How to propagate gooseberries? Gooseberry propagation by green cuttings, dividing the bush, layering

Gooseberries, otherwise referred to as “northern grapes”, are a perennial shrub whose berries contain a huge amount of useful trace elements, organic acids, pectins and tannins.

Breeding methods

The gooseberry bush with stems of different ages will delight a full crop for about 5-6 years. The largest number of berries is formed on the side shoots of 3-8 years of age.

gooseberry breeding
Therefore, for the stable receipt of a delicious harvest of northern grapes, bushes should be updated in a timely manner and propagated.

The reproduction of gooseberries, for which you should choose high-quality, high-yielding bushes not affected by pests and diseases, is carried out in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

Gooseberry propagation by green cuttings

Green cuttings are one of the effective methods of propagating gooseberries. In the second half of June, cuttings with a size of 7-12 cm are required with a sharp knife; To do this, use the growth of the current year with five kidneys. Gooseberries can be propagated by cuttings in the fall. It is advisable to harvest in cloudy weather or in the early morning. Cut chopped cuttings are recommended to be pre-treated with a growth stimulator, and then planted for rooting in a substrate from a mixture of sand with peat or ground.

gooseberry propagation by cuttings
Planting should be done at an angle, at a distance of about 5 cm between the cuttings at 10-centimeter spacing, leaving 2 buds at the top, and the bottom should be placed at the soil level. Around the cuttings, it is required to densely squeeze the earth in order to exclude the formation of voids, after which it is well moistened and mulched. A bed with planted cuttings must be constantly watered and loosened, causing the early formation of strong young shoots from the kidneys. Feeding is recommended to be done with ammonium nitrate (40 grams), potassium salt (20 grams) and superphosphate (30 grams) per 10-liter bucket of water. Subject to all the conditions for the required care of young sprouts, at the end of the season, quality annual seedlings are obtained at the exit; the best specimens are obtained by rooting cuttings cut from the top of the branches. It is worth knowing that the reproduction of gooseberries with green cuttings is not suitable for all varieties. So, the best results were shown by the varieties Yubileiny and Russian, which gave 80-100% survival rate. To a greater extent, the reproduction of gooseberries by cuttings is suitable for currants.

Combined Cutting Method

With this method, gooseberry propagation by cuttings is carried out using young green layers that have a part of lignified growth (3-4 cm) last year. Harvested cuttings should be planted in loose moist ground, while deepening the heel and base by 3-4 cm.

gooseberry propagation by cuttings in autumn
After you need to water and mulch copiously. Root formation occurs after a couple of weeks.

Horizontal layering is one way of breeding.

Gooseberry propagation by layering is the method most suitable for 3-4-year-old bushes and used by most gardeners because of its simplicity, lightness, reliability and enough material for planting at the exit. With this method of reproduction, recommended for early spring, it is required to use annual, well-developed growths, which are conveniently located on the sides of the bush.

gooseberry propagation by layering

The soil needs to be prepared beforehand: it is good to dig, fertilize and level. From the base of the bush, several shallow grooves up to 20 cm deep should be done, in which young, conveniently located basal shoots should be laid and stitched. In the absence of hairpins, you can use any improvised material that can fix layering to the ground. Branches, including their bases, must be in contact with the ground completely, the tops must be pinched 3-4 cm, without bringing them to the surface. After unfolding, horizontal layering should not be sprinkled with earth, this is done only after germination of the buds, emergence of shoots and reaching a length of 5 cm by them. Only in this case is the first soil dusting made. The soil with layering should be kept moist all the time, regularly watering and controlling so that the water does not erode the grooves.

When the shoots reach a length of 15-20 cm, they must be covered with humus or moist soil to the very tops; hilling should be repeated throughout the summer season; with strong growth - pinch the tops (in June), so that the plant expends its forces on branching. It is important not to forget to fertilize, as fertilizers it is recommended to use ammonium nitrate, potassium salt, superphosphate.

Gooseberries, which are propagated by layering, are best rooted in humid years, in arid times, the roots stop growing early in the summer and resume it only in the autumn when the optimum soil temperature and humidity are restored. It is recommended to separate the cuttings from the uterine bush in autumn and spring, but in this case it is preferable to do this in the spring, because during the fall and winter the root system of the young seedling will well develop and strengthen, after which it is recommended to plant the finished seedlings at a constant place of growth. The excavated young gooseberries, the propagation of which is carried out by the layering method, need to be cut into individual seedlings, sorted, discarded weaker (with a poorly developed root system) and planted for growing.

gooseberry currant propagation
What is a good way of propagation by horizontal layering? A large amount of planting material. From each horizontally laid annual shoot, up to 6 full-fledged shoots with roots - the future gooseberry seedlings, are formed.

Reproduction by layering: method number 2

There is still a method of propagation by layering, in comparison with the above described simpler. For this, layering can be obtained with spring or autumn pruning of gooseberries. You should choose a few long young branches, dig them horizontally (approximately 10 cm deep). At the same time, the top (about 12 cm long) must be left and dug vertically, using a peg for this. After a year, full shoots will appear.

Gooseberry: reproduction by arcuate layers

This method is used in early spring; young annual growths need to be laid in rows in the furrows, pinned in the middle of the pit deepening and sprinkled with earth. The tops must be brought out by an arc to the surface of the earth, tied to a peg, shortened and spud. In summer, it is required to provide regular watering and top dressing. Arcuate layering for the season will have time to take root and become a full-fledged planting material. Such a method from an annual basal shoot gives only one seedling, which is several times less than with the method with horizontal layering. Gooseberry, the reproduction of which is made by arcuate layering, is characterized by power and quickly enters fruiting.

gooseberry propagation by dividing the bush

Propagation by vertical layering

This method is used for older gooseberry bushes or when moving a bush plantation to a new place. In early spring, all old branches are cut, young ones are shortened by 2/3. This operation will cause the intensive appearance of a large number of shoots. When they reach a height of 15-18 cm, the latter should be covered with earth to half, when hilling the branches, it is necessary to spread and fill all the voids with the earth. Hilling is done 2-3 times, as the branches grow. In June, the gooseberry tops need to be pinched, this will cause branching of the future bush. By autumn, with good watering and additional top dressing, layering will have time to take root well; they can be dug up for planting.

Bush division

Reproduction of gooseberries by dividing the bush is used in most cases when determining the plantation at another growth site. This method is due to the fact that in gooseberries the independence of various parts of the bush is pronounced; some branches at a young age form and develop a separate root system. When digging bushes, they are divided into parts; Younger shoots with well-developed roots are used as planting material. Reproduction of currants, gooseberries by dividing the bush can be done in the fall, after the leaves have fallen (October-November), or in the early spring, before the buds open (in March).

gooseberry propagation by green cuttings

Seed propagation

Gooseberry propagates by seed when new varieties are bred. The material obtained from free pollination and derived from directional crossing is used.


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