"Poltava": a summary of Pushkin's historical poem

The work was written by A. Pushkin in 1828. Working on it, the poet turned to both official historical sources and traditions, folk thoughts and songs. The author did not just give the poem the name "Poltava". Pushkin (a summary of the reasons for writing this work can be found in some biographical studies) wanted to talk about such an ambiguous historical event as the Battle of Poltava. At the same time, Poltava became an innovative work.

poltava summary

A. Pushkin, "Poltava": summary

Within one work, Pushkin combined several personal and political topics that worried people of his era. The action of the poem takes place in the Ukrainian city of Poltava. The summary refers readers to the events of 1709. In those days, there was a war between Russia and Sweden. But the poem begins not with politics, but with the personal drama of Ivan Mazepa. The Ukrainian hetman sends matchmakers to Mary, the beautiful and proud daughter of Colonel Kochubey. But the girl’s parents are outraged by such an act of Mazepa, because Mary is the godmother of the hetman. In addition, the alleged groom is twice as old as the bride. Despite the opinion of her parents, Maria runs away to Mazepa, because she has long been in love with him. However, Kochubey intends to take revenge on the hetman.

Pushkin Poltava

Further, the poem "Poltava", a brief summary of which misses some details, tells that many in Ukraine wanted to take the side of Sweden, breaking the "ties" with Russia. Soon, Mazepa joined this group. Kochubey found out about the hetman’s plans to join Sweden and decided to inform Peter about this. The colonel found a man who agreed to convey everything to the Russian emperor. The named man was a Poltava Cossack, once in love with Kochubey’s daughter, but rejected by her.

After some time, Russian nobles send a hetman a denunciation on him, written in the city of Poltava. Summary notes that Peter at first did not believe the denunciation. Mazepa, in turn, requires the execution of scammers. The poem “Poltava”, the summary of which is not able to convey the inimitable language of the author, tells about Kochubey, who is in prison. He is frightened by the shame and the fact that the king did not believe him. Orlik enters Kochubey’s dungeon, hoping to learn about the treasures hidden by the colonel. Kochubey does not even think of talking about it and soon finds himself in the hands of the executioner.

poltava pushkin summary
Mazepa does not say anything to her beloved Maria about the execution of her father. About this daughter Kochubey learns from her mother, who begs Mary to ask the hetman for mercy. But when women resort to the place of execution, Kochubey is already dead. Further, Pushkin describes the vicissitudes of the Battle of Poltava. During the battle, Mazepa and Karl see that their strength is not enough. Orlik even offers the hetman to return to Peter. But Mazepa does not want to do this, because he hates the Russian Tsar and wants to avenge his humiliation. However, Karl and Mazepa are defeated. They are forced to flee. At the end of the poem, Mazepa meets with distraught Mary. Hetman's grief eats, but he sets off on the road.

Despite all the genius of the described poem, it characterizes Mazepa rather one-sidedly. First of all, he appears in the role of "villain." Nevertheless, Pushkin managed to create a vivid and memorable image.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4307/

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