Do-it-yourself crib for a doll. How to make a wooden crib for a doll?

Every girl who plays with dolls wants her pet to have all the necessary furniture. The most necessary is the bed on which the toy will "sleep". It can be purchased in a store or made independently.

Why do you need to do a crib with your own hands?

First of all, we will understand why modern mothers try to build such a design with their own hands:

1. Do-it-yourself crib for a doll is made quickly and cheaply.

2. For work, you can use any materials at hand.

3. You have the opportunity to make a crib of any size and design: one or two-story, one or two.

4. You can attract a child to work.

5. During the construction process, you will show all your creativity: the product can have a painting, carving and other decoration elements.

wooden bed for dolls

What materials can be used?

Do-it-yourself crib for a doll can be made of wood, cardboard, thread, fishing line, empty rods from a gel pen and other materials that you can only find. Most often, wood is used for work, because in almost every house there are old or broken bedside tables, cabinets, stools.

Do-it-yourself crib for a doll can be made of cardboard. In this case, you can use the usual box of household appliances. More durable will be the design of fiberboard. Moreover, you can build a stationary or collapsible bed.

So, now let's summarize what materials and tools will be needed to work:

- cardboard, fiberboard or wood;

- glue or self-tapping screws, nails, construction gun with staples;

- ruler;

- pen or simple pencil;

- drawing of a future model;

- scissors or a small grinder (jigsaw).

In principle, these items are enough to make a crib for a doll with your own hands made efficiently and quickly. To decorate the structure, you can use paints, stickers or carving, which is applied with a sharp knife.

Features of the construction of the crib from cardboard

So, if the cardboard is already prepared, then you can begin to work. It consists of several stages:

- Draw or print drawings of the crib for dolls;

- Cut a suitable option and attach the elements to the cardboard;

- with the help of scissors, a clerical knife or other cutting object, try to carefully cut the workpiece along the drawn lines;

- note that at the joints, as well as to decorate the backs of the crib, you will need to make slots;

- Now assemble all the details in a single design. If you decide to make a non-separable model, then all the elements need to be fixed with glue.

That, in fact, is all.

DIY doll bed

Features of the manufacture of wooden structures

Now we will consider how to make a crib for a doll from other materials, for example, from thin plywood. First, select the appropriate drawing. If you will work with a tree, then give preference to a simple template. Otherwise, you will need to cut out small parts for a long time.

Please note that the materials from which the crib for the doll will be made (wooden) must be carefully sanded so that the child is not injured. If necessary, you can open the structure with transparent varnish. Just pay attention to whether it can be used for children's furniture.

drawings of the crib for dolls

So, before you get started, prepare the necessary template. Next, lay out the elements on a tree or plywood sheet and draw a simple pencil around the outline. Learn that the shape of the sides or backs can be different. In addition, all parts may be uneven in height, which will make your design original and unusual.

Now carefully cut out all the necessary parts with a jigsaw. To connect them, you can use staples, nails and screws. For a more firm fixation of the parts of the crib, additionally coat the joints with glue. Before this, they need to be sanded with sandpaper.

After the design is assembled, you can proceed to its decoration. On the backs or sides, you should draw or cut out any pattern. To do this, oil paint is used, which, after drying, is opened with a colorless varnish. In addition, in stores today you can find a huge number of different stickers.

Useful Tips

It is desirable that the crib for the doll (wooden) is made of coniferous species. There should be no burrs or any other flaws on the parts. Additionally, you can make small drawers under the doll’s bedding, which will be hidden under the structure. Thus, all the things your pet’s favorite will be streamlined.

how to make a crib for a doll

Do not be afraid to involve your children in the process. They will not only be able to decorate furniture as they like, but will gradually become accustomed to work, as well as appreciate the result. That's all. Good luck


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