Leo Tolstoy quotes about life

Each writer leaves behind immortal works that live in the hearts of his descendants and other people. Many thinkers tried to figure out the meaning of life, to find the truth, which could serve all the remaining years. Quotes of Leo Tolstoy are distinguished by their particular depth and the search for the highest meaning of what is happening to us.

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Below are the popular aphorisms of the writer, which at one time occupied his mind. They can be of considerable interest to a thoughtful, intelligent reader. Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich, whose quotes are imbued with incredible generosity and complete dedication, understood life more deeply.

“The madman is, first of all, that person whom the rest do not understand”

Everyone who at one time wanted to convey a new thought to society, was faced with a clear misunderstanding or even condemnation. The fact is that society is sometimes not ready to hear and perceive certain things that create a contradiction with an established outlook on the world. This is what Leo Tolstoy says. Quotes about the writer's life abound with a deep understanding of the purpose of human existence, filled with some kind of bitter truth.

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Mad people are most often called those who behave strangely and incomprehensibly, according to the majority. Brilliant ideas were almost all initially perceived by society as utopian and crazy.

“Happy is the one who is doing well at home”

Quotes of Leo Tolstoy show that he placed family values ​​highly, considered them an unshakable foundation on which human happiness is based. No one can feel truly satisfied if he does not have relatives and friends. Loneliness undermines faith in oneself, deprives a person of moral and spiritual strength, and makes her sometimes commit unacceptable and contradictory acts. Married people are more satisfied than those who focus only on themselves. A big fan of family well-being was Leo Tolstoy. The quotes about love from this author are not direct, but indirectly demonstrate the main value - warm relations between spouses. The writer rightly believed that the hearth could not be replaced with anything.

“We are alive not because we protect ourselves, but because we are doing the work of life”

Someone from the wise modern people said that happiness does not consist in preserving oneself, but in wisely using one's own individuality and allowing it to be realized. So thought Leo Tolstoy. His quotes remind people of the indisputable truth: it is important to be able to live fruitfully every minute if you want to really become happy and have a lot to do in this world.

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Anyone who unduly takes care of himself and is afraid of overworking in any field runs the risk of wasting his life in vain, without having done an important thing. Those who are too zealous, are not able to fully relax, to see in front of themselves real prospects to somehow change those aspects of their lives that do not suit him very much. Leo Tolstoy's quotes help to notice and realize all this.

“Have a goal for all life, for year, month, week and day”

It is necessary to cherish every minute. You will not be able to return the day you lived in vain, but he could open up great prospects for you if you could learn to pay attention to its significance. Timeless value and the most expensive resource, which is also irreplaceable, is time. How often do we miss our opportunity only because we use this resource incorrectly. It seems to us erroneously that it is infinite and unlimited by anything. In fact, everything in the world has its own framework. A successful person, as a rule, uses time more constructively, for the benefit of himself and others. When you have the opportunity to see prospects for years to come, your success will greatly increase the chances of manifestation.

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Thus, the quotes of Leo Tolstoy are of significant interest to the modern person who is busy searching for the truth and meaning of life. To find your destination, you need to know very precisely in which direction to move, what goals to set for yourself, and solve the corresponding problems. Luck does not come on its own, it loves the brave and enterprising, those who are able to take responsibility for every day they live.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F439/

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