Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem "There is in the original autumn ...". "Crystal" fall of the poet

Philosophical Reflections F.I. Tyutchev about nature begins early, when he is not yet 20 years old, and will go through the poet’s entire creative life. In addition, he paints and simply poetic pictures of wildlife in a bright new language and pure colors. The nature of the poet is alive, it is spiritualized. It has everything: love, and language, and freedom, and soul. Based on this understanding of nature by the author, an analysis of Tyutchev’s poem "There is in the original autumn ..." should be carried out.

The figurative system of the poet

It is extremely flexible and combines concrete, visible signs of the world and the personal impression that this world makes on the author. It is worth reading the first leisurely quatrain, and a clear picture of the beginning of the Indian summer, many times seen and expected by all, comes before the reader's eyes.

Tyutchev’s poem analysis is in the original fall
The initial autumn is short, but the time is marvelous, that is, amazing and beautiful. There is a “crystal" day, in other words, of unusual purity and clarity, and, as it were, a transparent crystal covered and protected it. From what? This will be said at the end of the work. And the evenings shake with beauty - radiance (everything is permeated with the light of the ever-extinguishing evening sun, which in the evening does not want to leave the horizon, but lingers on it and colors its blueness with all the colors of sunset). It is necessary to write about this when doing an analysis of Tyutchev’s poem "There is in the original autumn ..."

Second quatrain

The fields are empty, there are no people who worked them, in a hurry they worked with sickles, to which the epithet “peppy” is applied, cutting the wheat, quickly harvesting. There was only the vast expanse from edge to edge, resting furrows and a thin cobweb that glistens on plants and, according to popular beliefs, means warm, long autumn and cold winter.

analysis of the poem is in the fall of the original tyutcheva
And the people noticed that the beginning of autumn is always connected with the flight of birds, therefore it is also empty in the sky (Tyutchev’s air is empty). The poem was written in the very first days of autumn, which the people subtly subdivided according to seasons: beginning, golden autumn, deep autumn, pre-winter, prime winter. All this can be reflected by making an analysis of Tyutchev’s poem "There is in the original autumn ...".

Last quatrain

The air was empty, as already said, and the birds were silent. Everything plunges into deep silence and peace, preparing for a winter vacation. But it is still far from the pre-winter, which will begin along with the autumn storms, approximately from the end of October. And while the sky is azure - this word means its incredibly gentle serene blue.

Tyutchev’s analysis of the poem is in the fall of the original

Thus, we can begin the analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, which speaks of complete peace reigning in nature and which is transmitted to the soul of a person who lovingly looks at the passing summer and autumn coming without sadness and anxiety, but only enjoying their beauty . Such is his emotional coloring and the theme of the poem.

The story of the creation of the poem

Fyodor Ivanovich returned to Moscow with his daughter Maria, who was seventeen at that time, from his village of Ovstug in the Bryansk province. On the third day of the journey, he dictated to the daughter the text of this poem.

Tyutchev’s poem analysis is in the initial autumn according to plan
The beginning of a pacifying autumn inspired the poet with wonderful lines about Russian autumn. In these years (50-60), he usually does not address the theme of nature, his poems are usually politicized, so it stands out from the general series.

Art trails

The epithets that the author uses become leading and important, creating the image of a subtle transition from summer to autumn. “Wondrous” autumn says goodbye to us, giving the last good days. “Crystal” in relation to the day emphasizes the fragility of its beauty and the special transparency of the sky. "Radiant evening" creates a particularly bright and joyful mood. This shows how to analyze the poem "There is in the fall of the original ..." Tyutcheva.

The antithesis can be seen in contrasting the now empty field with the fact that it was previously filled with reapers with sickles. The personification is the web, taught as "thin hair." Metaphor - pouring azure, warm and clean. Comparisons can be found after the words “how” or in the form of a instrumental case of a noun. This continues the analysis of Tyutchev’s poem "There is in the original autumn ..." In short, it remains to consider a little - a rhyme.

In the first two quatrains, a cross rhyme is used, that is, the first stanza rhymes with the third, and the second with the fourth. At the end, the rhyme becomes encircling - the first stanza rhymes with the last. Yamb creates a very musical rhythm.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem "There is in the original autumn ..." according to plan:

  • The author and title of the work.
  • The history of its creation.
  • Emotional coloring.
  • Topic.
  • Trails.

Reading this poem, you understand that the poet was able to reproduce all the colors and sound, in this case the complete silence of nature. His images are imbued with feeling and meditation, enclosed in a strict grace of form.


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