How to ask mother for a walk to let her go?

All parents love their children and wish them happiness. But children do not always understand this. The child perceives anxiety for his life and health as distrust, and condemnation of a stupid act as a mortal insult. How to ask mother for a walk to get a positive answer?

Tell someone you will go with.

how to take leave of mom

Mom can worry about her child if she does not know in which society she walks. All parents are afraid that the child may contact a bad company and adopt bad habits from her. How to ask mother for a walk to let her go? You need to introduce your friends to your parents. Invite your comrades, all or one at a time, to your place for dinner or lunch. Let your parents meet friends, talk with them and make sure that your comrades are worthy people. It is morally easier for them to let go of their child with those persons with whom the parents are familiar. You should do everything possible so that mom can get to know your company better. More often invite friends home to play together on the console or to do homework together.

Tell me where you will go

How can I take a walk from my mom for a walk

Do you plan to leave all evening and return home late? How to ask mother for a walk? Tell the parent exactly where you want to go. If you plan to take an evening walk with friends in the city, then your mother is unlikely to find anything reprehensible in this. Of course, if you plan to climb an incomplete construction site, your mother will not come to the delight of such a plan. But in any case, do not lie. Therefore, in addition to what you need to talk about your plans, you also need to argue them. Mom says itโ€™s silly and dangerous to climb a construction site. Tell her that this exciting adventure carries you a lot more than drinking with the guys in the gateway. Learn to defend your opinion and provide convincing evidence of your innocence. They will always work well if they sound in contrast.

Prove your responsibility over and over again

how can you take leave of mom

How is a teenager different from a child? The fact that he can and should be aware of the responsibility for his actions. They will form the trust of parents. How to ask mother for a walk? The child must prove time after time that he knows how to keep his word and be responsible. Having promised to come home at 22.00, you should come at this time or a little earlier. Do not linger and do not make mom worry. And most importantly, do not forget that in addition to your friends, you still have a family that needs attention. Therefore, if your mother asked you to go to the store or to vacuum the carpets, you should do these household chores before you go out for a walk. Do not force your mom to double-check that you have fulfilled what you promised. If the parent is sure that the job is done, you can get permission to rest outside the home.

Keep in touch

take time off from mom for a walk

How can I ask my mom for a walk? Promise her that she will be able to contact you at any time. Keep your phone on and donโ€™t put the phone into vibration. If you donโ€™t want your friends to consider you too a domestic child, chat with your SMS mom. But in this case, you always need to respond to text messages. Do not hide information about your location from your mom. Let her know exactly where you are and what is with you.

Obtaining permission to spend time with friends will be easier if your parent has the phone number of one of your friends. Explain to your mother that she can call this number only in emergency situations. But if this happens, the woman will have the opportunity to somehow contact you.

If parents are against

What if your parents do not allow you to walk? Find out the reason for the refusal from them. It may not be on the surface. The motive may be hidden. For example, a mother may say that she doesnโ€™t let you go for a walk, because you are not coping with your studies. If nothing has been appearing in your diary for a long time except fives and fours, this situation may seem strange to you. In fact, mom will worry about contacting a bad company, and with her inhibitions, she will hope to discourage bad friends from you. Do you understand the true reason? Talk frankly with mom. Say that you understand and share her fears, but in reality your friends are not as bad people as they seem to her. You need to dispel all the fears of the parent, and then you can safely go for a walk.

How to ask mother for a walk with a guy? The ideal option is to introduce the mother to her gentleman. Any parent will worry about her daughter, and confidence that the child is next to a sane person will help her mother accept the fact that her daughter has grown up.

Make a bet

How can I ask my mom for a walk with a guy? If the parent does not let you go, make a bet with her. Say that you will study well and take the time to do something extra. And in return, ask her permission to walk with a guy in her free time from studies. Mom is unlikely to be against your communication with a representative of the opposite sex, if it does not affect your studies. A similar bet can be made for housework. For example, you can agree with your mother that you will clean the apartment and keep it clean. Mom will be glad that you have matured, and you might also think that the guy has a beneficial effect on you, since you arbitrarily agree to study and help around the house.


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