Does a child under 14 need a passport? Documents and Features

More and more adults are wondering if a child needs a passport. This document plays an important role for every person. After all, without it you will not be able to leave the country. So is it necessary to issue a foreign passport to minors? And what is needed for this? Answers to these questions will be given below. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.


Does a child need a passport up to a year? Not unless parents plan to travel with their newborn. This is a normal occurrence. But what about older children? Or in cases in which parents want to travel with the baby?

Does the child need a passport

It’s impossible to answer unequivocally. Under certain circumstances, even newborns must be issued a passport. And sometimes this procedure is not required. What are the scenarios in practice? What determines the answer to the question?

Types of Foreign Passports

From the type of foreign ID. Does the child need a passport? It all depends on what type of document is held by the parents of the minor. Also, the age of the child plays an important role.

Today in Russia there are the following foreign passports:

  • old style;
  • biometric (new sample).

In the first case, a document is produced according to the type of civil passport. It contains information about the citizen and the composition of his family. Therefore, thinking about whether a child under the age of 14 needs a passport, it is safe to say that there is no need for it. Parents are able to enter data on children in their old-style passports and travel with minors.

If the parents have biometric "passports", then even a newborn will have to order a separate foreign passport. The thing is that in the document of the new sample there is no column reserved for recording minor children. Does the child need a passport (2 years old baby or more) in this case? Yes. And getting it is not as difficult as it seems. But more on that later.

Does a child need a passport up to a year

Age and documents

Does the child need a passport? A separate document for minors under 14 years of age is not produced if the parents have an “old-fashioned” standard. When it comes to biometric passports, then regardless of the age of the child will have to draw up a separate document for him to travel abroad. But that’s not all there is to know.

All minors after 14 years must have a personal passport. It does not matter what documents the parents have. By law, children after the specified age are required to obtain a separate civil and foreign passport.

Record to parents - is it necessary?

Is it necessary to enter the child in the passport? Each parent decides for himself. On the one hand, a record of a minor child in a passport is an excuse to exempt from the need to produce a separate foreign document. On the other hand, the baby will not always be able to travel abroad.

The thing is that in the absence of a foreign passport from a minor, he will be able to leave the Russian Federation only accompanied by his parents. But only on condition that the corresponding entries are in the passports of legal representatives.

Do I need to enter the child in the passport

This means that it is better to enter data on children in the passport of the parents. This technique greatly facilitates life. If the legal representatives have biometric documents, you will have to issue a separate passport for the child without fail. No alternative solutions are provided here.

Where to draw up

Does the child need a passport? As we have already found out, the situation is mixed. Most often, parents prefer to issue separate foreign passports to minors. So children can travel without parents. Less and less common are records in the "foreign countries" of parents about minors. This is due to the transition to biometric passports. But so far, a similar scenario is not ruled out.

Where to apply for a foreign passport for a child or enter data in a parent's passport? Here, too, there is no single answer. Modern citizens can bring ideas to life in several organizations.


  • at the MFC;
  • in the FMS;
  • in the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • through the public service portal.

In all these institutions, you can both issue a passport and enter data on children in the documents of parents. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

Do I need a passport for children under 14

Clearance process

Do children need a foreign passport to Turkey? Yes. The exception is cases in which parents use old-style passports and minors are not yet 14 years old.

How to arrange the studied paper? The procedure is extremely simple. Namely:

  1. Collect the documents necessary for a children's passport or for entering data on minor children. A complete list of them will be presented later.
  2. To write an application. To do this, you need to fill out the form in the established form. It is written on behalf of the legal representatives of the minor.
  3. Pay the state duty for the operation. Depending on the selected action, the amount of payment will vary.
  4. Submit documents with an application to one of the listed authorities.
  5. Wait until the passport is ready and pick it up at the appointed time.

Nothing more is needed. You may notice that everything is much simpler than it might seem.

Production time

Do children under 14 years old need a passport? It is advisable to have this document. It will greatly facilitate the life of both children and their parents. But under certain circumstances, you can do without a separate “abroad”. This is a normal, though by no means the most common occurrence.

Do children need a foreign passport to Turkey

How long to wait for a document to be ready? A lot depends on where exactly the citizen addresses. So, you need to focus on the following time frames:

  • 1 month - production of a foreign passport when applying to the institution by registration;
  • 4 months - in other cases;
  • up to 3 days - if there are good reasons;
  • several weeks (up to a month) - entering data on children in the foreign passport of the parent.

It is precisely such terms that take place in practice. A foreign passport will be made in 3 months, if we are talking about a person who has information about state secrets. But in the case of children, this scenario is not relevant.

Documents for a foreign passport

Does the child need a passport? It is desirable to have every citizen. Especially if he plans to travel soon.

What documents will be required for a child to apply for a passport? They are not very many. Among the requested papers, there are:

  • application form;
  • photos (3 pieces, in color);
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of registration;
  • citizenship insert (if any);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • passports of parents.

All documents (except for the questionnaire and photo) are provided with copies. There is no need to certify them.

Does a child need a passport 2 years

Documents for registration with parents

Does a child under 14 need a passport? If the parents do not have biometric passports, then the document is often simply not necessary. You can simply enter data about the children in the "abroad" of the parents.

The following papers will be required for this:

  • statement of the established form;
  • birth certificate;
  • international passport;
  • documents for registration in the Russian Federation;
  • insert with the citizenship of the child ;
  • duty payment document;
  • photos of the child;
  • passports of legal representatives.

It should be noted that in the manufacture of an old passport, you can immediately enter data on minors in the document of the legal representative. To do this, you need to fill out a special application to the questionnaire.


Now it’s clear whether the child needs a passport. How much does it cost to make a passport abroad for a minor? And how much does it cost to enter information about minors in the “foreign countries” of parents?

Does a child under 14 need a passport

To date, the following rates for the service under study have been established in Russia:

  • 500 rubles - entering data on 1 child in the foreign passport of the parent;
  • 1,500 rubles - biometric passport;
  • 1,000 rubles - an old-style foreign passport.

These restrictions are relevant in 2017. No further fees are provided.

Important: if you need to enter data on the parent's passport about several underage children, you will have to submit several applications and pay a fee for each baby. Such rules are valid in Russia to this day. They will have to be taken into account when contacting one or another authority.

Now it’s clear whether the child needs a passport. Experts recommend completing this document as soon as possible. It will greatly facilitate travel and life in general.


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