Irish rose or eustoma at home

An Irish rose or eustoma, which we will look at home care in this article, looks like a queen among other indoor flowers. This plant is from the gentian family, it comes from Central America, prefers warm and humid air.

eustoma at home
These conditions must be taken into account, since eustoma is very sensitive to them. At home, it is quite possible to recreate them if you try a little. For this plant you will be rewarded with magnificent flowering.

Eustoma - growing at home. Description, varieties, features

In shape, the flowers of lisianthus (another name for this plant) resemble the flowers of an ordinary rose. Their color is diverse, they are both simple and terry. The leaves of lisianthus are bluish, in the form of an ellipse, covered with a waxy coating. The height of most varieties of eustoma is from fifty to seventy centimeters. There are lower ones - they are well suited for growing in pots. Eustoma at home is now available not only for professionals, any amateur grower can buy its seeds. Potted flowering plants are also sold. Thanks to breeders, there are many varieties of lisianthus.

eustoma home care
Eustoma at home can have a different color of flowers. Non-double varieties (“Twinkies”, “Mermeid”, “Kyoto”) are very elegant, and terry varieties (“Echo”, “Sapphire”, “Cinderella”) resemble peonies. Eustoma can be grown as a perennial plant, as well as as a biennial and annual. In greenhouses, professional flower growers grow lisianthus for sale - the plant blooms, then it is cut, and a new shoot grows from the root. Eustoma at home requires a similar agricultural technique. It is also possible to grow it as a garden crop - in this case, you need to consider that she loves partial shade. In the apartment, she needs ventilation and well-humidified air. Otherwise, it may wither. A pot with lisianthus is best placed on the east or west window and make sure that it is illuminated by sufficiently bright but scattered sunlight. You can additionally use illuminated lamps in the winter.
eustoma home growing

Flower care: necessary temperature, soil, watering mode

In winter, lisianthus tolerates the coolness of the room. During the laying of the buds, the temperature should be at least twenty degrees Celsius. Then the plant will form the maximum number of flowers. Do not use large pots, otherwise lisianthus will form a huge number of leaves and may not bloom. When transplanting, lay a layer of drainage on the bottom. The soil should be peaty, similar to the substrate for the senpolia and sufficiently light. You can add pieces of charcoal. The watering regime should be observed so that the substrate never dries out completely. At the same time, you do not need to fill the plant. Use your finger to control the drying of the topsoil. Do not immerse a container with lisianthus in water - water only on top of the pot. When the plant blooms or when the air temperature is elevated, you can slightly increase the amount of moisture.


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