Jamalist tree: inventions of the creators of the cartoon "Smeshariki" or a real plant?

Cartoon "Smeshariki" is very kind, instructive, with a deep meaning. Children have something to learn from it, but is it true everything that is told there? Or is there still fiction in the children's serial film in addition to talking animals? Today we are not talking about the cartoon itself, but about the jamalistic tree, which was dedicated to one of its series under the name "Forbidden Fruit".

What does an addictive tree look like?

jamalistic tree

Reading the journal "Health", Sovunya found out an interesting fact: there is somewhere a jamalistic tree, the leaves of which, when chewed, give off a juice of strange taste. It is worth trying a leaf once, and you become dependent on its bitter taste. Losyos wondered if such a tree really existed, and he wanted to find it by all means. With the support of the bear Kopatych, he went in search of a swampy area, where a strange plant was supposed to grow - and lo and behold! Discovered it! Everything turned out as Sovunya read: a tree on a thin trunk with a crown resembling a ball in shape. Losyash tasted its leaf and really could not refuse a nasty bitter taste. Other cartoon characters refused to try the jamalistic tree, unknown and incomprehensible.

does jamalistic tree exist

The real plant world and its instances

Judging by the cartoon, the jamalistic tree is a plant on a thin trunk, medium height, decorated with a beautiful green leafy crown. Such a specimen can be found in marshy areas even in our latitudes, but quite rarely. We answer questions regarding the jamalist tree. Does it even exist? Where can I look at him? We categorically declare: no! Unfortunately or fortunately, the nature of such an instance simply did not come up. However, there are quite a few plants that resemble it not only in appearance, but also in properties.

jamalist tree money tree

Appearance Trees

With the rapid arrival in the modern world of landscape design culture, in other words, the planning and unusual design of the outdoor areas of private houses and not only, many unknown and interesting plants burst into our life, designed to bring beauty. Many of these plants are familiar to us, but designers offer them in an exclusive design. The crown of some trees is artificially trimmed spherically. As a result of mechanical action, they become similar to the Smesharikovskiy jamalist tree. Here is some of them:

  1. Forest beech.
  2. Wisteria.
  3. Lavson's cypress.
  4. Fatinia Frozer.

It is possible to enumerate trees that can be brought using a secateurs to look like the desired plant, endlessly. Now, designers have learned how to painlessly perform such procedures for a tree and improve the territory.

Properties related trees

In nature, there are species of trees whose leaves are chewed. Most of them have a narcotic effect, for example, leaves of cocci or edible kata. But there are others that can cure diseases. True, there is absolutely no getting used to them. To such medicinal plants is the fat woman, popularly called the money tree. The jamalistic tree that Losyash was looking for from the cartoon was invented by the script authors and has nothing to do with the real plant world.

The latest fashion trend in decorating public spaces is to bring in particles of nature. Many clinics and shops are decorated with trees, very reminiscent of the same plant, which was the series "Forbidden Fruit" of the cartoon "Smeshariki". And it doesnโ€™t matter at all whether it is real or man-made, the main thing is the beauty that will save our world!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4472/

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