Save Water - Save Your Future

The tradition of saving water for one reason or another exists in almost every corner of the globe. Today, on the planet, 0.6-1 billion people are thirsty. And the forecasts for this state are disappointing. About 15 billion people will live somewhere in 15 years in conditions of “moderate and severe water stress”. Our country ranks second in terms of renewable water reserves after Brazil, which may lead to the fact that the territory will again become the object of military encroachments, as has already happened more than once.

save water

The worst situation with water is in Africa, which is associated primarily with climatic conditions. According to the UN, about eleven million people are “not finished” here. The population is forced to conserve water so that in some areas, farmers are forced to massively slaughter cattle, which has nothing to drink. So hunger is added to thirst.

In Europe, and more recently, in our country, due to an increase in utility bills, the desire to gain additional savings resulted in the installation of water meters in a number of apartments. These mechanisms calculate how many cubic meters "took" per month, after which payment is made per one liter. By reducing or increasing the number of cubic meters consumed, you can save or spend more money on utilities. Also, the correction of water pressure, which in some houses is set at a very high level, can help reduce utility costs.

water flow meter

Interesting research by Russian users who learned that the water flow from the tap is about 18 liters per minute, and in the shower - about twenty. These indicators can be reduced if water flow controllers (PBP) are installed in the mixers. For example, RVR from 2 to 9 liters of water flow per minute are produced. At the same time, it is considered to be comfortable to use at least 6 liters per minute for a tap and 9 liters of water per minute for a shower. Of course, these devices will save water only if meters are installed.

In addition, a device such as a water flow meter is designed to support resource consumption optimization. It takes into account how much fluid (or other substance) passed through the pipe over a period of time, including with the calculation of this parameter for each specific use. It is believed that increasing the accuracy of measurements by a percentage or a fraction of a percent on an industry-wide basis will ensure a significant economic effect. However, in Russia, housing and communal services employees are not particularly keen on this.

water meters

The situation is completely different across the ocean. The United States of America and a number of other Western countries have learned to conserve water, not only directly, but also indirectly. Many do not know how much water is spent on the production of a product. To get synthetic fiber in the amount of one ton, it is necessary to use 3500 tons of water. To get 125 ml of wine, you need 120 liters of water (including watering grapes on the plantation and the entire technological cycle), and cheese production requires 5000 liters of water. Therefore, developed countries strive to transfer a number of industries beyond their borders, preserving natural treasures, among which pure drinking water is, of course, the first place, only because we are largely composed of this substance and are unable to live without it for a week.


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