the plants are adapted for difficult climatic conditions. However, they are used not only in Siberia and the Urals, but also in the Moscow region, the middle zone of Russia, where they show themselves even better.

seeds of the company ural summer resident reviews

Of the tomatoes, buyers note the following: “balcony miracle” (red, gold), varieties of “bull’s heart”, “lady’s finger”, “Spanish” (red, gold, pink, giant, dark raspberry), “Ural giant”.

The second most popular vegetable after tomato in our country is cucumber. Without it, no garden would be considered complete. "Ural summer resident" offers self-pollinated and pollinated by bees species, varieties of Dutch and domestic selection. Hybrids “German F1”, “Dasha F1”, “Zozulya”, “Masha F1”, as well as “prestige” are in demand on the market.

Lovers of sweet and hot peppers can also safely choose the seeds of the “Ural summer resident”. Reviews about the hybrids of this vegetable are not numerous, but positive. Like other crops, it has a good growth rate and stable fruiting. Gardeners recommend paying attention to the long-known varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper: “hero”, “Bulgarian”, “giant F1”, “Heracles”, “Denis F1”, “California miracle”.

Vegetables from the Siberian Series

The second group of seeds is the Siberian Series. The company decided to expand its product range to include varieties and hybrids with even higher resistance to extreme weather conditions. All of them give a stable and guaranteed harvest.

“Altai” (red and orange), “fighter”, “budenovka”, “cow’s heart”, “demids”, “mandarin”, “bear footprint” - these are all “Siberian” seeds of tomato “Ural summer resident”. Reviews of gardeners are full of positive emotions about the beloved line of "club-footed bear" (yellow, raspberry, red, orange, pink). This variety is super-yielding, mid-season with high resistance to disease. Also popular is the "seedlingless" tomato ("sprint-2"), which does not require the formation and garter, is not affected by late blight.

The series appealed to vegetable growers, attention was attracted not only by tomatoes, but also by sweet peppers (“bull’s heart”, “magnificent century”, “golden anniversary”, “bear in the north of F1”, “Siberian F1”, “extreme”, “Siberian felt boots F1 ”), cucumbers (“ Altai ”,“ blizzard ”,“ Tolyan F1 ”,“ sorcerer ”), eggplant (“ Siberian precocious 148 ”,“ Vera ”), white cabbage (“ Alexandra F1 ”,“ dot ”) , carrots (“Altai sugar”, “Siberian chantane”), watermelon (“early sugar”, “very first”, “chill”).

Professional Seed Series

ural summer gardener premium seeds reviews

The company recently launched the Professional Seeds series. "Ural summer resident" (reviews in the text) is actively developing and offers its customers a better product. It is these seeds that are used in greenhouse plants, farms. Almost 100% are F1 hybrids , showing high yield and disease resistance. The price of such planting material is an order of magnitude higher, so in reviews you can often find doubts about its purchase. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that the technology for producing such seeds is more complex, multi-stage, but the results often exceed all expectations. They can be distinguished by the specific packaging of black color marked on the margins "Professional Series".

Ural summer resident: premium seeds

Reviews of the so-called premium seeds are very mixed. It should start with the fact that the series was launched relatively recently, but is widely represented: from tomato and pepper to dill and radish.

premium seeds ural summer resident tomato reviews

They are expensive compared to simple seeds. On average, one bag will cost 150-160 rubles. This is despite the fact that it contains only 5-6 seeds of tomato or cucumber. It is not surprising that not everyone can afford the seeds of the premium class “Ural summer resident”.

Tomatoes reviews are positive. Negative feedback is mainly due to the fact that the crop of cucumbers is not the same as stated in the picture. Not always the reasons lie in the dishonesty of the company. Firstly, there are times when fake seeds go on sale, so we recommend that you purchase them directly from the manufacturer. Secondly, strictly follow the rules and recommendations that are given regarding the planting and care of each particular hybrid or variety, as this is of fundamental importance.

Of course, it is worth at least once to try the seeds of the premium class "Ural summer resident". Tomatoes reviews have earned a very supportive. Pay attention to the hybrids “female share”, “red guard”, “marina grove”, “noble fat man”, “meteorite”.

What else does the “Ural summer resident” have?

tomato seeds ural summer resident reviews

The choice of seeds at this company is not limited exclusively to vegetable crops. You can buy almost everything you need for your garden in her official store. Vegetables are represented by all traditional crops adapted to the climate of the Urals, including beans, fennel, asparagus, tobacco, daikon, sunflower, chard, squash and squash, beans and aromatic herbs.

The Ural summer resident has a large selection of flower seeds, both annual and perennial. Among them, you will find not only the usual variety of zinnia and asters, phlox, but also exotic, rare plants.

In addition, the seed producer offers its customers mycelium of mushrooms: ceps, boletus, boletus, butter, chanterelles and mushrooms.


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