Working days in a year - how many are there? The number of working days in a week and a year in Russia

In every country in the world, nowadays, a special production calendar is compulsorily developed. However, the data contained therein are approved by governments. It is this document that regulates the working days of the year. How many of them will depend on where a particular person works, what kind of profession and occupation he has.

What is a production calendar for?

The document is really necessary and important. Without it, the work of all kinds of financiers and accountants is simply impossible. It is the production calendar that helps them predict and systematize the budget allocated to the wages of employees of a particular enterprise. Of course, the information contained in this document will be useful to the employees themselves. The calendar takes into account absolutely all weekends and holidays. Such information will help you plan your personal time.

working days in a year how much

How is this document compiled?

Thus, the production calendar is the most reliable and accurate source containing information on such issues as holidays, weekends and weekdays in the year. How many there will be, depends not only on the person’s place of work. In each particular year, a different number of them may turn out. This is due primarily to the fact that holidays often fall on weekends. The difference is small, but still it is. For example, in 2012, we worked 250 days, and in 2013 - 247. The quantity is also affected by whether it is a leap year or an ordinary one. Thus, an employee can always be informed about all non-working holidays. This useful document is compiled annually. Only the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to make changes to it. Therefore, you should not only familiarize yourself with the calendar, but also follow the relevant decrees.

What laws governs calendar writing?
how many working days

How many working days will be reflected in this document and how many holidays - information that is directly dependent on the standards specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, according to article 112 (part 2), when the holiday coincides with the day off, the latter is transferred to the working day (first) after the holiday. That is, for example, if March 8 is Sunday, the rest is on Monday. In addition, under the same article, the previous holiday working day is reduced by one hour.

According to the amendments made to the indicated article of the code 23/04/12, the government is given the right to transfer two days off of New Year holidays to any working days in the year (current). For example, such a decision was made in 2013. January weekends supplemented non-working days for May holidays.

There is also a fifth part of 112 articles, according to which the weekend can be postponed by the Government of the Russian Federation (special resolution). Such a law allows employees in certain situations to use their personal time much more rationally.

working days per year
For example, if the holidays fall on Sunday and Monday, the day off may not be postponed to Tuesday, but to Friday.

Also, when compiling the production calendar, article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is taken into account, according to which the number of rest hours (continuous) should not be less than 42.

2014 calendar

The number of working days in a year, as the reader already understood, is directly dependent on the Government of the Russian Federation, which makes up the production calendar. What did it please us in 2014? So, according to this document, the holidays, which means that non-working days this year will be the following:

  • January 1 - 6 and 8 - New Year;
  • 7/01 - Nativity of Christ;
  • 23/02 - Day of Defender of the Fatherland;
  • 8/03 - March 8;
  • 1/05 - Spring Festival;
  • 9/05 - Victory Day over Nazi Germany;
  • 12/06 - Day of Russia;
  • 4/11 - Day of Unity.

working days in Russia
Thus, this year we rested 8 days for the New Year. On the eighth of March there will be 3 days off (from 8 to 10). In May we rest 4 days (1 - 4) for the Spring Festival and on Victory Day - 3 days (9 - 11). And four more free days await us in November (from 1 to 4). If you make simple calculations, it turns out that the number of working days this year will be 247, as in 2013. There will be 118 days off by one hour. There will be 118 days off, including all days off. Of course, all these calculations correspond to a five-day working day.

Working hours

Of course, it’s worth knowing not only about how many holidays the employees have in each particular year, but also about how many hours he can work in a certain period of time (maximum). Such issues are regulated by article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, the number of working hours per week cannot exceed forty. Moreover, each employer (regardless of the legal form of the enterprise) must take into account the actual time worked by each employee.

Who needs the reduced hours
number of working days

Working days of the week may be shortened for certain citizens. Of course, everyone should also know about this.

  1. For workers under 16 years of age, the number of hours worked per week should be reduced by 10.
  2. Older than 16, but younger than 18 - 4 hours
  3. Disabled people will have to work less by 5 hours.
  4. In areas of production with harmful working conditions, the work week should be reduced by 4 hours (or more).
  5. For workers in the chemical industries listed in the law, a 36-24-hour week can be set.
  6. Pregnant women in the Far North will have to work less time .

Thus, no one should work more than 40 hours, regardless of whether a five-day or six-day week is provided for in the enterprise.


Five and six day week

The duration of each working day is determined primarily by the internal routine of a particular company. Of course, the law also regulates this issue. According to the regulations, working days in Russia are five days from Monday to Friday inclusive. However, this condition is not considered mandatory in all cases. According to the law, the employer, based on the characteristics of production, can establish a six-day week. Thus, in some enterprises, employees work additionally on Saturday or Sunday. However, the statutory maximum number of hours per week is respected in any case.

What counts during working hours

Of course, the legislation also regulates this issue. Working hours - hours during which the employee fulfills his duties in accordance with the employment contract. This mode is one of the essential conditions of this document, which can be drawn up only taking into account the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Based on this, you can define all the working days in a year. How many there will be, thus, depends on the terms of the employment contract, the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and government decrees.

During working hours, a number of points are also legally counted.

  • Breaks spent on heating in cold weather (for those who work outdoors).
  • Idle hours.
  • For women with babies - the time spent on feeding.
  • Breaks for eating (in the event that a person cannot leave his workplace).

Thus, we answered the main question of the article: “Working days in a year - how many are there, and how to determine this?” There will be 247 of them in 2014. No one should work more than 40 hours a week, regardless of whether it is a five-day or six-day one, and working time is a concept regulated by an employment contract drawn up taking into account the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As for the holidays, the Government may postpone the weekends coinciding with them on any day of the year at its discretion.


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