The sun in the design in the kindergarten is a symbol of warmth and love

Kindergarten is the first educational institution where kids come. Therefore, the first impression received here is of great importance. The colorful, vivid design of the room has a positive and beneficial effect on the emotional mood of children and their well-being. It is necessary to try to create a fabulous, kind atmosphere. It is quite difficult to imagine an ideal place in which future generations will grow. The nature and design of these premises should not be random. Consider some of the facets of this process on the example of arranging a group of preschool institutions "Sun". In the design in kindergarten, both teachers and parents participate. It is important that this occupation becomes not a heavy duty for them, but a creative process that implements their experience and ideas.

The sun in the design of the kindergarten

The name "Sunny" was not chosen by chance, since so many children's institutions and even more so the groups in them bear such a name. Despite the emergence of new, super fashionable names, it remains the most popular and sought after. Such a wide distribution is due to the pleasant, bright and warm associations associated with this word, the love of many parents to call their babies that way.

Where to begin?

The group “The Sun” in the design in the kindergarten can be distinguished by a personal motto, a single style that will connect all its rooms together. The motto is easy to come up with or find on the Internet. Something like: “Sun, sun, shine brighter for us! Our children will grow stronger than all! ” The motto will be a mini-presentation of the group, will help unite children, for example, at sports competitions or during games, contests. Before the design of the group itself and the creation of all kinds of thematic corners, a general decoration of the room should be carried out.

Locker room

The reception room or locker room is the only room where parents have access, and the first thing the baby sees when he comes to kindergarten. She is the face of the group, and its design should be taken seriously.

design of a group of kindergarten Sun

The front door can already have not only a plate with the name of the group, but also decorative elements, for example, an emblem in the shape of the sun, so that the child can easily find his group from the first days of visiting the institution. Also here should be placed information of interest and concern to parents - menu, daily routine, parenting recommendations, the order of sequential dressing of babies (if the group is nursery). All of it can be placed on one stand, accessible to parents, designed also in the style of the group. Many educators hang a soft toy in the form of a sun above the door to the group. But this is not entirely advisable. She hangs high, and the children simply do not see her. The sconces or chandelier in the form of the sun will look original.

On lockers you can stick small photos of children in the center of a sunflower. And one more obligatory stand for the reception - with crafts and drawings of the group's pupils. Stands should not be designed in a patterned manner, have an excellent, sunny design. If there were no craftsmen and artists among the parents and educators, you can contact the appropriate companies. Indispensable in the locker room and the corner of forgotten things for the comfort of parents and kindergarten workers. If possible, an oasis with indoor plants will be perfectly placed on the windowsill. The sun painted or pasted on the glass of the window, even on a bad day, will make the room bright and sunny.

Game space

Each group traditionally has a separate bedroom and a common room for classes and games. Let's consider how to use the sun in the design of the playing space in the kindergarten. It is desirable to arrange the whole room bright and colorful. With the help of funny images of animals, flowers, cartoon characters, you can create a friendly atmosphere conducive to games. It could well be both murals, and drawings on the wall. The scenery should carry an aesthetic and semantic load. The creative approach, the presence of imagination, the use of new technologies in design will make the design of a kindergarten group (photo below) an interesting lesson for parents, educators and children.

kindergarten group design photo

When creating game corners, the age of the children in the group, the presence of free space and the general idea of ​​design should be taken into account. Traditionally, thematic corners of the type “Visiting a Fairy Tale” or theater, a barber’s corner, a “Hairdresser”, “Hospital”, “Kitchen”, a corner of artistic creation are created. How to use the sun in the design of such corners in kindergarten? All uniform suits, dressing gowns and aprons can have a solar emblem (except for a doctor’s suit, of course), be orange or yellow. This also applies to the color of toy furniture in the corners, children's dishes, jars in the hairdresser, balls and pins in the sports corner. For boys' games, it is necessary to create game corners based on their interests. For example, car dealership, ship, workshop. For the "solar" group, a corner of space is perfect. When decorating it, planets and stars of the entire solar system are used. In a playful way, children will learn about space, spaceships and other interesting things.

Bedroom and other rooms

The design of the children's bedroom is also of great importance, because the children spend several hours here every day. The room should have peace and relaxation, be comfortable. And here boring plain walls are not necessary. It is quite acceptable to use the same murals or drawings with fairy-tale characters, but the plot is somewhat different. Animals, princesses and the sun itself can yawn, go to bed or hide in a cloud. The kids, looking at the fabulous walls, quickly calm down and fall asleep. The design of the “Kindergarten” group of the sun - these are sunny pictures on beds and cabinets, stickers or embroideries on towels, posters in the washroom and toilet rooms with a washing sun - all that the fantasy will tell you.

The main thing is to arrange the group so that the little pupils do not want to go home in the evenings, get sick and go from kindergarten to school. You need to experiment, use fresh ideas, create, and then success will certainly come.


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