Types of wallpaper and their characteristics. Types of combined wallpapers

The most traditional and popular material for wall decoration is wallpaper. With their help, you can decorate the walls, replace them with painting and even insulate a little. Depends on the cover, how furniture and other interior details will look against its background. There are countless types of wallpaper, and their characteristic allows you to apply them to rooms of all possible types.

It is easier to change the trellis than repaint the walls in a suitable color.

Pasting a room is a kind of summing up the repair. After all, this work is done almost in the last turn. Upon completion, it remains only to paint the floors.

There are many ways to glue wallpapers.

types of wallpaper and their characteristics

They all differ from each other, but the general rule is one: color, pattern and texture should be harmoniously combined with the individual characteristics of the room.

The price of products is also different, mainly it depends on the type, manufacturing method and quality of materials. Cheap wallpapers basically have light thin paper, and the front side is covered with paint, the quality indicators of which are not the best. In the production of expensive options for this finishing material, thick, heavy paper is used. The best paint is applied.

Types of wallpaper, classification and characteristics - this is what you need to navigate in order to choose the "vestments" for the walls of your house.

In general, they can be divided into several main types. The main ones are: paper, vinyl, textile, metal and cork options. There are other species, but they are not so popular.

Paper can be smooth, structural, with a printed image (photo wallpaper). Vinyls are also divided into many types, including flat vinyl, structural version, silk-screen printing and so on. Textile wallpapers are available on paper, fabric or synthetic basis.

How to navigate in such a variety? Is it realistic to choose exactly what you need? Below we will consider all this.


Of all types, they are considered the most durable and practical. They are not subject to burnout, they can be washed. Such finishing materials can be used in wet rooms. The modern version of the product has a porous coating, which allows it to pass air to the walls.

Vinyl-based coating is chosen in those cases when you need high-quality, but not the most expensive wallpaper. The types and characteristics are so diverse that it is worth talking about them separately.

Vinyl wallpapers are made on paper or non-woven basis.

vinyl wallpaper types and specifications

Qualitative indicators of the material depend on the substrate. A vinyl product gives room for imagination, allows you to realize the most bizarre and colorful drawings and patterns. It is of four types. Among them should be noted smooth vinyl, solid, silkscreen and foamed. The first two are dense and not embossed. The foamed coating is airy but convex. Silk screen printing resembles textile wallpaper, but it is embossed.

Vinyl trellis is a material of two layers. The first layer, paper or non-woven, is coated with a PVC film. Then a drawing or print is applied to it. This second layer protects the walls from moisture and other undesirable effects.

Vinyl wallpapers, the types and characteristics of which are very diverse, are the most popular among other decorative materials for walls.

The following is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of finishing materials of this type.

Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl finishing material can last a very long time, up to 20 years. At the same time, it is enough to wipe them with a wet cloth from time to time. Moisture resistance, by the way, is also an indisputable advantage of vinyl. The advantage is the widest range of colors, textures, patterns. Wallpaper does not fade and well resist damage.

This material is perfect not only for wall decoration in the hall and hallway, it will show itself perfectly in the kitchen, in the corridor, in the living room.

These types of wallpapers and their characteristics have negative qualities. Among them, the allocation of unsafe substances, such as formaldehyde. On the packaging of the roll it may be written that the materials used are environmentally friendly and comply with all standards, but still it is better not to glue them in the children's room. In rooms in which such wallpapers are used, it is advisable to often open windows and doors for ventilation. Another disadvantage is that the porous top layer has been made relatively recently. If you buy an old type of wallpaper, they will not let air through, which means that moisture can accumulate under them, which is fraught with the appearance of mold on the walls.

Paper wallpaper

If you are looking for suitable types of wallpaper in the bedroom, then you should pay attention to traditional paper.

Such wall coverings have the longest history among all other types, it goes back centuries. Their homeland is East Asia, from where they came to Europe in the 18th century. Since then, wallpapers have been widely used, and today it is difficult to find at least one house in which decoration materials of this or a related type would not be used.

Paper wallpapers are relatively inexpensive, they are easy to glue, they are water repellent. They can be painted in any color, thereby refreshing the look of the room.

Nowadays, there are different types of paper wallpaper.

wallpapers types and characteristics

Now they are produced not only smooth, but also with a print (structural).

Two main types can also be distinguished: two-layer (duplex) and single-layer (simplex). The first have a protective coating that protects against environmental influences. Single-layer wallpapers are not so durable, but they are cheaper. Despite the difference in price, two-layer paper products are in great demand . In any case, such a wall covering will please the eye for about 5 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper products

Let's discuss the main pros and cons of these types of wallpapers and their characteristics.

The main advantage of the finishing material from paper should be considered its environmental cleanliness. It does not provoke an allergy, does not spoil the atmosphere with harmful secretions. Paper lets air through, this will prevent mold from developing. A minor plus of this product is its relatively low cost.

Now a few words about the shortcomings that all types of paper wallpaper have. And their characterization also matters.

Paper is not a waterproof material, so wallpapers made from it are not designed for use in wet rooms such as a bathroom, kitchen, corridor.

For the same reason, they cannot be cleaned with water; even wiping with a damp cloth can harm the paper.

types of paper wallpaper

Only a few species, the surface of which is covered with a protective layer, can be washed with a damp cloth.

When compared with vinyl counterparts, paper is not so practical to use.


Long before paper was invented in Asia, walls were upholstered with fabric. This method of decoration has become the prototype of a new material - textile wallpaper.

Nowadays, covering with fabric indicates the abundance and good taste of the landlord. A variety of choices will impress you if you decide to purchase such wallpapers. The types and characteristics of fabric wall coverings are described below.

As a decorative layer, not only fabric can be used, but also threads glued to the paper base, located parallel to one another. Such materials are made in Germany, and they are expensive, up to $ 40 per roll.

With its luxurious appearance, wallpaper with a fabric surface is very whimsical to operating conditions. They are undesirable to use in children's rooms. There they will quickly lose their perfect look.

Suitable rooms for this material can be considered an office, bedroom, living room.

Some of the nuances of using textile wallpaper make this process more difficult than gluing with other types of wall coverings. The difference is that you need to carefully monitor so that drops of glue or water do not get on the front side of the fabric.

types of wallpaper in the room

To avoid this, you should not glue the back of the wallpaper, but the wall itself with glue. Fortunately, non-woven used as a base, it allows.

The advantages of the material are that it allows air to pass through, absorbs noise, and looks very beautiful and elegant. The disadvantages are the difficulties of pasting and maintenance, because surfaces of this type cannot be washed, only dry cleaning is permissible.


Such wallpaper is a paper web on which nylon fibers are applied. The fibers are arranged vertically.

The production process looks like this. The paper roll is installed in a special hopper, into which a pile of nylon is then fed. The length of each villus is not more than 1 mm. A grid rotates above the paper, creating an electromagnetic field, thanks to which the fibers falling on the paper become vertical, just as hair is pulled in the direction of an electrified comb. The villi are glued, and the finished cloths are dried in the oven. Suitable types of wallpaper in the guest room, in the office.

Advantages and disadvantages

The process of sticking them is rather laborious. The glue needs to be quickly wiped with a soft cloth, the seams should be smoothed with a brush.

Among the advantages of velor wallpaper, noise-absorbing qualities are noted. The walls covered with them shimmer like velvet. The coating will not fade, no matter how much is used. Designers often use this type of decoration for decorative purposes, decorating and highlighting areas of rooms.

But there are also disadvantages. Due to its hairiness, the surface collects dust. It also absorbs odors and is easily contaminated, although it needs to be cleaned only with dry methods. If a stain appears, it will be virtually impossible to remove. And, as already mentioned, this type of wall covering is rather difficult to glue.


These types of wallpapers, the characteristics of which are described below, are of two types. The first type is a finishing coating for the walls, really consisting of this material. Wallpaper of the second type has a non-woven base, while the coating is made of vinyl.

In order to better understand the properties of the material, you first need to understand what is non-woven itself. In fact, these are cellulose fibers glued with a special polymer, resembling paper in quality. The difference is that the non-woven is stronger and worse burns.

This material is used to make wallpaper that can often be painted. The substance will repeat the texture or stamping made on them. Acrylic or any other water-based paint is best suited for such a wall upgrade.

Like other products, non-woven wallpaper has its advantages. They are made on a thick base, which means sticking them to the walls can hide some defects, such as cracks and bumps.

They ignite poorly, this positively characterizes them from the point of view of fire safety.

They do not interfere with the penetration of air to the walls, so that they do not cause fungus.

types of wallpaper and their characteristics photo

The material does not tear, does not stretch, it is easy to work with it. Glue should smear the surface of the wall. Therefore, you do not need to lay out long strips of material in the middle of the room.

Flizelin is not afraid of water, the wall decoration will be easy to keep clean, periodically cleaning it with detergents.

The disadvantage of such wallpaper can be considered their cost, it is far from the lowest.


The combination of different types of decoration when pasting one room is the simplest and most inexpensive way to give the room a unique and original design. The main types of wallpaper and their characteristics are described below. Photos will help to better understand what is at stake.

You need to have good taste and a sense of proportion in order to harmoniously combine different types of wall coverings. The resulting result should not "argue" with the general decoration of the interior, it is intended to emphasize it and strengthen its positive qualities.

Types of combined wallpapers are different, they are due to the rules of combining colors and qualities of materials.

When choosing suitable options, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • In rooms with low ceilings, it is undesirable to use a dark finish, especially if it is accompanied by ornaments with large fragments. Such a room can be visually enlarged with light wallpaper, especially plain. Acceptable patterns with small details.
  • If the ceilings are very high, then the use of materials with large patterns can come to the rescue. This will make the room more comfortable and not so bulky.
  • Light products are not very suitable for covering the walls of a large spacious room.
  • Combining wallpaper, you should consider the function of the room. The combination of plain materials with bright and fun wallpapers will look good in a children's room. For the living room, combinations of large geometric shapes, stripes or squares with plain zones are better.
  • If the room for which the materials are selected is located in the southern latitudes, then in the summer it will look nice in cold colors. Warm shades work well where it is often cold and rainy.
  • You need to take care not only that the types of wallpaper are combined, and their characteristics suit you. Their thickness should also be the same, otherwise when glued it turns out that the joints are too striking.
  • Think about the combination of colors of wallpaper and furniture that will be in the room.

What products to choose in the bedroom

What types of wallpaper are suitable for the bedroom, and which are not? This is a rather difficult choice, given the variety that is presented on the market of decorative materials for walls in our time. Each species is good in its own way, but also has disadvantages. Some of these disadvantages make this or that wallpaper unsuitable for use in a bedroom.

Let's look at the types of wallpaper and their characteristics suitable for living quarters.

The best option is the use for this purpose of materials made from natural components. Vinyl coatings are beautiful, but not too natural and safe, it is not recommended from a medical point of view to use them in poorly ventilated rooms. A good but expensive option is a textile or non-woven wallpaper. They are absolutely harmless.

types of wallpaper classification and characteristics

In the case of non-woven materials, it is also necessary to take into account the ecological purity of the paint, which, possibly, will be applied on top of them.

You can use paper wallpaper for walls. The types, characteristics and disadvantages of this material are already described in the article.

What color the walls in your bedroom will be is a matter of your taste. One can only advise when choosing materials to resort to the same principles that apply when combining wallpaper. A small bedroom will benefit from the use of light colors, a large bedroom - on the contrary. For a bedroom it is always better to choose calm tones, because this is a relaxation area.

All the above rules and principles are by no means an obligatory guide to action, because the story is full of cases when a violation of the rules led to the best results. The main thing is that the apartment is comfortable for you and your loved ones.

So, we found out what types of wallpapers are and how to choose them correctly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4367/

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