Dog combs: how to choose

Today you can buy almost any brush, scallop or other device in the pet store that allows for quality care for the dog’s hair. However, many inexperienced owners of a four-legged friend make many mistakes, making the wrong choice. Many do not even realize that dog combs should match the type of pet's coat.

dog combs

A few care rules

Dog owners should have each owner of a four-legged friend. However, such a tool must be able to use. Improper care can adversely affect the coat of the animal. Here are a few rules:

  1. Do not scratch dirty or dry coat. She will break. In this case, skin irritation may appear. Before the procedure, slightly moisten the hair of the animal. Water can be diluted with air conditioning.
  2. Do not comb your pet immediately after bathing. A dog comb can deform the hairs and stretch them out easily.

dog comb furminator

Slicker, or slicker

Such combs for dogs, photos of which can be seen above, are popular not only among dog breeders, but also among cat owners. Not everyone knows not only how to choose this tool, but also how to use it. There are several main criteria that you should pay attention to when buying a slip:

  1. The teeth should not be too soft or firmly attached to the base. In addition, the tool should not scratch the skin.
  2. The length of the teeth must be selected in accordance with the length of the coat. The tool should reach the skin.
  3. There should be no balls at the end of the teeth. This will only hurt the coat more.

Features slicker

Such dog combs can be used while drying animal hair. As a result, the hairline in the future does not stray so much. Slicker allows you to quickly comb out leaves and twigs after a walk.

Similar ridges come in different lengths. At the same time, the slicker can be with or without a handle. The distance between the teeth can also be different. A quality tool should comb hair well without scratching the skin. The teeth of the slicker should be flexible, smooth and strong enough, as well as with slightly narrowed tips. There are certain selection criteria. If the pet's hair is long and thick, then you need to choose a comb with long teeth. There should also be a large distance between them. Otherwise, the coat will be injured.

comb for dogs photo

These combs are used for dogs mainly for laying wool when drying with a hairdryer. They are also used to break up clumps of lumps, as well as to comb out the undercoat.

Dog Comb: Furminator

This tool is simply indispensable for those whose pet has a moderate length of coat or is very short. It usually takes up to 4 days to remove dead hair with a conventional tool. This is a rather laborious process. And the usual comb for dogs does not always cope with this task. The finisher allows you to remove up to 90% of dead hairs in one session. In the instructions, manufacturers usually indicate not only how to use such a comb, but also how often to carry out the procedure. The manufacturer recommends using a furminator only a few times a week. In this case, the procedure should last about 20 minutes. Many owners are shocked by the amount of wool collected by the tool. Do not be scared.

However, it should be noted that the dog comb is a furminator, reviews of which are mostly positive, is not suitable for processing during the molting period of dogs that have very thick hair. Also, do not use this device for those whose pet belongs to a low-shedding breed, for example, maltese, shih tzu or a poodle.

dog comb furminator reviews


This tool should not be used by beginners. Such a comb requires some experience. If you do not know how to use Koltunorezom, then you should not start. With inept use, you can severely injure the skin of the animal. If the pet has tangles, then you should contact the specialists who will help to remove them by ordinary haircuts or disassemble. Be careful when choosing tools for grooming dogs.


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