Snowplow for giving: a review of models, reviews of the owners

If there was no winter ... We all know this song from the famous cartoon about the village of Prostokvashino. Snow is a constant attribute of winter, at least in Russia. Those who are already accustomed to harsh frosty weekdays will long for snow-white streets if they suddenly decide to move to the tropics. Say what you like, but in winter there are advantages: skiing, snowballs and other fun that both adults and children like. But when there is too much snow piling on its own territory, this already becomes a problem. In this case, you can’t definitely do without a snowplow for a summer residence.

Snowplow for giving

Who can use this technique? Here you can distinguish several consumer groups:

  • owners of any farm and cooperative;
  • municipal utilities;
  • owners of private real estate with large plots;
  • sports clubs, training grounds, football fields and others.

If there is not so much snow, then, armed with a shovel, you can clear your plot in half an hour. As they say, cheap and cheerful, in addition to health, such work will be useful. However, if there is a lot of snow, then this method becomes ineffective - it is much easier to use a snow blower. And since there are a wide variety of self-propelled guns on the market, the question of choice is more relevant than ever.

Types of cars

For the convenience of classification, all models of snow blowers can be divided into the following varieties:

  • Based on the mass, they can be:
    • light
    • medium;
    • heavy.
  • On performance issues, the rating of snowplows for a summer residence includes:
    • machines for cleaning shallow and fresh snow;
    • machines for cleaning deep and dry snow;
    • machines for harvesting packed or wet snow;
    • machines for cleaning ice.
  • According to the power source, they can be:
    • autonomous (work on a gasoline or diesel engine);
    • partially autonomous (work from the battery);
    • electrical (require network connection).
  • depending on ease of use:
    • self-propelled;
    • non-self-propelled.

They can also be divided into several subcategories, depending on the cost. There are budget options that are less powerful. Medium-sized devices with the same specifications will cost a little more. High performance multifunctional machines are the most expensive.

What to pay attention to?

If there is a need to purchase a snow blower for your summer cottage, you should know what to pay attention to first of all, so that you do not have to overpay later. After all, even eminent manufacturers sometimes have unsuccessful models.

A kind of rating of snow removal machines for a summer house takes into account the following criteria:

  • Powertrain power.
  • The ability to reverse.
  • Launch speed.
  • The width of the working area.
  • Type of drive.

Determining the power level of the purchased device , here you should take into account future operating conditions of the machine, the width of the grip. What kind of snow will have to be removed also plays a role. If it is wet and packed, then it will take twice as much power as when harvesting loose and dry snow. Most often, the device extension has 5.5-6.5 liters. pp., but on models with a wide grip (more than 70 cm) the unit is put stronger - 11 liters. from.

With reverse gear, maneuvers during snow removal are greatly facilitated.

Snowplows for giving gasoline

As for the launch, that is, models with a manual mechanism and with an electric starter. With the latter, it is more convenient to run the unit, however its presence makes the snow blower heavier. Typically, an electric starter is installed on equipment having a cylinder volume of more than 300 cm 3 . Snowplows for cottages and houses with smaller dimensions can be easily started with a cable starter without much effort. However, it is important that the carburetor is correctly adjusted.

The width of the working area depends on the characteristics of the cleaning. That is, if you need to clear the tracks of snow, then a maneuverable snow blower with a grip of about 50 cm is quite enough. A grip width of 50 to 70 cm is well handled in a personal plot. Equipment for stadiums is usually equipped with wider devices.

The type of drive is also an important criterion. As described above, snow blowers can be self-propelled or the user will have to move them independently. Self-propelled guns can be very expensive, but with a large amount of work, payback is guaranteed.

It is equally important to find out exactly how the drive axle is connected to the gearbox. Rigid articulation implies poor maneuverability. Unlocking with a removable pin turned out to be inconvenient in practice - before each turn it is necessary to get a pin that connects the wheel hub to the axle. With a full differential, this is easier to do, but the cost of a device with such a mechanism is an order of magnitude higher than the previous one.

In addition, the equipment is equipped not only with wheels. Snow caterpillar snow machines are more expensive, but ideal for clearing heavy snow. With loose snow congestion on a flat surface, wheel counterparts will cope.

Model Overview

Now consider a dozen models, each of which can take its rightful place in the country. Among them there will be devices:

  • running on gas at the best price:
    • Hyundai S 6560;
    • PATRIOT PRO 655 E;
    • Interskol SMB-650E;
    • Champion ST656;
  • electrical options:
    • Daewoo Power Products DAST 3000E;
    • Toro 38302;
    • Monferme 26087M.

Let's try to find out their strengths and weaknesses. Let's start with the models of electrical equipment.

Daewoo Power Products DAST 3000E

The snow blower appeared on the market in 2016 and almost immediately became interested in its technical characteristics. A 3 kW engine makes the screw rotate, the length of which is 510 mm. The maximum cutting depth that this machine is capable of is about 330 mm. In addition, the model is distinguished by good ergonomics - the competitors' mistakes were taken into account, as can be judged by the reviews of snow blowers for summer cottages belonging to this class.

The steering wheel is very convenient, has a built-in cable winding, so it is easy to adjust the angle of inclination with it. In this case, the upper section is movable with a bright headlight. When you need to transport the snow blower, the steering wheel can be folded. The machine weighs a little - 17 kg, making it easy to pull out of the snow captivity - just pull the front handle. Non-self-propelled equipment, and this has its plus from a safety point of view: to start the power unit, you need to clamp both levers that are on the steering wheel.

Snowplow for giving how to choose

As for the merits, here it is worth highlighting a metal auger having rubber pads. For other analogues, it is made of plastic. Other advantages are:

  • good performance;
  • comfort at work;
  • convenient transportation.

However, it was not without drawbacks. The blowout is single-stage - impellers cannot be found in the socket here, as on more expensive gasoline counterparts. In addition, there is no remote adjustment of the position of the socket, due to which there is no possibility to configure the operation of the device on the go.

Toro 38302

This electric snow blower for giving and at home will be interesting to those who need to remove loose snow. At the same time, it is much inferior in power to the opponent above (only 1.8 kW), and the fence width is 46 cm, which is also less. Nevertheless, this device effectively clears the area of ​​loose snow with a layer of 30 cm.

There is a single stage discharge system. In this case, the operator can rotate the bell with a kind of poker. Good performance at low power is a definite advantage. But the fact that the snow blower is equipped with a rubber-plastic screw is a clear minus. In an unfamiliar area there is a risk of running into a stone, which will lead to the formation of cracks, while the plastic is used cold-resistant, high-quality.

Monferme 26087m

This model (the country of origin is France) significantly outperforms many analogues, but, unfortunately, loses in performance. Coverage is only 40 cm, the manufacturer does not indicate the maximum depth. But, based on the diameter of the screw 33 cm, it is unlikely to exceed the guaranteed value. In addition, with a low level of motor power (1.2 kW), this depth will be clearly not enough.

The snow blower for summer cottage is equipped with a front exhaust, which can change direction with the handle under the steering wheel, however, in a small limit. Plastic is also used to make the screw, albeit very durable. Its shape indicates that the snow blower is designed for loose snow.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, the Frenchman pleased others. This is one of the easy snow cleaners (weight 12 kg), and thanks to a narrow grip, even a woman can easily cope with it. Men can easily control it with one hand.

Hyundai S 6560

This is the best snow blower among gasoline options, and there are plenty of reasons to think that way:

  • two-stage discharge;
  • layer depth up to 50 cm;
  • working width 60 cm;
  • serrated augers.

All this allows you to effectively crush the ice crust. In addition, the engine is adapted to winter conditions and has a power of 6.5 liters. from. In addition, it is worth noting the high maneuverability of this machine, as well as the presence of six forward and two rear speeds. All these advantages allow the use of a snow blower in conditions of varying complexity.

Self-propelled snow blower for summer cottage

Convenience doesn’t end there - a gasoline self-propelled snow blower for summer cottage has an electric starter and a bright halogen headlight. The carburetor does not freeze even in the cold, as it has heating. The Disc-O-Matic system, depending on the degree of load, is able to automatically distribute torque between the wheels. A protective mechanism is also provided in case of stones or other objects falling into the auger.

Patriot Garden Pro 655 E

This snow blower can be considered a budget model, which is characterized by high performance. Impressive working width - 65 cm and engine power - 6.5 liters. from. The handle, with which it is convenient to control the transmission, is located on the steering wheel between the handles. Easy start-up is thanks to the electric starter, and the headlight gives excellent lighting when working in the dark.

The lack of a differential can upset, because before each turn the operator needs to stop the snow blower in order to pull out the check on one side. But the gearbox itself is not satisfactory - it is placed in a durable crankcase, and in the worm gear, even with prolonged use, it does not play. The only thing is that the owner needs to timely service such gasoline snowplows for giving, namely, to squirt the gearbox with plastic lithium grease.

As some users note, often cutting off the safety fingers that connect the sections of the screw to the shaft. With their replacement there are no problems, only this should be taken into account. It is necessary to withstand a uniform load and try to do without sharp dives in dense layers of snow at high speeds.

Interskol SMB-650E

The Interskol series appeared relatively recently, but it cannot be argued that the new product failed. The snow blower SMB-650E, which is not inferior to its competitors, is a clear confirmation of this. As a power unit, the manufacturer equips its models with a 6.5 liter Honda GX series engine. from. It only says that it is easy to adjust, highly reliable, and any master can perform its repair.

The launch of such gasoline snow blowers for summer cottage is made thanks to the electric starter, and a cable starter is used as a backup option. The transmission has three forward and one rear speeds. There is also a reduced gear on both sides of the movement, which ultimately allows the operator to choose between 6 speeds forward and two back.

Coverage is 57 cm and this allows you to go to a depth of 54 cm. But this is only in relation to loose snow. You should not try to cut off the packed snowdrift - for this you need a more powerful power unit. As soon as foreign objects or stone get into the auger, the safety bolts are immediately cut off. Fortunately, the manufacturer prudently included spare parts in the kit.

Rating snowplows for cottages

What is the result? Among the pluses are a two-stage snow release mechanism, the presence of an electric starter and lighting, the engine lends itself to easy repair and maintenance. The disadvantages include a lot of noise during use (although this can be eliminated) and a weak luminous flux from the flashlight.

Champion ST656

If you need a compact and economical self-propelled gasoline snow blower for a summer residence, then this equipment from Champion will be by the way. For work, it has good parameters: the snow capture dimensions are 55 cm wide and 51 cm high, there is a two-stage ejection system, a good Loncin engine, which develops a capacity of 5.5 liters. with., a manual with five forward and two back speeds.

To prevent the screw from jamming, a protective measure is provided - shear bolts. Some owners put hardened parts in place of the cut bolts, supposedly for greater reliability. In practice, the opposite happened: the gearbox dowels were cut. As a result, instead of simply replacing inexpensive parts, you have to carry out a serious and more expensive repair. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, it is better not to interfere with a thoughtful, albeit primitive design.

The weight of the snow blower is only 73 kg. Easy handling and transportation is certainly a plus, but due to the heavy load, the wheels slip.

Thick snow is not a problem!

Not every snow blower will cope with snowdrifts, especially if they are covered with a dense crust. Only this is not about the snowplow for giving "Husqvarna". With its compact dimensions, it is not inferior to more professional counterparts. What is her secret?

First of all, the impressive layer depth is up to 60 cm. Moreover, the differences concern not only the running gear, but also the working width. The caterpillar drive allows the machine to work efficiently on a slope, with special care cutting off snow deposits with a knife. Such a snow blower can walk in almost any terrain, except for rocky. Gravel or stones that are discarded by the machine mechanism can cause serious harm not only to the operator, but also to the machine itself.

A feature of the tracks is the wide rubber tracks, which have a special tread pattern. This contributes to maximum adhesion to the surface, which leads to an increase in cross-country ability. Therefore, the snow blower does not skid on the slopes. Additional stability of the machine provides a low center of gravity.

This snowplow for a summer residence is a champion among analogues, without a doubt. As the power unit, a gasoline engine is used, which can be started by pressing the button (cold start) or the starter handle (hot start). The snow blower fully works offline, due to which the area of ​​the harvested areas increases.

Owner reviews

To choose a good snowplow for yourself, it is worth studying the reviews of the owners. On the network you can find a great many opinions and comments from users, just visit the corresponding forum. Thus, you can find out what advantages and disadvantages a model of interest has.

Snowplow for owners reviews

It will also be possible to make the right choice in favor of a particular manufacturer, not to miscalculate the cost and place of purchase. You should also pay attention to what are the nuances and features. Thanks to the reviews of the owners of snowplows for giving, it is easy to choose the best option for all indicators.

DIY assembly instructions for a snow blower

The price of quality snowplows may seem too high, and cheap snowblowers should not be taken at all. But you can try to make a very good analogue on your own and in terms of efficiency it will not be inferior to many factory machines. The only thing, it is important not to forget to equip the device with a screw.

Depending on the amount of snow removed, you need to decide which mechanism to use - screw or screw rotor. The latter option is considered more complex, but after heavy snowfall such a machine will come in handy. Next, we consider a small instruction on how to make a device with your own hands.

The first stage is a screw

This is the main part of any snowplow for the garden, which consists of a drive shaft with cutting rings. The shaft is made of an inch pipe, the length of which is equal to the length of the bucket itself. Axles are mounted on both ends of the shaft for mounting the shaft on bearings. If you plan to make a two-stage mechanism, then in the center of the shaft you will have to fix a metal plate, which will direct the snow into the outlet pipe. Rings are located on its sides, for the manufacture of which a conveyor belt 10 mm thick is used. In the absence of such, you can use a two-millimeter sheet steel.

In total, 4 rings with a certain diameter are made, depending on the dimensions of the shaft and bucket. They are sawn in two and bent. Then these elements must be welded to the shaft in the form of a continuous spiral or on the sides relative to the central plate. Moreover, in a two-stage mechanism, both spirals should be directed toward the center.

The second stage is the bucket

The bucket itself can be made of roofing iron, and it should cover itself with a screw mechanism on three sides, approximately the same as that of the snow plow for the Herz SB-6.5E. For the side parts, you can use plywood 10 mm thick, in which you need to install bearings, where the shaft with rings will be mounted. Care must be taken to protect the bearings from snow and moisture.

The spiral should not touch the bucket - the optimum distance between them is at least 2 cm. There should be a hole for ejecting snow from the top of the bucket on the inside. The gutter itself can be made from a piece of sewer pipe with a diameter of 150 mm. You can make a larger size. The main thing is that the width of the gutter is not less than the width of the plate (if any). At the top of the pipe, you can bend in the right direction. This will set the direction of the snow release.

Third Stage - Frame

To facilitate the process of maintenance and removal of the power unit, a special frame is needed, where it will be located. The basis for the frame are metal corners, which are assembled in a U-shape.

Caterpillar Snow Blower

Then the strips are attached to it, and to them will be - the motor and the bucket with the screw. It is also necessary to drill holes for handles and wheels in the frame.

The fourth stage - wheels or skiing

Professional snowblowers move on wheels, and since we make a snowplow to do it ourselves, skiing is quite suitable. They should be made of metal, and fixed at a small distance from the frame. If you want to equip the device with wheels, it is important to give priority to those products that are characterized by maximum grip and tolerate frosts.

The fifth stage - pens

For this, pipes with a diameter of half an inch are useful. They are bolted to the frame. Do not forget about their convenient location during the movement of the snowplow.

Sixth stage - rotor (if necessary)

In the two-stage mechanism, an improved rotor can serve as a good alternative to the plate. Four fastened rectangles with an axis in the middle form a special shape. It is good if the plates will have rims around the edges for better snow removal. The rotor dimensions should be selected depending on the dimensions of the bucket.

Seventh stage - power unit

A simple electric motor with a power of about 1 kW is enough for a homemade snow blower. It is important to properly isolate the motor from moisture in order to avoid short circuits. The power cord must be intact and of sufficient length.

The eighth stage - the engine is connected to the auger

Here, for a homemade snow blower for a summer residence, you can resort to equipment using one of two mechanisms:

  • gearbox;
  • belt feed.

In the first case, the axis of the motor is located in a perpendicular plane with respect to the shaft. The gearbox acts as an intermediate link between the motor axis and the shaft, driving the auger. This design is highly reliable, but difficult to manufacture and does not lend itself to further analysis.

For the second method, the motor axis and shaft are parallel to each other and are connected using a drive belt. This mechanism makes it easy to remove the engine and adjust the belt tension.

That's all - home-made equipment is ready for testing. At the same time, the question of how to choose a snowplow for a summer residence disappears by itself.


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