Gooseberries: diseases and their treatment, disease prevention

As a decorative and berry culture, gooseberries have long been known both in Europe, where it was often used to create impenetrable thorny hedges, and in Russia, where its folk selection has been conducted for centuries. Being previously an almost obligatory attribute of landowners' estates, this culture is gaining more and more popularity, conquering modern garden plots. Moreover, there are more and more opportunities to choose a variety to taste, even without spikes. Gooseberry is not much affected by the disease, and its care is the same as for currants (it is described below). The main thing is that everything be done in due time. And now in more detail.

Gooseberry. Diseases and their treatment: several secrets of gardeners

Although gooseberries are considered unpretentious crops, compliance with certain rules will reduce the possibility of diseases and pests. So, when choosing a landing site, it is better to prefer:

gooseberry disease and their treatment
- An open sunny place, protected from strong winds;

- loamy (or sandy loamy) soils subject to periodic loosening and fertilizing;

- low groundwater level (not higher than one and a half meters) and low acidity;

- the distance between the bushes is not less than a meter, and to the nearest trees at least two.

Gooseberry. Diseases and their treatment: prevention of diseases in plants

The soil in the selected area should be cleared of weeds. In addition, gooseberries cannot be planted after currants or raspberries due to common pests that can be stored in plant debris for some time. The necessary care measures are as follows:

gooseberry disease control
- feeding and watering (under the bush) only as needed (excessive moisture stimulates the development of fungal diseases);

- cleansing the soil of weeds (one of the preventive measures to control pests);

- Mandatory pruning during dormancy (late autumn or early spring).

High-quality pruning contributes to the full coverage of the bush with the sun, which in turn prevents the development of fungal diseases. The lower branches should not lie on the ground, but should be located on special supports. The fight against gooseberry diseases should begin with preparing the soil for planting. Since almost all diseases and pests of the bush are similar to those of currants, when the signs of damage to one of the crops appear, the necessary measures should be taken with a different kind of garden plants. For prevention, they must collect and burn leaves and cut shoots, especially if there are signs of damage.

Gooseberry: diseases and their treatment

gooseberry disease and care
Gooseberries can be affected by fungal diseases: dark brown spots on the leaves (anthracnose); white coating on any part of the plant (sphere library); powdery mildew; grayish-rounded spots (septoria). In these cases, the use of copper hydroxide, iron, Bordeaux liquid gives a good result. And you can choose resistant varieties. Pest infection is more likely if the soil under the bushes does not dig, and you need to do this work every fall. Early spring sprayings (Karbofos, Iskra, Fitoverm preparations) are most often carried out from caterpillar pests in accordance with the instructions, which are repeated as necessary. These are the diseases affecting gooseberries. And their treatment consists in proper care and timely treatment of bushes.


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