How to clean white gold: effective ways and methods, tools, tips

Very often in jewelry stores you can see white gold jewelry. These are chains, rings, cufflinks, earrings and any other jewelry. This metal, like ordinary gold, is noble. It consists of a mixture of nickel, palladium and copper. From above, it is covered with a small layer of rhodium, giving the products their unique luster and protecting the surface from various kinds of mechanical damage. However, over time, this alloy loses its original attractiveness. About how to clean white gold, we will tell further.

Sweet water

Is it realistic to do this at home?

Sometimes after purchasing a white gold product, there is a need to clean it. About signals a spoiled look of your jewelry. For example, it has darkened, yellowed or lost its pristine shine. At the same time, it is quite possible to restore the original beauty of the product both independently and under the strict guidance of specialists. But before you clean white gold at home, you need to determine the nature of the pollution.

For example, if your things have become sticky to the touch or covered with a light matte coating, this is easy to fix. How to do this, we will describe below. But if your products have acquired a yellowish tint, this may indicate a violation of the integrity of the rhodium layer. In this case, you cannot correct the situation yourself. To restore the protective shell is realistic only in laboratory conditions. This means that it’s not worth the risk. And an ideal option would be to bring jewelry to jewelers. With self-cleaning, you run the risk of further aggravating the situation and permanently ruining the product.

It’s worth giving everything to specialists even when your jewelry has turned black. This can be said about the effect on the decoration of acids or their vapors. To restore color in this case, professional and gentle polishing is recommended. But how to clean white gold at home? To do this, use our simple tips.

Cleaning Gold Chains

What products can be used for cleaning?

To clean the white gold at home, it is quite possible to use the following chemicals:

  • laundry soap;
  • baking soda;
  • cleaning powder for washing dishes;
  • toothpaste;
  • ammonia.

It should be noted that soap, soda and detergent, as a rule, have a soft and gentle effect on products, but even with them you must be very careful. Ved The top layer of the described alloy is extremely delicate and easy to damage. Therefore, using these tools, you need to clean with smooth and leisurely movements.

Practice shows that you can clean white gold earrings with toothpaste or toothpowder. However, this also needs to be done carefully, since toothpaste has an average effect on the coating of products. With sudden movements, it is quite possible to scratch the surface with very small abrasive particles of paste. The same applies to cleaning with ammonia. It has a strong effect on products.

Gold reading

We use gentle soapy solution

For work, you need a little liquid soap or shower gel. Take some not too deep container, pour a little warm water into it and add soap or gel. It is recommended to lower your jewelry into the finished solution.

Next, cut a piece from a regular dishcloth and start cleaning. After you finish doing this, rinse the jewelry with plain tap water. As you can see, everything is simple. And let it be possible to clean white gold as a professional does, but it will still take on a more attractive look.

Making a paste of soda and water

To prepare a special cleaning paste, you need to take soda, a container and distilled water. We recommend pouring a little soda into the container, slowly pouring water into it and stir.

You should end up with soda paste. Take the container with the paste and use a toothbrush to carefully clean the white gold ring or other jewelry. As we have said, they should not be rubbed heavily. Otherwise, you risk being left without a protective coating. You should also not intensively rub places with inlaid stones. Pay attention only to the golden surface.

Clean soda, water and filtered water

When answering the question of how to clean white gold, it is worth mentioning another option with soda. To do this, take about 1.5-2 teaspoons of soda and pour into a container with filtered water. Then bring the solution to a boil, turn off the heat and lower the jewelry into the water for about 10-15 minutes.

For best effect, remove the product and wipe it with microfiber or flannel fabric.

After this procedure, your rings, chains or earrings will shine and clean well. However, it is worth considering that this method is not suitable for products with stones, diamond chips and other inserts.

Cleaning agent

Set the gloss with gel

White gold, like some other precious metals, can be cleaned with a dishwashing gel, shower or wash gel.

To do this, first heat distilled water. And then pour a little gel into it (just a couple of drops is enough). Lather lightly heated water and lower the decoration there. With such cleaning, you can use a soft-brushed toothbrush.

After the procedure, take them out and rinse under running water.

Polishing rings

How to clean white gold at home quickly and efficiently

The reviews that the housewives leave about different methods of cleaning jewelry claim that the most inexpensive, fast and effective way to clean gold is hydrogen peroxide.

To do this, you need to take a shallow container. Add not half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, a few drops of liquid soap and a couple of drops of ammonia. After all the ingredients have been poured into a container, mix them thoroughly. And then put your jewels in solution, leaving them there for 1-1.5 hours.

After this time, remove the jewelry, rinse it under a stream of plain water and pat it with a cotton cloth. Shine and shine are provided to you.

Shoe gold paste

Using Toothpaste

Judging by the responses, many people like cleaning jewelry with toothpaste. According to experts, this method can be used in the presence of small browning on rings, earrings, bracelets or chains.

For him, you need to take one piece of laundry soap and grate it on a fine grater. And grind about half of the whole white chalk into powder (you can use a mortar for this).

After that, all dry ingredients must be lowered into a container. Add about a quarter of the toothpaste tube and 10 ml of petroleum jelly there. Add 50 ml of warm water and mix thoroughly.

Treat all darkening with this tool, and in the end, wipe the jewelry with a clean cloth. If it still remains sticky (often due to petroleum jelly), rinse it with alcohol or vodka, and then rinse with plain water.

Now you know how to clean white gold at home quickly and efficiently. With the photo proposed in the article, this procedure will be more understandable.

Wipe the product with a rag

Wipe products with alcohol

Another easy way to clean gold items is to use ammonia. To do this, as the housewives advise, it is enough to take a small piece of tissue, moisten it in alcohol and begin to eliminate pollution. After the procedure, be sure to rinse the products in strong water and let them dry.

To remove heavy contamination, pour about 6-8 drops of alcohol into a bowl with two tablespoons of filtered or distilled water. Then stir the liquid and leave the jewelry in it for 30-45 minutes. In the end, rinse them with running water.

We clean with sweet water

Another, according to reviews, an easy way to get rid of minor darkening and pollution is to use sweet water. To do this, take approximately 150-200 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Heat the water and pour sugar into it (until it is completely dissolved).

Turn off the heat and lower the jewelry into the water and leave them there for a day. The next day, wash the items in water and wipe them dry with a cotton cloth.


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