Mantilla is a Spanish head cover. History, photos, interesting facts

Mantilla is a female head cover, part of the national costume of Spain and some countries of Latin America. The popularity of this accessory has repeatedly peaked, and then faded away. Today, the mantilla can not be called an trendy trend, but it does not seem to be completely oblivious: this accessory is part of the business protocol for members of the royal family of Spain and is widely used in wedding fashion in different countries of the world.

Queen Sofia in the Mantilla

History of occurrence

There are two versions of the origin of the mantilla. It is possible that they are both true.

Some historians believe that the mantilla is an echo of the Arabian veil, which the inhabitants of the Pyrenees first saw during the Muslim conquest of the peninsula.

According to the second version, the distribution of fashion was influenced by the decree of King Philip IV, who ordered the “priestesses of love” to cover their heads with mantillas. Brothels at that time in Spain were already very common, and the king believed that such a move would save a decent senior from oblique views and encroachments. But the lord had a different opinion: they decided that not only prostitutes needed lace. Whether in spite of the king, or simply out of a love of beauty, the Spanish ladies, as if by conspiracy, began to clothe themselves in mantillas.

Mantilla in the modern world

Today, this accessory does not cause anyone to associate with the wives of the Arab conquerors or with brothels. In Spain, the mantilla is treated with great respect. The current Queen Letizia chose this accessory when she got married. Her predecessor, the mother of King Philip VI, Consort Queen Sophia, both during her reign and after abdication in favor of her son, regularly appears at official events in the mantilla. Greek by origin, Sofia always tried to emphasize respect for the traditions of the new homeland.

Mantilla or drape as a piece of clothing is a prerequisite that ladies observe when they go to an appointment with the Pope.

Melania Trump in the Mantilla

Both in Spain and in Latin America, you can see the mantilla in everyday life only on venerable matrons. Young girls put on their heads lace covers only on holidays. Carnival, bullfighting, folk music festival, flamenco dancers performances are an excellent occasion for an accessory. By the way, flamenco dancers themselves also often use mantilla as part of a dance costume. As a rule, preference is given to red bedspreads.

What is a "payne"?

As can be seen in many photos, the mantilla is attached to the head with a tricky device. These are special ridges - painters, which in the old days were made of bone, tortoise-shell or wood. To establish a comb unevenly, on one side - this is considered to be the wildest bad manners in our time, not a single self-respecting woman will ever do that. Painters have always been the pride of fashionistas, they were very cherished, passed on to inheritance to daughter-in-law and daughters.

mantilla combs

In recent years, the method of wearing without ridges has been popular.


If you decide to acquire a mantilla, remember some rules.

In no case should it be longer than the hem; the length to the middle of the thigh is considered optimal.

Spaniards fix the mantilla on the head so that when turning the head in one direction, the opposite shoulder is not exposed.

White, beige, milk, light blue mantilla - this is an option for young virgins. Married ladies prefer black bedspreads. Red, so beloved by dancers, can become the decoration of a festive costume.

The black mantilla is an accessory that is put on at the funeral service and funeral, but in this case crests are unacceptable. The bedspread is simply thrown onto the hair pulled into a bun.

Mantilla in wedding fashion

Queen Letizia is not the only bride who appeared before her beloved and guests in a luxurious mantilla. This veil option is popular far beyond Spain. We can mention Gwen Stefani and Kate Moss as an example. Magnificent lace mantilla adorned the head of Nicky Hilton during her wedding with James Rothschild.

Nicky Hilton in the Mantilla

Mantilla as a piece of clothing has also become widespread in evening fashion, but you can’t talk about the peak of popularity, so the accessory can be called even more attractive for lovers of everything unusual. If you are preparing for a wedding or a celebration, the mantilla will be a great choice.


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