Cheap dog breeds: list, breeds, sizes, description with photos, conditions of care and maintenance

Sometimes such moments in life come when you want to see a faithful friend nearby. And sometimes children beg for a cute pet, promising always, always to look after him. And sometimes you just want to fulfill your childhood dream and finally get a dog.

How much does it cost?

Becoming a dog owner is a cherished dream of many children and adults. You are already fantasizing about how you will scratch her ear, how she will lick your hands and how you will teach her how to bring slippers with a newspaper. For the sake of such a friend, you will not be lazy to get up in the morning and go for a walk, especially since walking is so good for your health.

Your children will be able to learn responsibility, and will also always be under the supervision of a loyal friend.

It seems to be solid pluses, but as soon as you start viewing ads for sale, you understand that the price of pets is not small at all and can really hit your pocket.

Do not be upset, there are the most inexpensive dog breeds that can appeal to both adults and children.


Few have heard of this breed. These pets came to us from China, and their popularity is only growing at the moment. You can buy this breed in any city, and the price usually starts from 8000 rubles.

The height at the withers of this dog is 28-32 cm, life expectancy is usually 10-13 years, and weight rarely reaches more than 8 kg. Thin and soft hair does not require special care and rarely causes discomfort to the owner.

This breed of small inexpensive dogs has established itself as one of the most friendly and kind. Pugs easily get along under one roof with children and other animals. They are unpretentious in food and do not need long walks along the street.

Dogs are quite lazy, which is why they are often obese. It is unlikely that this breed will become a reliable guard of your home, because for pugs aggressive behavior is completely uncharacteristic. As a rule, they are equally friendly to their households and to complete strangers.

Pug breed

Dwarf poodle

Curly hair of this breed is recognized even by people far from the animal world. This smart dog was bred in France. Poodles are famous for their cheerful disposition and easy learning, so families with children prefer them. The price of a dog starts at 5,000 rubles.

The life expectancy of a pet is usually 12-15 years, and weight starts at 6 kg. A poodle's coat needs constant haircut and grooming. Moreover, it is advisable to comb the animal at least three times a week, otherwise the wool quickly crumbles and tangles.

This inexpensive breed of dog is famous for its kindness, energy and easy training. He is a good hunter and will always let you know if a stranger is approaching the house. The poodle is quite active and needs long walks on the street. These dogs get along well with children and become partners in any outdoor games.


This breed of dog is also called a small lion, and for good reason. Her long sparkling hair is immediately evident, and her behavior is proud and important. The price of this inexpensive dog breed for an apartment starts at 6,000 rubles.

Pekingese came to us from China. The growth of this dog is usually not more than 25 cm, and the life expectancy of 12-15 years. This pet is one of the oldest representatives of its kind, and often such a breed could be found in the royal chambers. Now the Pekingese are very fond of being kept in the apartment because of their compact size and pickiness.

This breed requires upbringing from childhood, often they are very proud and energetic, but infinitely devoted to their master. They get tired pretty quickly and are unable to take long walks. Dog hair requires daily combing and frequent washing.

Pekingese can become a guard dog, but the role of a pet is much better for them.

Pekingese puppy

Russian hunting spaniel

Pet lovers are especially sympathetic to this inexpensive dog breed. Spaniels are famous not only for their good nature and excellent hunting skills, but also for their unpretentiousness in care. You can buy such a pet for 4000 rubles.

As the name of the breed implies, the dog was first bred in Russia. The size of the pet belongs to the middle category, the weight of the dog starts at 13 kg, and the life expectancy is about 14 years.

Spaniels lend themselves well to training, for which they are very fond of being hired by police and military. Because of their instinct for hunting and the desire to be in the fresh air, walking with them should be quite lengthy. But for the hair special care is not required, just combing once a week and bathing 2 times a month.

Russian Spaniel


One of the most recognizable dogs, often photos of the breed of inexpensive and small dogs can be found on the main phone and computer screens. The price for them starts from 8000 rubles.

These dogs come from Mexico, they are very small in size, most often their weight does not exceed 2 kg. The height at the withers is about 17 cm, and the life expectancy is 12 years. Usually they are very cocky and ready to defend themselves, while the size of the opponent does not matter to them. They can live with other pets only if they recognize their leadership.

Chihuahuas are very attached to their master and rather painfully experiencing separation from him. This inexpensive breed of dog is ready to accompany you wherever you want, they easily tolerate a change of scenery and quickly adapt to the environment. They can completely do without walking, but without affection they become irritable.

They are easy to train, however, at first they will not forget to show their attitude to this occupation. Here you just need to stock up on patience and dainty, then any classes will be held with greater return.

Chihuahua breed

German Shepherd

It is one of the most recognizable dogs on the planet. It has long been living side by side with a man, helping him in hunting, searching, serving, guarding and much more. You can buy a pet for 4000 rubles.

German shepherd came to us from Germany. The dog has a life expectancy of about 10 years, weight more than 22 kg, and height from 55 cm.

It has established itself as a very inexpensive breed of dog. Photos or videos with her participation can often be found in videos, advertisements and films. These animals are always subject to their master, they are among the three most intelligent and obedient dogs. They get along well with children, can live in an apartment calmly, however, provided that there are enough walks and physical exertion.

Sheepdogs do not like loneliness, but they are ready to wait and not bark in vain. Dogs need human warmth and praise, in return they are ready to give all their devotion and love. Great guards for both small apartments and large suburban areas. All strangers are wary, but will never show aggression without cause. These pets will calmly sacrifice themselves, saving the life of their master.

Dogs are unpretentious in grooming, do not require constant water procedures. The main thing in food is to adhere to a balanced diet.

German Shepherd

Jack Russell Terrier

A pet with whom you will not get bored for a minute. They require constant physical activity and are great for active people.

The breed comes from the UK. The weight of the pet is about 6 kg, height not higher than 30 cm. They belong to centenarians and often live with the owner for 16 years.

Jack Russell Terrier needs affection and constant training. Their voiced barking, which helps so much when hunting, often becomes a cause of conflict with neighbors. This breed does not require special care, it is enough to bathe it periodically and show it to the veterinarian.

An inexpensive dog breed is a perpetual motion machine. They cannot sit still for long or just wait for something. They need to constantly participate in any games or tricks. Even knowing all the rules in the house very well, the dog can violate them specially, just to attract attention.

Pets get along well with children, but it is better not to settle them with other pets. This is especially true for mice, rats or hamsters. Do not forget that Jack Russell is a breed bred specifically for hunting.

Jack Russell Terrier

It is not necessary to start with the choice of a dog only on the price, it is also important to understand whether you can provide enough space and attention to the pet, and whether you have a budget for further expenses in the form of food, trips to the veterinarian, treatment and training of the dog.

It’s not necessary to spend crazy amounts on your pet. You can find a puppy who for some reason cannot participate in exhibitions, or go to a shelter. Often in such places there are well-known dog breeds that have lost their owner.

Having become the owner of an inexpensive breed of dogs, you can be sure that you are acquiring a faithful and devoted friend. It is unlikely that after the purchase you will recall the price. Moreover, the dog will always be ready to distract you from everyday thoughts and give a little of its warmth.


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