How to create an LLC: consider the problem

LLC - this is the most common legal form. It gives founders many of the benefits of doing business. Which ones? The main reason is that their liability is limited (this is clear even from the name). The bottom line is that participants incur losses solely within the limits of their contributions, so that in case of serious problems their personal property should not be harmed.

how to create ooo

What do you need to open an LLC? Not so much. The good news is that the authorized capital of a given company can be only ten thousand rubles. By the way, when registering, it can only be entered in half. It is time to consider everything in detail.

How to create an LLC in Russia

To begin with, the founder can be one or there can be several. We also note that along with ordinary citizens, legal entities can also be founders. Exception - LLC cannot create a single founder, which is a legal entity that also has only one founder.

how to create a llc in russia

How to create an LLC? The decision to create. It is logged. Next, you need to worry about the legal address. What it is? This is the place where the company will be located in the future. According to it, registration will be carried out, as well as further tax registration. How to get it? You will have to rent a room, and upon registration, present a lease. Another option is to receive a letter of guarantee, that is, a document that confirms that immediately after registration, a lease for the premises located at a specific address will be concluded. Often, modern LLCs use fictitious legal addresses when registering . The place exists, but the company is located in another place. The blame for the gaps in the law. Note that it is better not to joke with this.

How to create an LLC? A package of documents is submitted to the tax, which? in addition to information about the legal address? contains the minutes of the meeting at which the decision was made, the charter and the memorandum of association (if any), information about the payment of the fee, contribution of the charter capital, the selected OKVED codes, information about the leaders, as well as about the other participants of the newly created company.

What do you need to open ooo

You should not expect that everything will end soon enough. The process may be delayed due to errors. Many entrepreneurs who register an LLC themselves are not always able to solve the problems that arise during this process. Turning to a lawyer is a smart move that can save you money, time and nerves.

How to create an LLC? It will be considered created after making a certain entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It will exist until this record is deleted.

How to create an LLC and what to do after its creation? It is necessary immediately (and it is better, of course, to do it in advance) to prepare a seal that meets certain requirements and establish cooperation with all kinds of funds. We recommend that you act without delay, as otherwise fines may be imposed.


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