DIY gift wrapping: 10 original ways

Beautiful packaging of gifts with your own hands will certainly create the right impression, which should be extremely positive. The easiest way to get rid of the usual gift bag, as often many do. You can buy it at any supermarket, but the original gift wrapping with your own hands will leave only pleasant memories and highlight your gift among others.

After all, it is much more pleasant to receive a present that is thought out from beginning to end, in which the whole soul and heart are enclosed. In addition, do-it-yourself gift wrapping is actively becoming fashionable and every day on the Internet you can find new, original ideas for embodying the most unusual and wildest fantasies. And itโ€™s not even necessary to spend the whole evening on it, some options will take only 10-15 minutes of your time. How to make a real work of art from ordinary materials? Below you will see 10 do-it-yourself gift wrapping ideas with a minimum of time and money. But first you need to decide what is relevant in the modern world.

What is fashionable?

In the modern world, gift wrapping is a whole art, and getting rid of a simple wrapping paper with a bow is no longer so easy. What is in fashion now? Particular attention is paid to the following areas:

  • Eco-style, which involves the use of natural materials, natural colors. The maximum of naturalness is the minimum of artificial. Such decorating elements as craft paper, twine, twine, linen or even cotton are perfect for him.
  • Minimalism, which is manifested in restraint and elegance. The main rule of beautiful DIY gift wrapping in the style of minimalism is the lack of bright details. Often, plain white paper is used to wrap a gift, and twine and a beautiful tag are used for decoration.
  • Eclecticism and futurism are a great option for those who love variety and daring combinations of seemingly incompatible things. For example, it can be a voluminous, complicated ribbon bow and the most ordinary craft paper.

Spring packing

The simplest and truly elegant idea of โ€‹โ€‹how to make gift wrapping for your own gift is flower decoration. Fresh flower buds are ideal for such an idea. It can be peonies, roses and even the most ordinary chamomiles. The main thing is that in the composition all the elements are in harmony with each other. A budget option for such packaging is homemade paper flowers made using the quilling technique.

Feathers that can also be purchased in specialized stores or cut out of beautiful paper with their own hands will look no less original on the gift package. Such an element will add style and elegance to the design. The process will take no more than 5 minutes, and the result can rightfully be considered amazing.

Flower packaging

Brilliant gift

If the person to whom the gift is intended is bright and expressive, then the shiny packaging will help to express such qualities in the design. To do this, you only need hair spray and sparkles of the desired color. Initially, you should wrap the gift in plain paper. The second step is to spray the box on all sides with varnish and sprinkle it with sparkles on all sides. A couple of simple actions and a brilliant gift are ready! If there is no varnish in the house, then ordinary glue stick is perfect. When using glue, various patterns can be drawn using glitter, which will make the packaging even more memorable. Such a gift will definitely be a pity to open!

Brilliant gift

Photo packaging

Such a gift wrapping for a man with his own hands is especially suitable for close friends or relatives. And the preparation time will take only 10 minutes. For packaging you will need: your favorite photo with those to whom the gift is addressed, craft paper, glue stick. Such a wrapper in the style of minimalism will appeal to everyone. So, for starters, you should wrap the gift in wrapping paper. Next, place the photo in the center of the gift and gently stick the photo to the box. The perfect combination is craft paper and black and white shots. A photograph can be either one large one or a composition of many small shots. Voila! A valuable gift in commemorative packaging is ready!

Packing with photo

Packaging jars

But what if instead of the boxes familiar to everyone, use cans of various sizes? Such packaging does not require a drop of effort. It is easy to purchase a jar in a store or use the one that is lying around at home. It can have the most unusual shape. Immerse the gift in the selected container, decorate the lid with sparkles, wrap with a satin ribbon or even with the most ordinary twine, tie a couple of lollipops. At the bottom of the jars you can put a little cotton, hay - that's it! Such an unusual gift wrapping with your own hands in the photo looks amazing.

Packaging jar

Art packaging

If eco-style and minimalism are in fashion, then you can use your artistic abilities to the fullest. Take care in advance of choosing a drawing to find the right paint. For packaging, plain white or kraft paper is suitable. After the wrapper is ready, pick up the brushes and create! Flowers in burgundy red look great on craft paper. Instead of lush bows, you should use an ordinary twine, on which you can leave a small card with a capacious and simple wish. At will, gift decor is performed with real leaflets or cones.

Drawing on packaging

Warm packing

It is time to find use for the old sweater, which was lying in the bins of the cabinet. Costs of time and finances are minimal, and originality, sincerity and comfort exceed all expectations. Two strips of the size of a suitable satin ribbon should be cut from the old sweater, wrap the โ€œribbonsโ€ from the sweater around the gift and glue the ends of the strips with glue. The packaging will be completed by the pom-pom from the old hat, which without any problems will firmly stick to the gift with glue-pencil. The warmest gift is ready.

Fabric packaging

In addition to the old sweater, you can use any fabric, the main advantage of such packaging is the mass of variations. And the process itself does not take much effort and time. A square should be cut out of the fabric according to the size of the gift, the fabric should be put with the front side out, and in the middle, put the gift. The next step is to tie two opposite ends onto a knot, then tie the remaining opposite corners. And the last fixing unit, so that the structure does not fall apart. You can complete the packaging with forest decorations - cones, spruce branches, tree leaves. You can create a print on the fabric yourself, using only sleight of hand, brush and paint.

Fabric packaging

The fastest and most original way to transform packaging

To do this, you will need to pack a gift in paper, preferably in two layers, prepare a stencil from thick cardboard and circle it on paper. The next step is to cut one half of the translated picture with a paper knife and bend the cut part. If under the top layer there will be another, brighter - the gift will look more original. Great gift wrapping for paper made from paper!

Paper stars

Such a starry packaging can rightfully be considered the most spectacular and unusual. She will definitely impress the hero of the occasion. What will be needed to implement the idea? First of all, two types of wrapping paper (craft and decorative), sewing needles, threads, confetti and a little inspiration. To begin with, small stars should be cut out of paper, put a gift in the center of the star from decorative paper, filled with tinsel and confetti to give volume. The final step is to sew up the resulting structure with a second star from craft paper. Opening such a gift is a pleasure!

Star packing

Packaging for a bottle of wine

Suddenly invited to visit? The best gift you can take with you is a bottle of tart wine. It is better to celebrate the wedding and the birth of a child with champagne, express gratitude to cognac. To impress the owners of the house, you can originally pack a gift of an unusual shape.

The most difficult option is to use fabric for these purposes. Wrap the bottle in a cloth, wrap in several layers, or use different pieces of cloth. Next, gently trim the fabric with allowances for the bottom and neck. Then we sew up the bottom of the fabric packaging and tie the neck of the bottle with a satin ribbon or twine, on which you can hang a wish card.

Bottle packing

If time is short, and there are 5 minutes left, paper is your savior. This simple option is performed as follows: the bottle is wrapped in a sheet of prepared paper and simply tied with a ribbon of a suitable color. If desired, the bottle can be decorated with stickers, forest elements, or even sweet sweets.


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