Crafts from pasta for Easter: a master class

Easter is a great Christian holiday. Festive paraphernalia and rituals worked out by the church for centuries and look luxurious and rich. It may seem that pasta crafts for Easter may not look like this, but this is an erroneous opinion. You can quickly create crafts for a bright holiday with your own hands from ordinary pasta, and they will look great and rich. The main thing is to do everything right! So, what crafts for Easter do-it-yourself pasta can be done?

crafts from pasta for Easter

Golden easter egg

In order to start work on the craft, prepare a blank of the future Easter egg from plaster or wood. Apply a thin strip of PVA glue (or some other suitable one) along the egg. Gently lay raw pasta back to the glue strip. Asterisks are great for this purpose. Repeat such strips of pasta along the egg several times. Now take acrylic paint or gouache and color the craft completely (both the egg and the pasta). Crafts from pasta for Easter should look luxurious, so now take the golden little sparkles. Pour them into a dish, pour PVA glue and mix. Using a brush, paint the center of the craft with shiny glue. If you wish, you can completely paste the pasta over the egg or combine the pasta with other raw materials (lentils, peas, millet and so on). Crafts from pasta for Easter, the master class of which you just read, will delight both children and adults!

How to make an Easter egg with a balloon

Very often, employees of preschool institutions ask parents and children to take part in an exhibition dedicated to a particular event, holiday. Not always puzzled parents know what to do. If you take pasta, glue, a balloon and paint, you will have a great Easter craft at kindergarten. You can choose any product from pasta, but it is best suited in the form of round wheels. With them, the surface of the egg will be more even. Place the pasta in PVA glue for 5-10 minutes. At this time, inflate the ball and fix it. Then glue the pasta to the ball, let it dry and pierce the ball with a needle. If there are many voids in your craft, decorate them with pasta of a different shape (for example, bows). Bake eggs with short pasta. You can decorate the top of the egg with a cross consisting of the kind of pasta that is the main surface of the craft. Now it remains to paint the egg with paint and cover it with a thin layer of varnish. It’s not at all difficult to make crafts for Easter with your own hands! The pasta master class presented in this article will help you build your own masterpiece.

Egg on a stand

In addition to the usual Easter, you can easily make a beautiful egg on a stand. To do this, take a plastic egg and glue it with pieces of regular papier-mΓ’chΓ© napkins. Put paper pieces on plastic in two layers. Then take pasta (flowers are best) and stick them with PVA glue on the surface of your craft. Paste pasta over the egg and let it dry. Take products in the shape of shells and use them to decorate the surface of the egg in addition (for example, build a flower). Now take a plastic cup and glue it to the egg bottom. Garnish with pasta and cup surface. At the end, paint your creation with gold enamel and dry well. Crafts for Easter with your own hands with pasta children you will make easily and quickly!

crafts for Easter do it yourself from pasta

Easter pasta basket

You can make yourself a basket where your egg crafts can easily fit . Again, you will need flower-shaped pasta, glue, paint and cardboard. Cut out the round base for the basket from thick cardboard. Then, in a circle, start spreading layers of pasta, gluing each of them. You can choose the height of the basket yourself. Glue the basket handle from the same pasta. Now paint the finished product, it is very convenient to do this with paint from a balloon. Such crafts for Easter do it yourself with your children from pasta to bring your family together, and also develop hand motor skills.

crafts for Easter do it yourself pasta master class

Pasta angel for Easter

From pasta you can make a very beautiful angel, which is suitable both for decorating a house for Easter and the New Year. To make the body, take a long pasta, the flower flat is the neck. As a head, use a wooden ball, bead or acorn. Glue the parts firmly. Paste pasta over the head of the angel with small pasta - it will be his hair. As wings, place a pasta bow on the back.

crafts from pasta to Easter master class

Color the craft with gold or white paint and attach a rope to it. Craft from pasta for Easter, the master class of which you have just read, will decorate your home at any time of the year!

Pasta applique for Easter

The youngest children also want to take part in preparing for the bright Easter day, the task of mothers is to help them in this matter. With the help of regular pasta, children will be able to make Easter applications on cardboard. Take a sheet of cardboard of any color and stick a large paper egg on it with the baby. The contour of the egg can be pasted over with colorful sequins. In the egg itself, you and your baby can create your own composition.

crafts for Easter do it yourself with pasta kids
Crafts for Easter do it yourself from pasta require a fair amount of imagination from you. You can create pasta flowers inside the egg or some other pattern.

How to make a pasta temple?

Do you want to create a larger-scale craft with your own hands? Then try to make a Christian pasta temple. To do this, take 2 rectangular and one oval drawer, pasta of various shapes, glue and a small plastic egg. First you need to glue two rectangular drawers, the front side should be with a lid-door. From the inside you can paste over it with images of saints. Outside, glue long wave-shaped pasta to the surface and paint them with silver paint. Glue an oval box on top and a plastic egg on it. It will be a bell tower. The "bell tower" also needs to be pasted over with pasta and painted. The body of the temple is ready. Cut windows in the temple, decorate them with pasta platbands. Carved products that you will stick on the contour of windows and doors, paint in golden color. You can make the door trellised with thin spaghetti. On the bell tower, hang the bell, also painted with metal paint. The temple is ready! This craft looks very respectable and chic.

How to paint pasta crafts?

crafts for Easter in kindergarten pasta

Crafts from pasta for Easter look much better if they are painted with bright paint. If you do not want to bother with paints, you can leave the crafts unpainted or buy colored pasta (a very interesting idea). For coloring you can use food colors, however, in their range there are no metallic shades. You can put the pasta in the solution, and then glue the crafts on them, or spray the finished product from the spray gun with the same solution, but more thick and concentrated. If pasta crafts for Easter need to be painted white, then it is better to use spray paint. To give the products a metallic color, cans are also suitable.


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