How to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse: fertilizing, watering, lamps for greenhouses

It is generally accepted that for any vegetable and in general the plant has its own list of the most favorable regions for growth. This is true, because development is provided by quite clear factors, among which climatic and soil. However, this does not mean at all that the planting of certain crops should be limited. If we are talking about cold regions, in order for the tomatoes to turn red faster and gain nutrients, the first thing to do is cut the leaves close to the fruits and organize plentiful watering. However, if we are talking about large landing volumes, it will not be out of place to use other, rather strategic, methods of accelerating growth.

how to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomato Fertilizers

From the point of view of development and maturation, top dressing during the growing season is very important. A few top dressings should be done, and the first should be done within 20 days from the moment of transplanting. It must be said right away that the total ripening time of tomatoes in the greenhouse is about 40-45 days. So, what should be in the composition of top dressing? Experienced gardeners in 10 liters of water mix nitrofoska with a dose of 1 tbsp. l To the resulting mixture should be added another 0.5 l of mullein in liquid form.

The second top dressing is done at the rate of 1 liter per bush after 10 days. But in this case, the solution will have a different composition. So, for 10 liters of water should use 1 tbsp. l full specialized fertilizer for growth and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate. After another two weeks, a third final dressing is carried out, in which wood ash is also used. For beginners who do not know how to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse, in order to illustrate the effect, it is worth recommending liquid sodium humate and superphosphate. The inclusion of these components will provide a pronounced tomato filling in a short time and give it the necessary set of nutrients.

to make tomatoes blush faster


Folk recipes for increasing yields and accelerating growth are not always effective, therefore, despite the high cost of specialized preparations and fertilizers, many summer residents and farmers still rely on factory agricultural products as a source of nutrition. Nevertheless, many note the effectiveness of ethyl alcohol as a stimulator of the development process of some vegetables. For example, if 0.5 ml of alcohol is introduced into green fruits, then ripening will end in two weeks. In this case, the time of feeding a tomato in a greenhouse in this case may coincide with the period of the second basic nutrition - that is, 20 days after planting. The advantages of this method include the fact that the chemical composition of tomato juice practically does not change and, at least, retains the main nutrients.

Shoot removal

After about three weeks, you can start the so-called bush optimization. That is, pruning inflorescences, stepsons, buds and leaves. However, this should be done very carefully and as the bush approaches maturation. First of all, remove the leaves located in the lower and middle parts. The nutrition that goes to them will bring more benefits directly to the fruits. Two weeks before the time of ripening, which should be guided by based on previous experience, you can do inflorescences and new fruits that have formed. Unfortunately, in the question of how to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse, one cannot do without removing young and, as it might seem, promising fruits. But it is important to understand that they simply will not be able to fully develop.

Watering Rules

lamps for greenhouses

It has already been noted that the key to the rapid ripening of tomatoes is watering. At the same time, abundant watering does not at all mean frequent, in other words, you need to irrigate the bushes rarely, but fully. Several rules should be followed, this will prevent the possible negative consequences of the procedure. Firstly, the simplest answer to the question of how to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse is to use warm and clean water for irrigation. Use of an irrigation hose is not recommended. Water carefully flows purposefully under the root system. Secondly, this action should be performed in the late afternoon, when the sun will diminish its light. This is due to the fact that drops will inevitably fall on the leaves or stem. Through the light-increasing drops, the effect of ultraviolet radiation, which can cause burns, is enhanced.

Artificial lighting

It cannot be said that sunlight is completely unsuitable for growing tomatoes, but it is difficult to regulate it in a greenhouse. Therefore, in the organization of light supply, the main attention will be paid to artificial means. In particular, greenhouse lamps on LED elements are advantageous in terms of operation and maintenance. They require the least energy, but at the same time provide exactly the spectrum in which a tomato can develop rapidly.

ripening time of tomatoes in a greenhouse

A deeper analysis in the selection of a suitable light source also includes an assessment of the heat parameters of the device and the latitude of the color range. In any case, so that the tomatoes blush faster, it is important to use lamps with a full range, including red, yellow and purple shades.

Moisture Stimulation

At the end of August, it is worth performing an operation that will reduce the amount of nutrients and moisture. At this point, the fruits should have time to pour. There are many ways to do this. For example, in stems of 10-centimeter height, using a sharp knife, you can make through longitudinal cuts with a length of 8-9 cm. To prevent further gap closure, you can insert wood plates into them. Also, to ensure the rapid ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse on the last days of growth, you can by gently twisting the stem or strapping it with wire at a height of 3-4 cm.


rapid ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

In the northern regions, one can hardly count on getting bright, fleshy and juicy tomatoes. The only means of forming tomatoes more or less suitable for gastronomic needs is ripening. This is a special process, in some way, the ripening of the vegetable, which brings its taste, nutritious and aromatic qualities to a certain level, which, however, can not always be called optimal. Now you can understand the question of how to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse through ripening. A prerequisite for storage is maintaining a temperature of about 25 ° C. The humidity coefficient can be 50-60%. The storage period is about a week.


feeding tomato in the greenhouse

The latest technological devices, coupled with folk remedies, allow even in adverse climatic conditions to grow vegetables that are suitable in quality. LED lamps for greenhouses with optimal thermal effect, and bait with enriched nutritional compositions, as well as proper watering and generally delicate handling of the plant help in this matter. It should be noted that the atmosphere in the greenhouse itself also affects the maturation rate. Regardless of crop requirements, many farmers recommend paying special attention to temperature conditions and ventilation systems.


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