Museum of Architecture and Design, Yekaterinburg: exposition description, foundation history, photos, reviews

The Museum of Architecture and Design of Yekaterinburg operates at the Ural State University of Architecture and Art. It is located in the Historical Square in the dam area on the Iset River. With its appearance in the early 1970s, it was this institution that was entrusted with solving problems associated with the prospects for the development of architecture in the Urals. In this article we will look at the history of its creation, about which collection you can see today, what kind of feedback visitors leave.

History of creation

Museum foundation

The Museum of Architecture and Design of Yekaterinburg was created to mark the 250th anniversary of the founding of the city. In anticipation of this anniversary in the historical center, it was decided to place historical and memorial complexes, as well as the museum itself.

On November 18, 1973, the grand opening of the Historical Square took place. It is located on the site of the former Yekaterinburg plant, which laid the foundation for the city. Most of its buildings were demolished in the previous decade. The preserved buildings are mainly museums. One of them was the Museum of Architecture and Design of Yekaterinburg.

The professors of the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute took an active part in developing the concept of the Historical Square. In recognition of their merits, they were given part of the buildings for the opening of the museum on the prospects for the development of Urals architecture. So it was originally called. Its discovery took place in March 1975.

In the late 1970s, large-scale work on collecting exhibits began. It was decided to collect a collection of large-sized equipment from the Ural factories, and arrange an exhibition in the courtyard.

In 1985, the institution was renamed the Museum of the History of Industrial Engineering and Architecture of the Urals, and in 2012 it received its current name - Museum of Architecture and Design of Yekaterinburg.

Museum building

The museum is located in buildings that are monuments of industrial architecture of the XIX century. These are the buildings of the former Yekaterinburg Mechanical Factory, which now have the status of monuments of federal significance.

In particular, the storerooms of the storehouse and the buildings intended for drying the forest were transferred to the Museum of Architecture of Yekaterinburg. This complex also included the eastern wall of the locksmith and prefabricated workshop and the retaining wall of the plant with a central gate overlooking Gorky Street. Part of the exposition is in the office of the chief mechanic of the plant and the drawing room.

Since 2008, a large-scale reconstruction of the Ekaterinburg Design Museum has been carried out. Within its framework, all the buildings were able to be combined into a single multifunctional complex, in which the Ural Design Development Center was opened.

At the same time, the exhibition halls remained in the storerooms and historical buildings, while the administrative premises remained in the former office of the chief mechanic and partially in the newly constructed premises.

The reconstruction was completed in 2015.

Permanent exhibition

Stone Belt Architecture

The highlight of the Museum of History and Architecture of Yekaterinburg is the permanent exhibition "Stone Belt Architecture". It is dedicated to the history of urban development and the development of architecture throughout the Urals. Here you can see unique examples of Ural architecture of the XVII-XX centuries. They are presented in graphics, layouts, paintings and photographs.

The exposition consists of seven sections. They talk about the key stages in the development of the architecture of this region, introduce visitors to the styles that were popular at that time. This is baroque, folk wooden architecture, avant-garde. It ends with all the examples of modern architecture.

Of particular value are the large-scale models of the architectural ensembles of the Dalmatov Monastery, Solikamsk, industrial architecture monuments of the Kyshtymsky, Seversky, Bilimbaevsky, Lysvensky factories, as well as the best works of the architect Mikhail Pavlovich Malakhov, who is considered the founder of the school of classicism in the Urals. The projects of his work were completed by students of the Ural College of Architecture and Entrepreneurship, the Ural State Academy of Art and Architecture.

A decoration of the breadboard series is a virtual city tour. This is a 15-series documentary cycle, which describes the features of the architectural styles of the city on the example of the most important 45 monuments.


Photos of the Museum of Architecture and Design of Yekaterinburg can be seen among many tourists who visit the capital of the Urals. The museum is located at: Gorky Street, 4A.

It works from Wednesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the museum weekend. It is worth noting that the box office closes half an hour before the institution ends.

The museum is located on the territory of the Historical Square. Nearby are Labor Square, Folk Culture Center, Museum of Nature, Museum of Stone-Cutting Art. It is preferable to get along Lenin Avenue or Malyshev Street.

Cost of services

Museum exhibitions

For an individual visit, a ticket to the Design Museum in Yekaterinburg costs 200 rubles. For schoolchildren, students and senior citizens, it is half the price. During a tour of a separate exhibition, each visitor will have to pay another 100 rubles.

Tours are organized for groups of 15 to 25 people. In this case, you will need to pay 300 rubles to an adult visitor, 200 rubles to schoolchildren, students and adults. They are organized by appointment only.

In the museum, visitors are free to take pictures. Professional video and filming costs 1,500 rubles per hour, but it is carried out only by agreement with the administration of the cultural institution.

On the last Wednesday of every month, the following can visit the museum for free:

  • old-age pensioners;
  • minors and students for whom design and architecture are the main educational professional programs;
  • large families.


El Dorado. Treasures of the Indians

In addition to the main exposition, exhibitions are constantly held at the Museum of Architecture and Design of Yekaterinburg. For this, the Big and Small Halls, a library, as well as a special hall No. 210 are involved.

The schedule of almost all exhibitions is compiled a year in advance. For example, in 2019, on the basis of the Great Hall, the following expositions are planned:

  • "Eldorado. Treasures of the Indians";
  • "Stone Age Architecture";
  • photo exhibition "Reflection" (Pisa and Nevyansk towers);
  • author's doll festival;
  • "First" - an exhibition dedicated to unique new objects and builders, pioneers.

The following exhibitions are planned in the Small Hall:

  • "Chaos and control";
  • installations of Vladimir Kern;
  • "Route Points" (watercolors by Maria Volynsky);
  • "Demidovs in Europe";
  • graphic and pictorial works of Maria Semenkina.

The library will host:

  • exhibition of architectural projects "Bilimbay as an example of the Ural city-factory", presented by the Stroganoff Foundation;
  • exhibition project "Architectural heritage of Sysert of the 18th-19th centuries" (photographs and drawings by Alexander Savichev);
  • "Yekaterinburg Mint";
  • "The key to the hometown (work of Victor Miroshnikov);
  • "Architectural sketches of Leonid Salmin";
  • "Jewelry Design" (photographs of non-traditional jewelry);
  • Ethnodesign.

On the basis of the hall number 210 you can see:

  • an exhibition of graphics from the museum funds;
  • photo exhibition "Subjective lens" by Vadim Osipov;
  • exhibition "Panel housing construction in the Urals - the first panel houses in Russia";
  • exhibition of Svetlana and Vladimir Ganzins;
  • exhibition "Hans Sharun in photographs" by Karsten Krohn.

Lectures and master classes

Museum of Architecture and Design

The poster of the Museum of Architecture and Design in Yekaterinburg for a year is very diverse. In addition to exhibitions, there are also master classes and lectures.

For example, lectures are given by courses. A large number of visitors are attracted by the course of Nadezhda Nikolaevna Burlakova, dedicated to the history of pre-revolutionary architecture of the Urals. For example, within its framework, visitors can learn about the problems of restoration and conservation of monuments of pre-revolutionary temple architecture.

The cycle "The Unbroken Reserve: Secrets and Heritage of the Pre-Columbian Civilizations of Mesoamerica" โ€‹โ€‹is presented by Julia Viktorovna Mokerova, Ph.D. In particular, she talks about why a modern person needs to go to the pyramids, how to independently go to Central America, how and what to see.


Museum exposition

On the basis of the museum there is a unique creative space "ARCH_Laboratory". In it, adults and children have the opportunity to explore, learn, conduct the most daring experiments and realize their vivid and unexpected fantasies.

"ARCH_Laboratory" at the design studio of the Museum of Yekaterinburg consists of two key entities. These are family architecture workshops and an architectural school. In fact, they represent an original space for lectures, discussions, implementation of socially significant projects.

Among the teachers who work at the museumโ€™s design studio in Yekaterinburg are graduates of the Ural State Academy of Art and Architecture. Many of them have become successful and practicing designers and architects, regularly take part in city and international architectural competitions.

For example, the Biotech: Creating an Animal Building course has been launched. Within its framework, it is taught to analyze and use the forms of the animal world, its structure and features applicable to the structures and technologies of buildings. Here they introduce the science of bionics, teaching them to put it into practice.

The course "Architectural Drawing" is devoted to practicing the skills of academic drawing, which allow depicting objects exactly as we see them in reality. Participants of the course work on different materials and techniques, look for interesting combinations, which gives them the opportunity to form their own unique style.

Gallery "Cap"

A special pride is the "Cap" gallery. It is a creative and exhibition space that also provides services for children and adults.

Students of the courses have the opportunity to learn the basics of watercolor painting, printed graphics, make an author's doll with their own hands, and learn what scrapbooking is. Separate classes are devoted to the art of decorative ceramics and decorative panels using the macrame technique.


Museum of Architecture

The museum funds currently collected more than 20 thousand exhibits. The collection of funds is carried out in two main directions.

This is the history of urban planning and architecture, as well as the history of industrial technology in the Urals. The museumโ€™s fixed assets contain unique architectural projects, exchange drawings, personal archives of Yekaterinburg architects, technical passports, materials on the history of architectural education in the Urals, publications that fully reflect the history of technology and architecture. It also houses works of art.

Widely represented Fund exchange drawings. It contains the most valuable information about the monuments of architecture of the Urals, as well as the personal archives of Yekaterinburg architects, which formed the basis for the acquisition of personal funds.


Currently, the museum is headed by Elena Valentinovna Shtubova, who holds the post of director.

The curator of the projects is Olga V. Kolbina. Also important is the head of the information and educational department Olga Nikolaevna Prosnikova, and the head of the exposition and exhibition department Marina Sergeevna Solovyova.


In reviews of the Museum of Architecture and Design in Yekaterinburg, visitors note that this is really a curious place to learn about the creativity and architecture of the Urals.

Of particular interest are photographs of old Yekaterinburg, as well as a unique exhibition of old iron mills in the courtyard, which allows you to clearly see what industry was founded on two centuries ago.


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