Is it possible to register in an apartment by law?

Today, probably, there is no such person who would not want to have beautiful and comfortable housing. The modern real estate market is gradually filled with overseas innovations in the form of lofts and apartments. In most countries, this type of real estate has been used for a long time and does not create any difficulties for citizens, since the legislation does not require ordinary people to register. In Russia, the situation is completely different, but the popularity of apartments is still growing due to low prices. Developers offer more and more luxurious and original options for various price categories, which in any case are much cheaper than a regular private house or apartment. If you have the money to buy an apartment is not difficult, but with a residence permit there may be problems.

Distinctive features

Is it possible to register in the apartment

In addition to the special layout, lofts differ from standard housing in their legal status, according to which it is impossible to register in the apartment. The thing is that according to the papers, such real estate is not residential, although it has been completely converted for a comfortable stay of a person around the clock.

The following distinguishing feature follows from this - overpriced utility tariffs and property taxes, which are characteristic of non-residential premises. Of course, there is an erroneous opinion that the difference in payments is several times. In fact, tariff increases for various indicators are noted only by a couple of tens of percent, which ultimately raises the payment in comparison with a similar apartment by only a few thousand per month. Considering that it will be much more to save on the purchase, such tariffs are justified for many years to come. Another thing is the tax, which is noticeably higher for non-residential premises, but at the same time has more flexible payment terms.

Legal obligations

Before considering the question of why it is impossible to register in the apartment, you should pay attention to the need for this action. Russian law requires all citizens staying in the country for more than 90 days to have registration at the place of residence, in the absence of which administrative punishment follows. The responsibility also lies with the owners of the dwelling in which people live without registration, moreover not only administrative, but also criminal.

Description of apartments

This type of housing is an office building rebuilt to meet the needs of a person for permanent residence. Often it has very high ceilings, a spacious kitchen combined with a living room, only a bedroom acts as a separate room. The latter is often generally located on the second level.

In addition to the converted premises, developers offer customers completely new apartments, placing them on the upper floors of residential buildings. So why you can not register in apartments in Moscow or any other city, if they have everything for a comfortable life?

The fact is that according to state definitions, this type of real estate belongs to the category of hotels, and according to the documents the premises are defined as commercial.


Is it possible to register in apartments in Moscow

β€œCan I register in the apartment?” - the issue is secondary, because, in addition to it, they have a number of advantages. The main thing is the cost, which is lower than standard housing with similar characteristics by about 20%. Based on this, you can get housing for little money in a good developed area and get regular profits from it, renting out, or just living in excellent conditions. Of course, separately located building complexes exclusively with apartments may not have any social facilities nearby, since the lofts themselves will not be officially residential.

The advantages should also include:

  • the comfort of individual housing;
  • full equipment with necessary communications;
  • ease of use.


The complete lack of registration creates certain problems for Russian citizens with visiting social institutions, so the question is: β€œIs it possible to register in apartments according to the law?” - It is considered relevant when deciding to purchase such property. So, it is forbidden to issue a permanent registration in a non-residential property, but you can get a temporary residence permit, because the apartments belong to the class of hotels under the law. In the case when the apartments are the property of a citizen who wants to register in them, there will be no problems with the permanent extension of temporary registration. Given that legally temporary registration has the same advantages as a permanent one, differing only in the presence of an expiration date, the question is: β€œHow to register in the apartment?” - becomes resolved.

Ways of registration

Is it possible to register in the apartment in a different way, besides registering a temporary registration? This option is available only after the recognition of real estate as a residential property at the legislative level. To do this, you can wait until the state nevertheless decides to recognize the apartment as a residential property and adopts the relevant law, or apply to the court with a claim to recognize the premises as residential.

why you can not register in apartments in Moscow

Is it possible to register in an apartment (new in the legislation has not yet been registered) on an ongoing basis without recognition as a residential building? The answer is β€œno,” so the only way out is to constantly renew the temporary registration or court proceedings to recognize the premises as part of the housing stock. For the latter, you will have to stock up a lot of patience, money and time. To file a claim, in addition to the written statement itself, you will need:

  • documents confirming ownership of real estate;
  • schematic plan of apartments;
  • floor plan of the building in which the room is located.

Transfer to a dwelling

Before you register in the apartment (Moscow is the leader in the delivery of such objects) on an ongoing basis, you should determine whether the premises meet the necessary requirements for transferring to a housing fund. By law, this requires that the premises:

  • had a separate entrance and approach;
  • had the opportunity to equip a separate entrance and approach;
  • not used by the owner for other purposes at the moment.

If these conditions are not met, then the process may not start, since there will still be no positive result. It is interesting that for the reverse transfer of a residential apartment to a non-residential premises, it is enough that it is located on the ground floor or above the non-residential premises. The prohibition in this case applies only to houses of social use.

What is a loft?

Since this definition is also a borrowing from a foreign language, many people confuse the loft and apartments, believing that both words mean the same thing. Of course, there are many similarities between the concepts, but the loft differs in that it is located in the rebuilt premises of industrial zones. That is, this is not an office building in the city center, converted for living, but an object that is part of an old factory or factory, equipped with a living room.

The layout of the loft is almost identical to the apartment, but its cost will be even lower. The disadvantages of this type of object are:

  • impossibility of registration;
  • high tariffs for utilities;
  • lack of nearby city infrastructure;
  • lack of clear taxation.

Popularity among the population

you cannot register in the apartment

Question: β€œCan I register in apartments in Moscow?” - It is becoming increasingly relevant, as the demand for this type of real estate is growing markedly every year. Today, the purchase of such a living space accounts for almost a third of all housing transactions. The growth in sales is justified, especially among the population that already has a permanent residence permit and other housing facilities. Young families also often turn their attention to apartments, because when owning the right to own them, even the issue of permanent registration does not become acute. The current modern layout is to the taste of a variety of age categories of citizens.

Specialists distinguish two types of buyers for apartments. The former purchase a room for their own residence or as additional housing to accommodate guests or relatives, while the latter use this opportunity to save on purchase as a commercial move. Such investors acquire real estate for the purpose of their subsequent lease, because the price here does not depend on the ability to register. The tenants are not interested in whether it is possible to register in the apartments, they pay the same rate for the use of an ordinary apartment, and for apartments, according to the area.

Demand among the population for purchase is most often used by premises ranging from 40 to 80 m 2 , which belong to the category of business and comfort class. In order to further save money by not purchasing elite apartments that are expensive at a price per square meter, some buy several neighboring small apartments at once, later combining them into a single room.

Luxury apartments

why it is impossible to register in the apartment

Apartments of this type are very popular among wealthy people who want to show their status. For potential buyers in this market segment, the question is: β€œCan I register in apartments in Moscow?” - rarely occurs at all, as customers buy such premises as already additional housing. Even if you want to live in apartments on an ongoing basis, wealthy buyers have the opportunity to register in another place.

Demand for the elite category of this type of real estate is justified by the availability of additional services from the management company. Often residents are provided with all the services of a real five-star hotel with the ability to book:

  • house cleaning;
  • food delivery;
  • booking tickets;
  • taxi ordering;
  • warning about visitors from concierges and so on.

In addition, the owners of elite complexes provide their residents with a developed social infrastructure around the apartments, despite the fact that they are not obliged to officially do this. Also, the premium segment of real estate is always located near important objects for residents, which they visit quite often. Usually this is work, and with the ideal location of the apartments, the office space can be in the neighboring building or even on the next floor. Also, residents of such multifunctional complexes can rent specially equipped conference rooms, use high-speed communication systems, various equipment for negotiations and presentations.

Arrangement Issues

how to register in apartments Moscow

So, is it possible to register in the apartment and how to do it, it is already clear what other questions the residents of such complexes may have? First of all, if you want to buy apartments even in a state that is still under construction, you need to make sure that they will be officially registered as premises for a hotel. Only in this case in the future it will be possible to issue a temporary registration.

When the object is already delivered to the tenants, they will have to decide for themselves which company to choose for further management. In this matter, it is important to understand that since the object will officially be a hotel complex, the management company must also have permission to manage hotels. Having made a choice in favor of such a company, the residents of the complex will not even need to renew their registration on their own in the future. The fact is that, by law, hotel management companies have the right to independently register arrivals and remove them at the time of departure.


Question: β€œCan I register in the apartment?” - in most cases, relevant only to buyers of business and comfort class homes, and that is not always the case. Often, those who want to buy small apartments are wealthy owners of full-fledged apartments in neighboring residential complexes. This is done for their subsequent use as a place to stay for housekeeping staff or for remaking them in their own workshop, a small boutique and other incarnations of their own hobbies.

how to register in the apartment

Today to answer the question: β€œIs it possible to register in Moscow apartments in 2017?” - it is really possible the same as before. There are no changes in the legislation yet, therefore, only temporary registration in complexes having the status of a hotel becomes the solution. It is much more profitable to buy apartments in ready-made residential associations with a hotel management company for many reasons, because employees will save not only the time spent by residents on renewal of registration, but also eliminate fines if the deadlines are not met. In addition, residents of such apartments will have the additional benefits described above.


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