Fire protection of wood, as well as the features of its application. Means "Pirilaks", "SENEG", "Assol"

It is unlikely that anyone will dare to argue about the advantages of wooden houses, because they differ in environmental friendliness, reliability, a variety of designs, ease of processing and, of course, excellent appearance. Although here there is one “but” that prevents many from making their choice in favor of wood as the main material for building a house. It is about the durability of such a building.

Fire and a biological destroyer can very quickly destroy a wooden house. For a long time people have been trying to protect their home from these enemies. So, even about 50 years ago, salt solutions, oil, iron sulfate, and liquid glass were quite often used. Today, the fire protection of wood has improved significantly, and on the market we can purchase a variety of antiseptics, flame retardants and special impregnations. When buying the latter, it should be remembered that they are all created using water, not organic solvents. That is why all impregnations can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Not containing a binder ingredient.
  2. With the content of binding components.

Application of fire-protective agents

Any fire protection of wood requires special attention and has its own characteristics of application. Before using the products, thoroughly clean the walls. Dirt, mold, resin should not be present on the surface. Fire protection of wood (the consumption of the product depends on the number of layers, at least two are recommended) is carried out using conventional painting tools, in particular a roller, brush. Such funds are not completely safe, so when using them, it is better to use rubber gloves and a respirator, and the room itself should be well ventilated.

Protection by Pirilax

Among the various impregnations, Pirilax deserves special attention. Fire and biosecurity of wood should preserve building materials for at least several years. Pirilaks, on the other hand, holds the defense against fire for up to 16 years inside the house and about 5 from the outside. It is intended for use in various rooms, even those that are poorly ventilated (for example, basements, pantries, etc.). In addition, this tool successfully copes with mold, insects, fungi. It prevents cracking of the tree and helps to preserve its natural beauty. Pirilax is sold ready-made (no need to dilute), in barrels.

"SENEG COGNEBIO" and his defense

When choosing an impregnation, it is worth looking at more environmentally friendly and non-toxic. The fire protection of SENEZH wood belongs to such. Like Pirilax, this tool can be used to process external and internal walls, floors, roof structures. It provides protection from fire (group II), mold, insects, rot. Other advantages of "SENEZH" are:

  • long term protection (up to 20 years);
  • low corrosion;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of applying to a wet tree;
  • preservation of the texture and natural color of wood.


Among the best experts rightly include and impregnation from the company "Palette of Rus." The product with the poetic name "Assol" does not contain varnish, and therefore can be used for various wood products. In addition to walls, ceilings, etc., they can also handle household wooden objects. True, this tool must be diluted with water. The average consumption of "Assoli" is 1 kg per 7-8 square meters. This fire protection of wood literally dries in one hour.


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