Is it comfortable to sleep on the ceiling: how do astronauts sleep on the ISS?

After a long day's work, there is nothing better than going to bed. Sleep is an important part of a person’s life and a process, without which not only the brain’s work is disrupted, but over time all other vital functions. That is why even in space, proper sleep is given due attention.

So how do astronauts sleep in space? Do they spend a “night” rest in free flight on the ISS or fasten their sleeping places and themselves to something? Are conditions of weightlessness helping or hindering them? How astronauts sleep on the ISS, photos of berths, as well as the work schedule can be seen below.

Earthly curiosity

We, ordinary people, have always been interested in every aspect of cosmonaut life in space. All their actions, from research to personal hygiene, cause a lot of curiosity. Like many other routine actions performed by them in low gravity conditions, sleep on the ISS is significantly different from the usual sleep on Earth, so we are very interested to know how astronauts sleep.

A busy schedule of work, physical and psychological stress, frequent sunrises and sunsets, radiation and many other aspects of life in the Earth’s orbit affect the quality of rest, as well as how astronauts sleep in space. Photos and videos of NASA and other sources demonstrate unusual for us, earthlings, sleeping conditions.

Uncomfortable sleeping on the ceiling ... or not?

sleep in zero gravity

The pressurized cabins and compartments of the International Space Station are perfectly ventilated, providing astronauts with the same air as we breathe on Earth at sea level. This is very important for relaxation, because in a dream it is very easy to suffocate with exhaled carbon dioxide.

In addition, rest in zero gravity is not quite common for people. On the ISS, it’s impossible to just put the mattress on the floor and go to bed. Not only the sleeping astronaut will go on a slow free voyage through the space station, but also the unattached mattress will go after him.

Due to the fact that under the conditions of low gravity there are no familiar concepts of “bottom” and “top”, astronauts can get an overnight stay anywhere, even on the ceiling.

Sleeping places

Most ISS crew members sleep in private cabins or rest modules. There are also specially equipped sleeping cabins, similar to showers, where the sleeping bag is attached to the wall with special straps. The differences between these sleeping cabins from personal cabins are that they are soundproofed.

To ensure the most effective rest, the astronaut should well "pack" before going to bed. It is advisable to do so in order to avoid involuntary movements of the arms and legs in zero gravity. In fact, astronauts swaddle themselves tightly in a sleeping bag before falling asleep.

Trouble sleeping

sleep on the ISS

Since the ISS flies around the Earth several times a day, astronauts can watch the sunset and sunrise as much as 16 times in 24 hours. This unique spectacle is breathtaking and disrupts the familiar circadian rhythm that the body and brain on Earth are accustomed to. Violations of this rhythm can lead to sleep problems, so astronauts strictly adhere to the daily routine and try to sleep 8 hours a day.

Lack of sleep can adversely affect not only cognitive functions, but also overall health. Poor rest can lead to fatigue and mood swings, as well as metabolic disorders, heart disease and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, not to mention inattention and poor concentration, which, in turn, entail accidents at work.

Astronauts use a number of tactics in order to provide themselves with the most effective rest. It is interesting that some of these tricks can be taken by ordinary earthlings who encounter insomnia.

The right approach

Knowledge is power! Studying what factors influence a healthy sleep can greatly facilitate the process of adapting to new environmental conditions, even as radical as weightlessness and 16 sunrises and sunsets per day.

The astronauts must receive the necessary amount of physical activity (there are several sports simulators on the ISS), try to limit interaction with electronic devices several hours before bedtime, get the necessary amount of nutrients and try to observe the usual earthly circadian rhythm.

Scheduled Sleep

astronaut sleep schedule

Synchronizing the sleep schedule with the circadian rhythm of the body helps astronauts prevent insomnia and fatigue. On Earth, where the body is naturally acclimatized to a 24-hour day, this is much easier than in space, where the sun rises 15-16 times a day. For the first few days or even weeks, astronauts should make an effort to adhere to their usual sleep schedule. This is not easy, especially considering that, in addition to the beaten circadian rhythm, they need to get used to other complications.

Each astronaut has his own work schedule, which clearly spells out time for rest, advice on diet and the amount of necessary physical activity.

Optimum sleeping conditions

how astronauts sleep in space

The ISS developers have made and continue to make every effort to ensure that the astronauts have a comfortable stay at the space station, no matter how long it may be. This also applies to ensuring a healthy, uninterrupted sleep.

Personal astronaut cabins allow them to isolate themselves from the rest of the crew as much as possible, which ensures effective shift work.

Other controlled environmental factors that affect crew sleep on board the station include temperature, lighting, ventilation, noise, and special straps that allow astronauts to fasten their sleeping bag and sleep in one position.

Natural and artificial light

astronauts sleep in space

The International Space Station revolves around the Earth every 92 minutes. Thus, crew members observe about 16 sunrises and sunsets per day. This constant change of day and night negatively affects the circadian rhythm of the astronauts body. To minimize this negative impact, effective artificial lighting is used on the ISS.

Therapy and Drugs

Despite the fact that the space station is located 400 kilometers from Earth, ground support works 24 hours a day, and it includes qualified psychologists who can help astronauts deal with insomnia. In addition, crew members can always resort to the help of medications. The ISS has its own mini-pharmacy, which is more like a first-aid kit for all cases. It contains drugs containing melatonin - a natural hormone that helps to sleep, as well as more effective sleeping pills. The astronaut's reaction to each drug contained in the ISS medicine cabinet is checked before departure to orbit.


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