How to make a portal to heaven in Minecraft?

Every Minecraft player knows that the world is simply huge. Naturally, if you play a single version, then you are given the opportunity to choose its size, but even a beginner understands that it is most interesting to explore a large world in which there will be much more various resources, interesting places, aggressive and passive mods, and so on. But it is worth noting that in Minecraft, everything is not limited to one single world. Very often on the game forums you can hear questions about how to make a portal to heaven or hell. To many, these questions may seem strange, but in fact they are quite normal - after all, the game actually has both heaven and hell.

Different worlds of Minecraft

how to make a portal to paradise

A player who has not yet managed to scout his entire basic world will be shocked that he has to go somewhere else. In any case, he will initially have to learn how to make a portal to heaven or hell in order to get there, so he can take his time. You can always first explore the main world, and then go to others. It is important to take into account the fact that in paradise and in hell it is much more dangerous than on earth, so it is better not to go there with poor ammunition and low levels. But when you think that the main world is tired of you, you’ve pumped enough, are dressed in the best that is in the game, the inventory is full of potions that can turn you into a real merciless monster, then you can move on to the question of other worlds. And then you will really need knowledge on how to make a portal to paradise, because otherwise you will not get there.

Customer modification

how to make a portal to paradise without mods in minecraft

Unfortunately, you will not be able to create your own portal to paradise on the base client of the game - you will need special mods that will add both paradise itself and the ability to create a portal. So, to learn how to make a portal to paradise, you will need two mods. The first is called Aether, and it is the key. Its installation is required, so you have to download it anyway if you want to go to heaven. As for the other mod, there are variations here - you can get Minecraft Forge or opt for Pipex, or maybe you will pick up another program that performs the same functions. This does not play any special significance, since the Aether mod takes the main role on itself. If you are ever asked about how to make a portal to Paradise without mods in Minecraft, you can safely answer, no way. This is simply impossible, so you have to download mods anyway. And when they are downloaded and installed, you can go into the game and start creating the gates to paradise.

Materials for the construction of the portal

how to make a portal paradise minecraft

To create a functioning portal, you will not need so many materials. First of all, check if you have a bucket of water in your inventory - it will be very useful to you, and if it does not turn out to be, then it will be very disappointing to go in search of the nearest reservoir. But this is not all that you will need to figure out how to make a portal. Minecraft Paradise is a separate world, so you should not hope that you will get there in two seconds. After all, the main component of the portal is the glostone, which is not so easy to get. In this case, you will need not one or two blocks, but as many as sixteen - to get such a quantity you will have to try. But your efforts will not be empty, since when you get all the ingredients, you can proceed to the final stage of the analysis of how to make a portal to paradise in Minecraft.

Portal Creation Process

minecraft make portal to paradise

If you think that something supernatural will be required of you when building a portal to paradise, then you are mistaken - in fact, everything is extremely simple. The creation of the gates of paradise is just two steps away. The first step is to build a portal framework, for which you will need a glostone. The frame should be four blocks wide and six blocks high. But in this form, it will only be a cluster of glostone blocks, which will not have any functions. For the portal to work, you need the same water - pour it into the opening of the portal, and at the same moment it will be drawn into a bluish film. That's the whole simple process of building a portal - as it becomes clear, the search for a glostone is the most difficult part here. As soon as you get the right amount of blocks of shining stone, things will go uphill, and you will very soon receive your long-awaited gate leading to paradise, and hence to new unexplored lands.

Using the portal

If there is a process that may be easier than building a portal to paradise, then this is its use. In fact, you don’t even need a guide here - this portal itself hints at how to use it. You just have to go through the bluish film that formed after you use the water on the frame - and you will find yourself in paradise. If you plan to periodically use this portal, then you better make it as convenient as possible, that is, take steps to it, and generally build it optimally in a convenient and close to home place.


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