How to wean a kitten to crap in the wrong place - practice begins with the theory

You got a little fluffy joy. Undoubtedly, a kitten will bring you a lot of pleasant minutes and give home comfort. But for this you will need to work a little. In addition to the fact that you need to purchase various products for cats: bowls, toys, a scratching post, a basket or a stove bench, a tray and a filler for it, you should also teach your baby various rules of behavior in the house. For example, instill a kitten in the right toilet habits.

how to wean a kitten to crap in the wrong place
Cats by their nature are very clean animals. therefore, they usually instantly understand where to place their needs. Most owners do not have difficulty in accustoming the baby to the tray. However, suddenly you nevertheless encountered such a problem: he does it anywhere, but not where he needs to. How to wean a kitten to crap in the wrong place? It is possible, but some effort will be required.

Experienced cat breeders and felinologists categorically do not recommend beating a cat, shouting at it, splashing it with water. All these actions will only lead to the fact that the kitten will do its β€œtricks” secretly from you, fearing such intense attention. To save your home and your own nervous system, you need to look for a reason that forces the baby to use places not intended for the toilet. And she always is: physiological or psychological.

Tray Issues

Perhaps the tray is small for the animal or, conversely, the walls are too high, it simply can not jump there.

products for cats
It may also be such that the container smells strongly of plastic or cleaning products, it contains improper filler, or it is located in an uncomfortable corner of the apartment. How to wean a kitten to crap in the wrong place in this case? Watching a pet, you will understand its difficulties. And you can pick up a tray of the right size and a good filler. Do not wash the container with cleaners with a sharp chlorine or other odor. Do not forget to put a piece of paper soaked in urine or a piece of feces in the tray. Your fluffy may not yet have figured out why this box is. Own bowel movements will help him navigate. If the matter is the shyness of the cat and the poor location of the tray in a crowded place, look for another one. Sometimes this is impossible, then you need to use a different container, for example, a closed toilet for a cat - a "house". In it, the animal will feel calm and more confident.

Disease stress

There are often situations when health problems cause a cat to be reluctant to use the tray. It is especially alarming if the baby did it properly at first, and then suddenly stopped. This can become a symptom of diseases of the genitourinary system, the appearance of constipation, intestinal parasites. It is best to visit a veterinarian. Sometimes stress causes a breach of toilet habits in cats, but this happens less often with babies. This is typical for adult pets, who either mark the territory after entering adulthood, or feel insecure for various reasons.

toilet for cat house
This can be a birth in a family of a child, moving or even rearrangement of furniture, the appearance of another animal in the house. How to wean a kitten to crap in the wrong place, if the cause was stress? Experts recommend restricting the animal to a small space, and then as if to re-introduce you to your apartment gradually. Allow the pet to use cabinets and other tall pieces of furniture for relaxing, this will give the cat confidence.

General tips

While you establish the cause and struggle with it, some time passes, the kitten continues to spoil your things, carpets or parquet. In such circumstances, the following recommendations are suitable on how to wean a kitten to shit in the wrong place, or rather, how to discourage him from doing this in very wrong places.

happy kitten
Put small bowls of food in the corners of the apartment he has chosen - and the cat will not go to the toilet where there is food. You can glue a little dry food on pieces of cardboard and put it in these places. Such acute-smelling products as citrus fruits, coffee, vinegar help to scare the animal away from unauthorized places. Also, special means are used to destroy the smell of cat urine.


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