Backlit stretch ceiling is a beautiful addition to any room

Stretch ceiling in modern houses and apartments is not uncommon. And today, due to numerous and interesting technologies, there is an opportunity to radically change any room and give it a certain look. For example, a spectacular addition to any room will be a stretch ceiling with lighting.

backlit stretch ceiling

How to install?

Today, LEDs are used quite often, because along with decorativeness, they make it possible to lower energy costs. Yes, the cost of such lamps is higher, but after six months of operation it will be clear that the costs were worth it. As for highlighting a certain surface, this is a great way to transform the interior of an apartment. Highlighting the stretch ceiling with an LED strip can be done in two ways:

  1. LEDs and a stretch ceiling are mounted in a drywall box . This design is being built quickly. In this case, the ceiling will turn out to be two-level. Installation with a ready-made box is quick, the main thing is to prepare it in advance.

  2. In the second version, the stretch ceiling with backlight is a translucent canvas. The latter is highlighted from the inside. That is, the LED strip will be attached between the ceiling itself and the canvas of the tensile structure, as a result of which a peculiar luminous surface will be obtained. Of course, the first option is the most popular, but it is also difficult to execute.

stretch ceiling lighting with LED strip

Why is the backlight needed?

Modern lighting systems are suitable for installation in any room, including with a stretch ceiling. Ceiling lighting must be thought out, because the purity and clarity of the light will depend on the proper installation. A backlit stretch ceiling is equipped according to certain principles, and first you need to create a project. In most interiors, lighting systems based on LED lamps act mainly as a decorative element, for example, if you need to visually expand the space or place accents in it.

stretch ceiling with LED backlight

Pros of the backlit ceiling

In some cases, stretch ceiling with LED backlight may involve the installation of a system in which there will be lamps of various types. The advantages of this design method include the following:

- indoors there will be no shadow from the lit objects;

- LED lamps do not heat up, and therefore this design will not only be aesthetically pleasing, but also safe;

- installation of such a ceiling will allow the competent use of the ceiling space, while using the LED cords or tapes, you can significantly transform any room;

- If you create a stretch ceiling with backlighting on the basis of led tapes, then they can be used even in rooms in which the level of humidity is high.

Thus, the stretch ceiling with the use of LED lamps is a good opportunity to make the surrounding space more vivid and interesting. Plus, you can get a safe and reliable system that will delight you for a long time.


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