Canned food for dogs "Brit": composition, price category, customer reviews

Dog food is one of the burning issues for the owner. Others start the animal and feed it with the rest from their own table. More responsible owners cook the dog separately, some prefer dry food. There is no benefit from cheap dog food , nor from poor-quality natural nutrition.

Producer of canned food "Brit"

Canned food is produced by Russian Feed Company LLC. Morshansk Meat Processing Plant. From the name it’s clear where the products for dogs are made. Some may think that canned food for dogs "Brit" substandard. This opinion is completely wrong, because most owners are satisfied with the feed.

Beef and liver

Types of canned food

In pet stores you can find canned food for dogs "Brit" with the following tastes:

  • Beef and rice.

  • Beef and heart.

  • Beef and liver.

  • Liver and heart.

The products are packed in iron cans, the weight category is 850 grams.


Let's analyze the composition of canned food for dogs "Brit" on the example of products from rice and beef:

  • Beef and offal (at least 80%).

  • Fig.

  • Carrot.

  • Vegetable oil.

  • Vitamins

  • Minerals.

According to the manufacturer, this food is super-premium. Judging by its composition, buyers are being deceived. The fact is that the products of the super-premium class have a different composition. The manufacturer indicates the quantitative and qualitative composition of meat, rice, vegetables and fruits. If the feed consists of beef, then it is necessary to indicate the type of meat (natural, dehydrated) and its amount (at least 50%). Here we see a common word - "beef". What lies beneath him remains unknown.

There are no offal in high-quality feed; they are characteristic of the composition of products of economy and premium classes.

Rice takes the second line in the composition, its quantity is not indicated, as well as the type.

Confuses the lack of vegetables other than carrots.

What vitamins and minerals are in the feed, the manufacturer kept silent.

From all of the above, it is necessary to conclude: a product called a super-premium class does not reach that.

Feed composition

Customer reviews

Unfortunately, dogs cannot tell whether they like food or not. But the owners share their opinion about Brit Premium for dogs.

Strange, but the owners are very happy with the food, despite its poor composition. Here's what people say:

  • Pets eat with pleasure.

  • The food has a pleasant smell, others are ready to try it yourself.

  • Appearance does not cause rejection. Once you open the jar, chunks of meat in jelly catch your eye.

  • Dogs have good stools from this food.

  • Numerous owners are very pleased with the price of the product. Others speak directly - ridiculous money for such quality.

There are practically no bad reviews. Some have reported vomiting in dogs after eating. Some of the owners did not like the smell from the mouth of a pet when they regularly eat Brit canned food for dogs.

Price category

Depending on the region, the cost of feed varies. On average, it is 105 rubles per can weighing 850 grams. The minimum price is 84 rubles, the maximum is 128 rubles.

Beef and rice

Where could I buy?

You can purchase products from the Morshansky meat-packing plant in any specialized pet store. For those who do not like to waste time shopping, it is reasonable to use the services of online pet stores. By the way, there you can buy Brit food at a lower price than in a regular pet store.


The article is coming to a logical conclusion. The main conclusion - canned food for dogs "Brit" suit the owners, but the composition leaves much to be desired. By-products mean not only the heart, liver, stomach, but also the remnants of wool, crushed bones.

To feed the dog with the proposed canned goods or not is up to the owner. Sometimes you can buy a jar as a treat for your pet, but it is advisable to refrain from regular feeding.


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