Tubular mushrooms

Among edible mushrooms, tubular and lamellar mushrooms are divided. Especially collected and popular are tubular mushrooms. What are they remarkable for, and which of the mushrooms are tubular?

You can recognize tubular mushrooms by their hats. Their lower part resembles a sponge, which consists of numerous tubes. In these tubes, the spores ripen with which they multiply. The most famous tubular mushrooms are porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, oak. There are no poisonous and dangerous mushrooms in this group, with the exception of the satanic mushroom, which resembles a white mushroom . True, cases of poisoning are still not known to them.

The tubular mushrooms, in turn, are divided into ceps, these are boletus, and black mushrooms are all the other tubular mushrooms. All the โ€œblackโ€ tubular mushrooms darken when dried, only the boletus remains white, for which it is called the โ€œwhite mushroomโ€.

Most tubular mushrooms have nutritious and beneficial properties. They contain protein, vitamins and minerals. In many ways, the most valuable of them come close in nutrition to meat, and in terms of the amount of vitamins they are often ahead of vegetables and fruits, while playing a huge role in strengthening immunity. Edible tubular mushrooms are great for frying, soups and pickling. Old tubular mushrooms are less valuable in the presence of useful substances; during cooking, they can acquire a jelly-like consistency.

In lamellar fungi, the spore-bearing layer is also located at the bottom of the cap, but it looks like plates, not tubes. Among the lamellar mushrooms are found inedible, as well as mushrooms containing milky juice. Famous chanterelles, mushrooms, mushrooms, champignons can serve as an example of lamellar mushrooms.

The most popular tubular mushrooms

White mushroom
White mushroom also has the name boletus. He is one of the most valuable mushrooms. It grows throughout Russia from June to October, most often in groups, sometimes it happens that 10-20 pieces each. The cap shape in young mushrooms is hemispherical, and with age it flattenes. The diameter of the hat can reach 25 cm. The color of the hat can vary from white to dark brown, it depends on the type of forest in which they grow. In deciduous forests, they have light heads; in pine forests, they are dark brown.

Dubovik is the second most valuable after boletus. Duboviks have large hats (up to 20 cm in diameter), the shape of the hat is hemispherical. The color may be tan or taupe. The stalk is thick, 5-12 cm high. More often the fungus can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, not far from lindens and oaks. They appear stably in late August to late September. When broken, their flesh turns blue.

Aspen (boletus, red mushroom) grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, even in the tundra, often in groups. Aspen trees do not necessarily grow under aspen trees; they can also be found under many other trees. The hat can reach 30 cm in diameter, color - red, white, orange. Leg length - up to 20 cm. Leg color - white with oblong scales. When cut, the flesh acquires a purple-black color. If you cook soup from them - the broth becomes darker.

It is found in birch and mixed forests. The young boletus is too reminiscent of boletus, except that the black scales on the leg give out differences. With age, the difference becomes more noticeable. When picking mushrooms from boletus, the leg is cut off no more than 3 cm from the cap.

Flywheels grow from June to October on almost the entire territory of our country. The cap of the young mushroom is convex, then becomes pillow-shaped, 12 cm in diameter. The color of the hat is yellow-olive. The length of the legs can reach up to 8 cm. The pulp is weak, light in color.

Mushrooms more often grow in groups, in pine forests, in clearings and near trails. The diameter of the hat reaches 10 cm, the shape is convex, the color is brownish-brown, gray-yellow or yellow. The length of the leg is up to 8 cm, while the upper part of the leg is dotted with small warts. In young mushrooms, the bonding of the cap with the leg is covered with a white film, which then breaks to form a ring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4479/

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