Good romance novels: the best books

What are good romance novels? What is the defining moment after which it is safe to say whether this work is an example to follow or is it just an ordinary book that does not deserve to be looked at for a second time? Perhaps, take as the basis the opinion of literary critics, nevertheless their bread is to put the authors on a pedestal or, on the contrary, mix them with dirt. Or maybe good love affairs should be determined by most readers? This seems like a reasonable step, if we forget that the tastes, including the literary ones, are different for everyone.

good romance novels

Therefore, everyone chooses good love affairs on the basis of their preferences. Most likely, they will 80-95% coincide with the list compiled by the readers. But still it will be your personal and unbiased choice.

Best love affairs

  1. “Cityhood and Prejudice,” Jane Austen.
  2. Stormy First, Emily Bronte.
  3. Chalykushu or Korolek is a songbird, Reshad Gyuntekin.
  4. Gone With The Wind, Margaret Mitchell.
  5. "Paradise," Judith Macknot.
  6. The Shine and Poverty of the Courtesans, Honore de Balzac.
  7. "Anna Karenina", Leo Tolstoy.
  8. “Dangerous Liaisons,” Chauderlo de Laclos.

Read these works, leave for yourself what you really liked, discard what you didn’t like at all, and add your favorite books. So you will have your personal list of the best romance novels.

Best Short Love Stories

best short romance novels

This is a very special kind of novels; they differ from other works of this genre not only in volume, which, as a rule, does not exceed 100 pages of printed text. The plot in such books is not rich in events, it is quite difficult to find any interesting thoughts or a fresh outlook on things. Most likely, this is an easy entertaining reading for one evening. Among the most popular and sought-after authors in this direction are Barbara Cartland, Emma Richmond, Sandra Marton and Elizabeth Haley. Although it should be noted that almost every writer or writer working in the genre of a love story has similar works.

The best modern romance novels

best modern romance novels

Sadly enough, the love affair is currently in a period of stagnation. It would seem that there are many worthy authors, new books appear quite often, and among them there are many quite worthy things with an intriguing plot and non-template characters. The problem is that there is nothing truly new, different from everything that millions of people have already read. Each time, picking up a book, I want to be fascinated by it, imbued with every event and excitedly follow the interweaving of other people's destinies. But as a result, from the first pages of the book, the reader has a clear feeling that he has already seen all this somewhere and, possibly, more than once.

Nevertheless, among contemporary authors, one can distinguish Alina Znamenskaya, Irina Mozaeva, Lucille Carter, Carol Mortimer, Hayley North and Lane Rich. However, if you want to read good romance novels that are truly fresh and unconventional, you will have to wait until the new Emily Bronte or Margaret Mitchell appears in the writing environment .


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