Ficus Benjamin: leaves turn yellow and fall. Elimination of the causes of diseases

Indoor plants have always given freshness and comfort to our apartments and houses. Ficus is a small tree that can delight the eye with its lush greenery all year round. The natural habitat of this plant is the tropics and subtropical forests, however, looking after it is quite simple.

Ficus Benjamin leaves turn yellow

Ficus Benjamin is especially popular : he is very beautiful and unpretentious. But sometimes its leaves can begin to turn yellow and fall. There are a number of different reasons why this can happen. The very first thing you need to pay attention to is the soil. It should not be too wet, as this can cause leaf death. Optimal temperature (especially in the cold season), the absence of drafts and adequate lighting also play a large role. It often happens that a sharp change in conditions has a bad effect on Benjamin's ficus: the leaves turn yellow and fall, the roots begin to rot, and uncharacteristic spots appear on the tree. There are quite normal processes that affect Benjamin's ficus. The leaves below are turning yellow and falling? Do not worry. Like any other plant, it needs to renew foliage.

Lack of fertilizing can also affect the state of health of the tree. It is important to choose such a tool so that it provides the Benjamin ficus with useful substances as much as possible. The leaves turn yellow along the edge, and then crumble - it means that the plant does not feed, as it should.

ficus benjamina leaves turn yellow

With insufficient air humidity, drying out of the soil or burns from sunlight, the ficus leaves begin to dry, and then fall off. In time, identify and eliminate the causes of signs of drying out of the leaves!

It should be noted factors that can harm the health of the plant:

1. Negative effects can be caused by insufficient air humidity and temperature changes, this can affect Benjamin's ficus. The leaves turn yellow and fall, a spider mite has appeared - here you have the consequences of improper maintenance.

2. Over-irrigation of the soil and stagnation of water can lead to the death of the plant. The roots of the tree can begin to rot.

3. Do not forget about where the ficus of Benjamin comes from. The leaves also turn yellow and fall due to a lack of water in the soil. The tree becomes weak and lethargic.

4. Various plant diseases can cause watering with cold water and poor lighting levels.

indoor plants ficus

There are some simple care rules that will help you enjoy your favorite plant longer:

1. Ficus Benjamin is very fond of sunlight, but it is worth considering that direct rays can damage his foliage. It is recommended that the plant be placed on windows facing east.

2. Stick to medium humidity. During the heating period, it is advisable to spray the plant more often.

3. In the summer, the tree needs to be fed. Once a month, mix fertilizing with water and fertilize the soil in a container where ficus grows.

4. Timely transplantation, which should occur every year, preferably in the spring. The drainage layer must be fairly thick so that a balanced moisture exchange occurs. Some time after the procedure, the plant may discard foliage.

These few rules will allow you to avoid problems with Benjamin's ficus and ensure his health for a long time.


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