Fighting dogs: photos and names

Dog fighting is a very dangerous competition, the participants of which can only be specially trained dogs. This brutal β€œsport” gained particular popularity at the beginning of the 18th century. Subsequently, it was officially banned in almost all countries. But as a reminder of its existence, there were fighting dog breeds, the names and descriptions of which will be presented in today's article.

Neapolitan Mastiff

These huge animals take pride of place in the list of fighting breeds. Their ancestors are considered ancient dogs belonging to the Molossian. The first mention of dogs, vaguely reminiscent of modern mastiffs, is found in documents dated to the times of the Roman Empire. Then they were dressed in metal armor and used for battles. Often these formidable animals were direct participants in the spectacles that took place in ancient Roman arenas. Today they are turned on exclusively for protection or as companions.

The Neapolitan mastiff is a rather large fighting dog with a powerful skeleton and well-developed muscles. The height of the adult is 60-75 cm with a weight of 50-70 kg. On a massive head with strong jaws, fleshy lips and saggy eyelids, slightly deepened eyes and cropped ears are located. A relatively short and muscular neck smoothly passes into a well-defined withers, wide back, smooth lower back and slightly sloping croup, ending with the base of the tail. The entire body of the animal is covered with thick, folded skin with short, stiff hair. As for the color, the standard allows gray-blue, hazel, black, fawn, brown, isabella and red with a small white markings on the chest and fingertips.

fighting dogs

These massive fighting dogs are characterized by a balanced and phlegmatic temperament. But, despite the natural slowness, they are able to instantly attack the enemy. They are extremely loyal to their owners and, with proper education, can become excellent companions.

Tosa Inu

These animals were bred in Japan and are considered a national treasure of this state. For several centuries, they were specially trained in bloodless battles. But today they are turned on as guards or companions.

Tosa Inu - powerful fighting dogs, photos of which will be presented in this article. The average height of an adult is 75 cm and weighs about 70 kg. On the massive wrinkled head of typical representatives of this breed, there are drooping ears and small dark eyes. Under the powerful body with a wide chest are long muscular limbs. The whole body of these beautiful animals is covered with thick plain wool.

fighting dog breeds

Tosa Inu are patient in nature. They are very devoted to their master and members of his family. With proper upbringing, good companions, security guards, search engines or rescuers grow out of them. They need long walks and regular mental and physical exertion.

Ca de bo

This is another not very common fighting dog, the name of which many have never heard until today. She was bred in Spain specifically for the bullfight.

Ca de bou are powerful animals with a moderately stretched body, a massive Molossian skeleton, well-developed chest, strong neck and broad shoulders. However, they can not boast of large growth. The height of an adult does not exceed 58 cm with a weight of about 40 kg. On the broad dog head with strong jaws and a cone-shaped muzzle there are expressive dark eyes and small triangular ears. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with dense thick skin with short stiff hair of tiger, red, fawn or black color.

photo of fighting dogs

Despite the frightening appearance, ca de bou are distinguished by a gentle balanced disposition. They do not show causeless aggression against a person, but when there is a clear threat, they turn into ferocious defenders. These animals lend themselves well to training and get along well with children.

Great Canary

This breed has a very ancient history. She was on the verge of extinction several times and was reborn only thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts. This fighting dog, the photo of which can be seen just below, has a very frightening appearance. A well-balanced, slightly elongated body with a straight back and a rounded, wide croup is covered with short, hard coat of tiger or fawn color. Under it are even, perfectly folded limbs with rounded fingers. On the broad, rather massive head of the Canary Dog there are dark oval eyes and cropped ears.

names of fighting dogs

Despite the serious appearance, representatives of this breed are endowed with a balanced and completely non-aggressive disposition. They are loyal to their owners and distrustful of outsiders. With proper upbringing and strict discipline from a little puppy you get a great guard and a faithful companion.

Bull terrier

This adroit, strong and hardy fighting dog breed, the photo of which will be presented a little later, was bred in the 19th century. Among their ancestors are bulldogs, terriers, collies, greyhounds and Dalmatians. Initially, they were used to participate in dog battles and as rat-catchers.

Bull Terrier is a harmonious, muscular dog with a strong skeleton of an elongated egg-shaped head. The whole body of the animal is covered with short, tight-fitting wool of deer brown, red, red, tiger, black, white and three-color.

names of fighting breeds of dogs

As for the character, these are quite peculiar dogs. They perfectly combine a formidable appearance and a gentle cheerful disposition. They are very playful, cheerful and friendly. Bull terriers get along well with other pets, but when there is a clear threat, they can attack their fellow tribesman. They need strict education, long walks and regular physical exertion.

American Pit Bull Terrier

This fighting breed of dogs managed to win the bad fame of aggressive dogs. Despite this, they are often turned on as companions and pets. Chunky, agile and muscular pit bulls are not gigantic in size. The height of an adult is 43-47 cm. On a wide head with powerful jaws and a flat forehead there are dark oval eyes and triangular ears hanging on the cartilage, which often stop in puppyhood. Under a compact square body with rounded ribs, elongated sloping croup and a deep chest, parallel limbs are located. The whole body of the dog is covered with stiff, short hair of tiger, spotted or plain color.

photo of fighting dog breeds

As for the character, professional breeders conduct a strict selection according to such parameters as the absence of aggression towards a person and the stability of the psyche. Thanks to their work, the modern pit bull is a cheerful, good-natured and agile dog that can be trained well.

Alano Espanyol

This is one of the oldest guard and fighting dogs. She was used to participate in bullfighting. When this type of entertainment was banned, the breed ceased to be in demand and almost disappeared. But at the end of the 20th century, a group of enthusiasts managed to restore the livestock of Spanish bulldogs and today they are increasingly being wound up to protect country houses.

pictures of fighting dogs

Alano Espanyol is an athletically built, strong dog with a slender lean body, wide chest and long muscular limbs. The height of an adult is 55-60 cm with a weight of 35-40 kg. On the square massive head of the animal there are cropped ears and small eyes of brown or yellow hue. The whole body of the Spanish Bulldog is covered with short thick hair of gray, straw, red or black color.

Brindis Fighting Dog

These animals appeared as a result of crossing a pit bull, a Rottweiler and a Cane Corso. They are still not recognized by any cynological organization and do not have an officially approved standard.

These powerful dogs were bred as furious fighters and ferocious watchmen, therefore they are unsuitable for living in a family and cannot fulfill the functions of a companion. Representatives of this unregistered breed need serious training and early socialization.


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