Contract service in the FSB. Regulatory requirements, salary

At all times, the state power of any country, empire or kingdom needed support. It could be carried out by both the people and the nobility. But a wise ruler knows that you can only rely on your strength. This principle was noted in the famous work of the Florentine scientist and politician Nicolo Machiavelli "Sovereign". The main state power is the army. But it could not be used everywhere in peacetime. Thus, the rulers began to create specific secret organs, which performed atypical functions for ordinary soldiers.

contract service in the FSB
These units were used for political struggle, coups, and other similar purposes. But in the process of historical evolution, the role of such organs has also begun to change. Today in every state there are a large number of organizations that perform special law enforcement functions. The Russian Federation is no exception in this matter. In the vastness of the fatherland there is such a body as the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In the article we will try to reveal the essence of this structure, and also answer the question of how to get into it.

Department History

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is the "successor" of the once-existing USSR State Security Committee. In fact, the KGB and the FSB are one and the same thing, since many employees of the modern organ come from Soviet intelligence. Thus, the service in the FSB of Russia is due to a large number of traditions that have been formed for more than one year. To understand in more detail the activities of the Federal Security Service, it is necessary to consider the history of the KGB.

joining the FSB

The State Security Committee was the union-republican body of state administration, which was entrusted with the functions of ensuring state security, carrying out foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, guarding the first persons of the state, operational-search activity, protecting borders, etc. In the USSR, the body was universal. political weapons ”, which was entirely due to the historical period. With the development of pluralism and democracy in the Union, this role of the body has ceased to be key. Today, political pressure is not as important as, for example, the fight against the terrorist threat and subversive activities of special bodies of world powers. All the presented aspects were taken into account when creating the Federal Security Service of Russia, therefore, the existing body is an innovation of the law enforcement system in many respects.

FSB. General concepts

The contract service in the FSB has characteristic features due to the specific activities of this body. Although it is included in the general array of law enforcement services, its functions differ, for example, from the police of the Russian Federation.

contract service salary

The Federal Security Service is a state special service, or rather, a federal executive body, which carries out a number of functions in the security sphere of the Russian Federation. Thus, it provides actual protection of the state from any external influences (counteraction to the activities of special foreign services, terrorist organizations), as well as within the country (the fight against organized crime on a federal scale).

FSB relations with other services

The Federal Security Service is working closely with many departments. Along with the SVR, FSO, FSTEC and the Special Facilities Service, it belongs to the state security forces. This means that the Federal Security Service is empowered to conduct preliminary investigations, operational-search activities, inquiries, intelligence activities and the search for individuals. It should be noted that the FSB is directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation, which leads to significant freedom of the agency in the process of implementing its functions.

FSB service

Service in the FSB

Today, service in the FSB is the most popular area where thousands of citizens want to work. But the problem is that getting a seat in this body is more difficult than, for example, in the police. This is due to several main factors:

- Firstly, a person must have a specific character set. Have special business and moral qualities, given the specifics of the FSB.

- Secondly, performance related to contact with statements that contain state secrets.

- Thirdly, the contract service, the salary for which is not very large, is a type of state activity based on patriotic principles. Commercial interest is unacceptable here.

- Fourth, a citizen must have high intelligence, therefore citizens who already have an education are welcome.

- Fifth, the FSB puts forward requirements for the physical training of its employees and their state of health.

The presented list of features is not exhaustive, because the contract service in the FSB is a reference, given its main focus. This is ensuring state security.

Joining the FSB

The process of joining the federal security agencies is a whole procedure consisting of comprehensive checks of the candidate. Joining the FSB is really difficult, because a citizen should be suitable for personal, moral and psychological qualities. In other words, interoperability is needed. In addition to this, higher education, extensive knowledge and skills are required. These aspects dispel the myth that service in the FSB after the army is real. Of course, if a citizen has a military profession and possesses a certain body of knowledge in any field of defense, then he will be a welcome candidate for the ranks of FSB officers. But as for the urgent service, there are no guarantees. Everything will depend on the individual level of the candidate.

What documents do you need to submit?

All candidates attracted by the service in the FSB of the Russian Federation, must submit a number of documents, namely:

1) Application for acceptance to the service. This document indicates that the candidate is aware of the rights and obligations of the FSB officer, and also knows about the restrictions on the rights of a citizen after taking him to the service.

2) Autobiography written by hand.

3) A completed questionnaire received at the territorial body of the FSB.

4) All personal documents in hand, for example, passport, certificates of registration of acts of civil status, documents attesting to the level of education of the candidate, etc.

5) Personal documents of close relatives.

6) Information on property and income.

7) Photos.

service in the FSB after the army

Candidate Checks

The contract service in the FSB implies the performance of specific functions aimed at strengthening the level of state security, as mentioned earlier. Thus, in order to reveal the candidate’s readiness for such an activity, his personality is subjected to comprehensive checks, which go one after the other for reasons of expediency.

1) First of all, the candidate for the post of employee of the Federal Security Service of Russia is subjected to psychophysiological studies. Testing involves the study of a person’s mental state (level of intellectual development, moral stability, conflict, adequacy, type of thinking, personality psychotype, etc.). The candidate also undergoes special tests that reveal the facts of the use of narcotic, toxic and alcoholic substances. A medical check includes an analysis of the general condition of the body and its suitability for serving in the ranks of the FSB of the Russian Federation. All the studies presented are carried out in order to identify the degree of readiness of a particular candidate for work in the special services. The candidate must also understand that a contract service, the salary of which is not estimated in millions (the average salary of an FSB employee is approximately 50,000 rubles), is unacceptable for the purpose of commercial earnings or the implementation of criminal intentions.

2) The contract service in the FSB implies the employee’s access to data that is a state secret. For this, the employee needs a special permit, which is issued by implementing a separate procedure. As a rule, this stage is implemented only after the recognition of a citizen as fit for service.

3) The last step is called a medical examination. On it, a citizen will go through the military medical commission of the FSB. Doctors check the health of the candidate for service in the special structure. If at the first stage the general condition was analyzed, then in this case the most important organs and functions of the body for life are scrupulously investigated.

Verification of personal data

Every person who wants to connect his life with the FSB should know that the data presented to him will be scrupulously checked. Moreover, personal statements about the closest people and about the environment of the candidate are subject to verification. This process, as a rule, lasts about two to three months. Papers on convictions, social status, civil position of the candidate and his close circle are subject to analysis. After signing the contract, in other words, accepting the actual FSB service, the citizen gives a subscription on non-disclosure of data that became known to him during the service.

Border Service

One of the most priority areas of activity is the service in the border troops of the FSB. The main purpose of the border troops is to organize the protection of the state border and to prevent its violations. Since the days of the USSR, border guards were part of the KGB, because it is these troops that are in constant combat readiness. As in the case of the FSB, the border troops recruit citizens on a contract basis. Work in this sector of the department can be considered in two ways:

- On the one hand, the border service is a patriotic contribution to ensuring the security of the state and its borders.

- On the other, it is ensuring a stable future due to the contract.

service in the border troops of the FSB

What happens after the conclusion of a contract for service in the border troops of the FSB of the Russian Federation?

The service in the FSB forces gives the following features to civilian life:

- All life will be devoted to protecting the borders of the homeland;

- constantly paid remuneration for service in the border troops, which ensures a decent social existence;

- Provision of free rations, items of official use, benefits and medical assistance;

- the right to annual leave appears;

- upon entering the service under the contract, there is the possibility of further training in special institutions of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

service in the FSB of the Russian Federation


It should be noted that the contract service in the FSB of Russia has several main areas, namely:

- The fight against organized crime.

- The fight against terrorism.

- Intelligence activities.

- Border activities.

- Activities aimed at ensuring information security.

These directions are basic. It is in their sphere that the FSB realizes its functions.


One of the main areas of work of the Federal Security Service is counterintelligence. For many years this activity has been developing on the basis of methods and experience gained from the once existing KGB. The effectiveness of this branch of the FSB is the demonstrative detention and subsequent disclosure of the CIA agent who acted on the territory of Russia - Ryan Fogla.


So, we talked about how the military service in the FSB is carried out under the contract, and also answered the question of how to get into this department. It should be noted that the Federal Security Service is the most functional body that ensures state security in the vastness of Russia.


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