White Shepherd Dog. White Swiss Shepherd: character, photos and reviews

Are you looking for a reliable friend and a good companion who can save and protect? Then pay attention to the Swiss Shepherd. This dog can still serve (if necessary and with the right training) as a guide.

The white Swiss shepherd, the photo you see in our article, is very similar to the German one. All because they are the closest relatives. The only difference is the white color. If we talk about the working qualities of the representatives of the breed, then they are in the white shepherd the same as in the German, only in double amount. Let's talk in more detail about this dog.

A little bit about the breed

In essence, the white shepherd is a German shepherd that was intended for the shepherd's service. The unusual color of the animals made it possible for shepherds to easily distinguish dogs from predators that attack the herd. The white sheepdog was accepted as a tribal sheep.

The development of this breed is inextricably linked with the German.

white shepherd dog

The white shepherd became especially popular due to the fact that many famous people kept the breed in the sixties. For example, several of these dogs lived in the Rockefeller family.

In the seventies, these dogs were brought to Switzerland. There they began to breed. Soon, dogs were entered in the registers of various canine organizations as a separate breed. By the eighties, a white shepherd had spread throughout Europe. Already in 2002, representatives of the breed appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation. A year later, it was recognized by FCI (International Cynological Federation).

Despite the fact that the breed developed in Canada, as well as in the USA, another Swiss white shepherd was added to the old name. Do you know why? This is because neither Canada nor the United States have membership in the FCI. Note that in our time, it is the representatives of the Swiss breed that are the model of white shepherds.

Appearance of breed representatives

Now let's talk about what this dog looks like. The white Swiss shepherd, the photo of which is presented in this article, is an energetic, proportionately folded, muscular dog. The exterior is very similar to German. Life expectancy averages thirteen years. The white shepherd is distinguished by a straight straight back and a tight physique.

white shepherd photo

The height at the withers of the dog of this breed is on average 63 centimeters, and that of the female is 58-59 cm. The length of the body is slightly less. The weight of a female is about 30 kg, and that of a male is 35 kg.

The head is wedge-shaped, proportional to the body, strong, chiseled. The skull is rounded with a pronounced central groove. The nose is medium sized, black. Unacceptable are light and white noses. The muzzle is slightly longer than the skull. The jaws are strong and the teeth are strong. The dog’s bite is scissor-like.

The eyes are almond- shaped, medium in size, set obliquely. Brown colour. The eyelids of a white shepherd are "let down" by black. Ears are oblong, slightly rounded in the upper part, set high. Located vertically, slightly forward.

white german shepherd

This dog has a saber-like tail, fluffy, tapering towards the end. Set low, rises high when moving.

There are such shepherd dogs as short-haired and long-haired. Dogs with long hair are more common in Germany and France , and short ones in America and the Netherlands. Note that according to the breed standard, the hair of its representatives should fit snugly. The presence of undercoat is required. The muzzle, ears and forefoot are covered with shorter hair. On the back and face, the coat is longer. Often you can see males whose coat is longer on the head than in bitches. As a result of this, they form a mane and tow.

The color of the breed is white. Other colors are not allowed. Although in the US there are representatives with blackout on the ridges and ears. Of course, the white color gives the dog a certain exoticism. The dog can move silently, so it is believed that he is similar to the polar wolf.

Care and maintenance of a dog of this breed

The white shepherd, the photo of which you see in this material, has a dense, dense coat with undercoat. It needs to be combed out at least several times a week. A stiff brush should be used for this procedure. If you notice that the dog’s coat is very dirty, then, of course, you need to wash the dog. Note that bathing should not be too frequent. If necessary, it is recommended to bathe the dog every three months (this is ideal).

white swiss shepherd photo

White shepherd is unpretentious in food. You can feed her as a "natural", and finished products of a premium class (canned food or dry food). Such a dog very well and quickly adapts to any climatic conditions. It can be kept both on the street (in the aviary) and in the apartment. Animals rarely get sick, live long enough. They need active games with a ball, a wand and joint fun with the owner.

The nature of the breed

The white German shepherd is sociable and cheerful. She seeks constant contact with a person. This dog is very devoted to all members of his family. He treats children well, loves them. A dog shows aggression only when it sees a real danger from the side of a stranger or other animals. Pets generally get along well with pets.

After a while, it may even begin to "graze" them. The white German shepherd, whose photo leaves few indifferent, is extremely intelligent. In addition, she is extremely responsive to affection. Some owners think their dog is "talking." Such statements are not without confirmation. The white shepherd has a huge range of voice signals. She likes to communicate with the owner in such a way, "expressing" her thoughts out loud. The duration of the “conversation” depends on the mood of the dog. When choosing such a dog, keep this in mind.

Training and using the breed

This dog needs to be trained consistently and, of course, constantly. The nature of such dogs is milder than that of the representatives of the German Shepherd breed. For this reason, you should not use harsh training methods. Moreover, there is no need for this, since the dog of this breed is very obedient and easy to raise. Exercise is vital for him. Puppies of a white Swiss shepherd dog love to play with relatives, as well as with a ball or stick.

This breed is not as athletic as, for example, German, but it does not affect the working qualities of representatives. Note that the white shepherd is less excitable, reckless and aggressive. The dog is well trained in various teams. From such dogs turn out excellent guide and rescuers. In addition, the white shepherd, whose photo you see in our article, with the right training, can become a dog therapist.

Very many representatives of the breed are involved in the protection. Increasingly, a white shepherd is used by power structures.

As a rule, people give birth to such a dog because of its exotic appearance, and then with great surprise they discover protective and protective skills in a pet.

Choosing a Swiss Shepherd puppy: tips for future owners

Relatively recently, this breed appeared in Russia. Puppies of a white shepherd are very beautiful, their appearance causes only emotion. Despite their attractiveness, they should be bought only in clubs or specialized nurseries.

white shepherd puppies

If you plan to purchase such a dog, then you should pay attention when choosing some points:

  • Breeding experience in the institution where you are going to buy a puppy;
  • breeder's reputation (reviews, etc.);
  • participation in exhibitions of dogs-parents;
  • the opportunity to receive advice on parenting issues.

    white shepherd Price

When buying a puppy, ask the breeder what problems the parents-dogs and the offspring have or have. As a rule, decent people don’t conceal anything from buyers, honestly warn new owners about existing health problems or shortcomings in the breed.

White Swiss Shepherd Disease

Specialists who are breeding this breed believe that its representatives are prone to such hereditary diseases:

  • congenital heart failure;
  • dysplasia (before buying this dog, it is advisable for the breeder to look at the dog-parents the conclusions of the international special sample on the absence of this pathology, as well as x-rays);
  • deafness.

Dog owners reviews of this breed

According to the owners, the white German shepherd is a great breed of dog. Such a dog is distinguished by high intelligence and quick wit. The only thing that can confuse is the excessive "talkativeness" of the breed. Some even consider this behavior to be hysterical. But dog handlers say this is a breed feature.

Owners declare that the dog should not be bored. With her, it is necessary to engage in training and teach her the correct behavior. Then you will grow up a faithful and good friend, as well as a defender.

White Shepherd: puppy price

The cost of such a beast ranges from 200 to a thousand dollars, depending on the region, pedigree and other factors.

Advantages of the White Shepherd

Here are just a few of them:

  • good-natured, but in real danger can protect his "flock";
  • attached to family members;
  • Responsive to affection;
  • restrained with strangers, non-aggressive.
  • easy to learn;
  • loves children;
  • inquisitive.

white swiss shepherd puppies

Disadvantages of white shepherd dog

It is impossible not to say about the disadvantages of this breed:

  • can be dodgy, counting every step you take;
  • likes to "talk", both with herself and with the owner. This dog has a wide range of voice signals, it uses them without embarrassment, depending on the mood.

white german shepherd photo

Little conclusion

Now you know who a white shepherd is. Photos for review are presented in the article so that you can better study the appearance of the breed. Such a dog can become not only a faithful friend and companion, but also a protector for the family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4259/

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