Coastal park in Ulyanovsk: description, features and address

In the conditions of the city it is very difficult for a person to maintain harmony with nature. New buildings are being built everywhere, asphalt is laid, trees are being cut down, so the greenery is practically invisible. Because of this, many outside working hours get out into the forest, for example, for barbecue. In Ulyanovsk, the Coastal Park is especially popular among those who, after work, want to sit under the crown of trees. More details about the place are described in the article.


Ulyanovsk itself is a small city, but even here, residents periodically get tired of the number of buildings. The coastal park in Ulyanovsk is becoming a real life buoy for nature lovers, mothers with children and elderly people who want to retire.

coastal park Ulyanovsk

This place contains everything you need for people of all ages: swings, carousels for children, many shops for old people and mothers watching their babies. In addition to the rides in the Ulyanovsk Coastal Park, there are many stalls selling ice cream, drinks and other snack foods.

A few years ago, the park was practically abandoned: weeds grew everywhere, old buildings were not updated, stray dogs walked. Recently, the city administration decided to update the mini-reserve, so now the green place is brought into proper form.

What to see

The coastal park in Ulyanovsk cannot be called a tourist attraction, since there is nothing outstanding here. Although for a general overview of the area, the place should be visited.

Of the children's attractions, swings, trampolines, integrated playgrounds with horizontal bars and sandboxes, as well as more modern entertainment systems, are represented here. There are attractions that will be interesting not only for children but also for adults. These include the Ferris wheel.

park coastal Ulyanovsk

Part of the square lies in the forest. Paths pass between trees, creating a slight shadow, which is especially good in summer. Mothers with prams and young couples often come here. In summer, squirrels and birds of different species can be seen on the trees.

Going deeper into the forest, you can find bonfires and other traces of "adult" relaxation. Companies regularly gather here to fry kebabs. If you go even further, you can see the Volga - one of the most full-flowing rivers in Russia.


The interesting position of the Coastal Park casts doubt on its exact address. Some sources say that it is located on Marshal Ustinov Avenue, in others - on General Tyulenev Avenue. All options are correct, since the square is quite extensive, and its center lies at the intersection of these large streets.

Based on the information received, the address of the Coastal Park (Ulyanovsk) can be written as follows: Marshal Ustinov Avenue / General Tyulenev Avenue .

Depending on where you are coming from, the address will change. Landmarks can be buildings under construction, a small network of residential buildings and a wall of trees throughout the street.

How to get there

Most residents of Russia have their own personal transport, so the most popular way to overcome the distance is considered to be by car. To get to the Coastal Park, you need to get to one of the largest streets of Ulyanovsk - Marshal Ustinov Avenue. It will be easy to find a parking place, because the place is located on the outskirts of the city, where it is full of empty roadsides.

park coastal Ulyanovsk address

If you do not have your own car, use public transport. This area includes minibus number 35. In addition, you can ride a trolley bus number 9, number 11, number 12 and others. The stop is right next to your destination, so you won’t have to go far.

In the case of traveling around Ulyanovsk on foot, open the navigator, enter the address and follow the instructions of the virtual voice. The walk will be wonderful. Estimate the distance between your location and the park in advance.


As mentioned earlier, different categories of people rest in the Ulyanovsk Coastal Park. As you know, most people leave a lot of trash during their holidays. When they come next time, they themselves will complain that it is very dirty, but they will not consider it necessary to change their behavior.

park coastal Ulyanovsk attractions

Complaints are often received about the state of the square, for example, about broken shops, attractions, garbage, so respect for it is gradually falling. The city administration is trying to conduct various activities to preserve the state of the green space, but their efforts are not always crowned with success.

Each city has something similar to a mini-forest, but it’s difficult to talk about cleanliness and order when people themselves spoil their recreation area. If everyone takes care of what they have, the opinion of the parks as a whole will become much better.

Development prospects

The last couple of years there is information that the park will be improved. Meetings with the mayor were repeatedly held at which it was said that the resting place would not hurt to renew. Perhaps the impetus for this decision was the construction of residential areas. As the only place to stay in the city, it should match the beautiful buildings nearby.


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