What is a pinakothek? Tickets for the Vatican Pinacoteca in the Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery hosted an exhibition entitled “Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinakothek”. The time of its passage from 02/19/2016 to 02/19/2017. What is a pinakothek, what is its significance for the inhabitants of Russia, can be found in the article.

Meaning of the word

what is a pinacoteca

Pinakothek is a term that came from the merger of two Greek words. The first part of the term means “board”, that is, “picture”, and the second - “storage”. It’s easy to guess what a pinakothek is. In ancient Greece, the so-called room in which the picturesque images were stored was called. Gradually, the meaning of the term has changed somewhat.

What is a pinacotheca in the past and present

There was a building in the Acropolis of Athens , in the left wing of which were stored paintings donated to the goddess Athena. They were located in several six-column rooms. The collection consisted of various paintings. It was available for viewing by the citizens of Athens. The first catalog, which began to systematize the repository, was created by Polemon Ilionsky in the third - second century BC e. There were pinakothek on the island of Samos, in Gerayon (temple of Hera).

The citizens of ancient Rome used the term to refer to the hall in which they kept works of art.

In the Renaissance, the term was used to refer to collections of paintings that were open to the public.

What is a pinakothek today? The term is called art galleries. A good example is one of the most famous pinakothek in the world.

Vatican Pinacoteca

Pinakothek exhibition

A collection of Vatican paintings appeared a couple of hundred years ago. Its founder is Pope Pius Six. After several decades, in 1797, most of the paintings were sent to Paris. Napoleon gave this order. By 1815, the collection returned to the Vatican. The decision to return the values ​​was made at the Vienna Congress, held after the Napoleonic Wars.

The paintings did not have a permanent place of deployment. They were transferred from one room to another until they were placed in the wing of the Belvedere Palace. The public was able to see the pinakothek only in 1908.

Vatican Pinacoteca Tickets

Twenty-four years later, a special building was erected for the collection. The customer of the construction was Pope Pius Eleventh, and the architect L. Beltrami.

The collection consists of approximately 460 paintings, which are located in eighteen rooms in chronological order. It contains works on religious topics. This is mainly the work of Italian masters.

Hall examples:

  • The first hall shows the work of the Medieval schools of such masters as Nicolo Giovanni.
  • The eighth hall contains works by Raphael Santi, including tapestries, made according to his sketches.
  • The tenth hall is represented by the Raphael school and Venetian painting.
  • The Twelfth Hall consists of Baroque paintings: works by Nicolas Poussin, Caravaggio, Guido Reni.
  • The eighteenth hall contains icons and mosaics of the fifteenth to sixteenth century.

You can visit the Pinakothek by purchasing a single ticket to enter the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums. The cost was sixteen euros in 2016.

In November 2016, the Vatican Pinakothek opened in the Tretyakov Gallery. What is presented in the brought collection and what is its significance for residents and visitors of Moscow?

Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinakothek in the Tretyakov Gallery

Pinakothek in the Tretyakov Gallery

The exhibition (Vatican Pinacoteca) consists of forty paintings. This is the work of Giovanni Beliini, Caravaggio, Raphael and other masters of the twelfth and eighteenth centuries. It will continue until February 19, 2017.

Tickets for the Vatican Pinacoteca will cost five hundred rubles per person. Session visiting the exhibition is thirty minutes. Tickets can be purchased at any time on the Tretyakov’s personal website.

According to the curator of the exhibition, Arkady Ippolitov, the exhibition is a kind of explanation of the idea "Moscow is the third Rome." The Pinakothek focuses on the history of the Papal State for seven centuries. The institution of the papacy, he said, is the connecting link between European civilization and the ancient world.

The exhibition begins with the earliest icon of Rome "Christ the Blessing", which dates from the twelfth century. It was written under the influence of Byzantium. The icon contains the memories of a single church, showing the single root from which the art of Italy and Russia developed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4279/

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