Cemetery of military equipment - causes and effects

Today on the territory of the country you can find many abandoned military units, command posts, whole cemeteries of military equipment. In Russia, as the main successor to the imperial past, such places testifying to past greatness, alas, are numerous.

The reasons why the equipment was abandoned

After the death of the USSR, overseas partners made a lot of efforts so that the once-mighty army would turn into a bunch of people whom nobody cares, and numerous equipment would become unnecessary scrap metal.

military equipment cemetery

A sharp reduction in funding led to the fact that entire military units were disbanded. Military settlements turned into abandoned exclusion zones, and obsolete equipment turned into rubbish as unnecessary.

In addition, the notorious sloppiness also has a place to be. Some military transport on paper is on conservation and, if necessary, can be put into operation by order. However, not everyone in this system will be able to get up. Then they will immediately find those responsible - those who had to check the condition and availability of equipment. Then you will not envy them, but it will not be easier for anyone.

And someone could come in handy

On the territory of the existing units there is also a large number of obsolete and unnecessary equipment. Why it is not decommissioned and disposed of in a timely manner is not entirely clear. This looks especially strange when today the state has every ruble in the account.

After all, the technique could not only be cut into scrap metal. Many residents would not abandon former military trucks and all-terrain vehicles, giving them a second, peaceful life.

military equipment cemeteries in Russia

On our roads, you can still find such dilapidated specimens, in comparison with which the cars located in the cemetery of military equipment look like brand new.


If you calculate what the benefit will be if all this unnecessary scrap is put into action, then the amount will be very significant even for our state. Why does no one want to raise state money, easily lying under their feet? Nobody wants to stoop or are afraid to take responsibility?

Perhaps we, ordinary people, do not understand strategic plans. Perhaps all this rusty and unnecessary army is very necessary in order to mislead a hypothetical military adversary, who is taking pictures of our territory from satellite spies in order to identify strike groups of our army. This reason logically gives an explanation of the situation to everyone who is very worried about the well-being of the motherland. But such a destination seems doubtful. Most likely, we are dealing with ordinary negligence and sloppiness.

Event Summary

More recently, mushroom pickers discovered a cemetery for military equipment in the suburbs. Right in the middle of the forest, dozens of pieces of equipment were abandoned.

military equipment cemetery

According to the equipment that is located there, we can assume that this is the real mobile air defense group. Who and when forgot it in the forest and for what reason is a rhetorical question. The fact that she is forgotten can be understood from photographs taken by curious mushroom pickers.

In fact, most likely, the equipment is located next to the abandoned military air defense unit, which is morally obsolete and has been abandoned by the military. But security must be present there. Perhaps adventure lovers just got lucky that they missed the patrol service. This is not the only cemetery of military equipment. The coordinates of many such places people without a twinge of conscience are laid out for free access.

cemetery of military equipment in the suburbs

Such objects, due to their archaic nature, cannot be of interest to the special services of foreign states. But scrap metal hunters will be happy with such a find. Devices that are in abandoned equipment contain a huge amount of precious metals. Knowledgeable people can pick out tens of thousands of dollars of all this iron.

Monument to human stupidity

The cemetery of military equipment is actually a memorial to our real relationship with the Motherland. Here, the most sincere patriotism is broken by granite monumental negligence. How many such deposits in the vast expanses of our land, no one knows.

Behind all these means abandoned to their fate lies the stubborn and dedicated work of many Soviet people. These are many millions of funds that could have been used differently for concrete improvement of the inhabitants of our country. And so it’s just a cemetery of military equipment, silently and reproachfully looking at the economic leaders of today's Russia.

It is known that in no country such a breadth and scope in spit did not succeed. The Chinese or Japanese would build a separate direction in industry in order to process such deposits of raw materials, which are not necessary to be mined.

But not us. Our man, with his scope and wide soul, will not even pay attention to such trifles. It's a pity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4322/

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